I need to swallow someones cum I need to be throat fucked used like a cucky bitch I need a hot hard throbbing cock deep in my wife then in me. This social distancing sucks, which is what i want to do so fucking bad.I would lick your balls as you drill my wife to a squirting orgasm over and over again. Then would clean you both your cock covered in my wifes and your juices I would lick you clean and hard again I hope!… 阅读更多内容
Well I am an official CUCKOLD!
This story is true the names will remain the same to charge the guilty, there I was Thursday morning shaving thinking of my wife's new bull meeting us. My thoughts of the last meeting fresh in my head, so I shaved made sure to clean the sink so it was spotless for the impending meeting after I returned home from work. As I normally do I showered shaved and scurried out to my car to make it on time to work. I have a hard day starts with a delay of an hour and a half, the rest of the morning is normal except my banter with my wife about our pending afternoon. She always text me back after I text… 阅读更多内容
I wonder?
I wonder if the bull realizes what the cuck and his hot wife go thru to make him feel welcome, we make sure your first meet is the best we clean our house and the wife primps her self all day for your presence. I being the cuck have to make my throat ready for such a large cock and such a huge load! My wife has to make sure her pussy is clean and ready to accept such a massive cock! I will have to clean her for the bulls second and third load, fluffing is always in order and if the wife doesn't want it in the ass cucky will be that slave too!… 阅读更多内容
If your married?
If you are married and your spouse approves of your debauchery, you are welcome to play with us. But if your on here cheating on your spouse and want to get busy with us It won't happen and you will be blocked!… 阅读更多内容
Took Monday off!!
Well I took today off for a few reasons one recovering from the bosses trying to kill me last week, dam near ended up in the Hospital again. Two the wife and I had a big fight Sunday and I needed to make it up to her. So the day started just like most we talk laugh kiss each other then go our seperate ways! Me I my room her outside or on the couch playing games on her phone. So as the morning progressed I hit xhamster chatted up a member looked at some porn cause I am a guy and usually horny, unlike my wife! Anyway a member texted me who had been over with us before wanting to let me know his… 阅读更多内容
Ok going to give it one more shot!
XHAMSTER Gonna give your members one more shot but they fuck us over one more time I will leave and not return!… 阅读更多内容
The search for the perfect bull Continues?
Hence the ? Why is is so hard to find someone that want's to fuck my wife let me lick the cum off your dick and clean her freshly fucked pussy. And be a regular or steady??? Also we don't always have to fuck we can hang out or catch some dinner or a movie and be friends too? Just hard to say yeah friends with benefits ??? I shake my head!!!!… 阅读更多内容
Hell I am ready to get the fuck off this site you people are fucked in the head what part of NO ANAL AND NO PAIN DON'T YOU FUCKS GET!!… 阅读更多内容
How fucking hard is it to commit?
Either you want to fuck my wife or you don't if you don't then don't bother talking with us it is that simple. We are real people we have feelings. It is like pulling a tooth your lucky if you get the whole thing, people be real be true if your interested we will be in contact if not don't bother!!!!!… 阅读更多内容
Why would you call my wife a slut or a whore?
My wife is the most prudish woman alive when you say those words she cringes!! My wife isn't what you think she doesn't want to fuck anyone other than me! I try hard to make her feel like she needs a good fucking! But she has her own cycle of horny!! Please respect this I give my number to those that have a chance with Cindy!!… 阅读更多内容