The Aunt IIII

she was a experienced woman. meanwhile she knew about my sexuall curiosity. I had grown. still did jerkoff and still liked to watch between the legs ;-) in another summer day as my aunt visit us, her sohn, my cousin was also with. we had fun and after the lunch, as usuall, we had a nap! That room was separated with a glass wall to the kitchen. a window was between the wall and it was allways open. my mom was there and washed the dishes. all the time i wanted to know where my aunt is! she went to the kitchen and started to talk with my mom, and had a look trough the window. my… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stillvoyeur 11 年 前

Aunt Alison

It was the morning of December 21 as Chad Nichols and his family prepared for the arrival of his aunt, Alison. Alison was his father's sister whom Chad hadn't seen in twelve years, when he was only six years old. Even though she was his aunt, she was only eight years older than him. When he was a baby, she treated him more like her own k** than just a nephew. Alison hadn't seen her brother and his family in many years, ever since she and her parents moved across the country to Oregon. This Christmas though was very special. Alison's father, Chad's grandfather, had passed away over t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 samsteven 12 年 前

Serving a black bbw - part 2

I arrived promptly at 7 that night, I was very horny but my expectations were of oral servitude... I loved it but ached for more, oh so much more. She greeted me and we entered her dining room, there were several places set at the table, 8 to be exact. She told me she was hosting a dinner party, and I was to be her boyfriend for the evening. The guest arrived, all couples about our age. We chatted, I was introduced and other than being VERY attentive to her needs noone would ever guess our dynamic. It was a pleasant few hours, and I was proud that she presented me as her boyfriend to the wo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Casually_kinky 8 年 前

Virgin cock gets fucked my mature women

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发表者 jameswantspussy 12 年 前


IS THERE ANY METHOD TO MY MADNESS ABOUT THIS??? Nope!!!!!!! I have the hardest and deepest passion for older black women.It aint gone ever stop and I mean theres no end game in sight.I cant be reason with,negotiated,bullied,or threatened into not liking these type of women.This part of me is on for LIFE.Its in my blood...Some jump on the train and just want the experience of a older woman.Its more than that with me!!!!! I mean these older women do sumthin to me and touch sumthin in me that cant be explain in words.When I Fuck older women I get high...My dick gets hard on another level th… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ahaha 10 年 前 24