He came in, threw his keys and phone on the coffee table and sat down in a huff. “What’s the matter, son?” I asked He just grumbled an incoherent answer. “Want to talk about it?” “No.” “Do you want me to get you something to drink?” He mumbled again so I poured him a small glass of vodka and poured myself one as well. “You ready to talk about it now?” I asked as soon as he downed his drink. “Just a bad day at work,” he replied. “My boss is a bitch, I got into a fight with a coworker, and we lost a client. “ He head his head on my shoulder and I patted his thigh. “Want mama to… 阅读更多内容
QUICKIE IN THE KITCHEN My brother and sister-in-law were over for dinner. We were just waiting on my husband to come home so we could get started on grilling the steaks. We were sitting in the living room, just chatting when I realized we had emptied the bottle of wine I opened earlier. “I’ll be right back,” I said, grabbing the empty bottle and heading to the kitchen. I opened the cabinet to find that there was only one bottle left. Shit! I could have sworn that there were a couple more bottles in there… “Hey, Jon, “ I hollered from the kitchen, “we’re almost out of wine. Do you mind… 阅读更多内容
In the woods
It was an unusually warm fall day and some friends and I decided to take advantage of the weather and have a picnic. We drove around in the mountains until we found a nice spot to stop and eat. But we found a nice spot where we spread out our blankets and settled in to eat. After a good size meal and a couple bottles of wine split between the 4 of us I decided I needed to get up and take a bit of a walk. I had taken off on my own. I’d been out hiking here hundreds of times and I knew my way around so I wasn’t worried about getting lost. I knew there was a river near by and the crumbling fou… 阅读更多内容
A Night Out
I was standing at the bar waiting for the next round of drinks when I spotted him across the bar. He was cute. Not my usual type, but still good-looking. We made eye contact and he smiled at me so I smiled back. The bartender momentarily blocked my view when she handed me the round of drinks. I reached for my wallet to pay when she stopped me. “No need. The gentleman across the bar paid for your drinks.” She gestured to the man I had just made eye contact with. I gave him a wave and took the round of drinks elbowing my way through the crowd back to the table I was sharing with my girlfriends… 阅读更多内容
Road Trip
The rain was coming down in sheets. I could barely see the road in front of the car. “I don’t think we can go much further in this weather,” I said. “Do you want me to drive?” my brother asked from the passenger seat. We were on our way home after spending the long weekend with our parents and thought it would be easier to just take one car. The drive is usually about 3 hours but thanks to the weather we had been on the road for over 5. “No. I think we should just pull over at the next exit.” He agreed. There was a small rundown motel. They only had one room, but it was clean, so we… 阅读更多内容
My phone buzzed and I picked it up to see a text from my friend Kate, “Bored. Let’s get a drink?” “I need a ride. Let me ask Mitch.” I replied and got up to go find my brother. I found him in his usual spot, sitting in front of the TV playing video games. “Hey. Katie wants to go out. Can you give me a ride to her place?” “No. I’m busy.” “Well can I borrow your car? I promise not to scratch it.” “Hell no!” He didn’t even look up from his game. “Come on! I’ll owe you one.” “I said no. I’m tired and I don’t feel like going anywhere.” I could tell he wasn’t going to budge… 阅读更多内容
All of the stories that I post on here are totally original and my own (although they may be posted on more than one site). All stories are also FANTASY and have only happened either in my imagination or between consenting adults all of whom were over the age of 18 at the time.… 阅读更多内容
We're sitting on the couch drinking wine and kissing. As the kissing gets more intense he starts running his fingers over my breasts and kissing my neck. I'm running my fingers through his hair encouraging him. Slowly I run my fingers down his arm and gently place his hand on my thigh under my skirt to let him know that it's OK to go further. He pushes me back so that he is half laying on top of me, still kissing my neck and probing under my panties. I reach down and stroke him through his pants, and start working on unfastening his belt. Once I've freed him from his pants I close my finger… 阅读更多内容