
Mucha gente te ve pero nadie lo hace como yo lo hago .... Para en las sombras de tu luz , te voy a esperar , te necesito..... Necesito tu luz no puedo escapar te vengo amando desde siempre estimándote , adorándote , esperándote , deseándote, sintiéndote , viviéndote, acompañándote , exaltándote , no puedo seguir sin vos y todo esto te lo escribo.... todavia podria decir mas si pudiera transmitir con palabras con este mensaje no quiero mostrar mi dolor estas pocas lineas que te envio son para, tan solo, decirte ....... TE AMO .. Esta noche... estas palabras iran a vos, rezo para que las sepas e… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 月 前 8


You have given your final apologies, you have reached your final depths. The deepest holes Taking steps to the side you passed through the world You chose to leave the fear You are trapped in a world of obstacles This time is real This time is for reality This world It is the path of evil The pain that I hide Let's make this happen.. Left with shame Will anyone out there blame me? Someone... Show me that it is very far from seeing What God made of us Tell me what is a dream Was it made to be this way?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 1 年 前 4

Nunca es tarde para reescribir tu vida!

“Hasta que el inconsciente no se haga consciente, el subconsciente dirigirá tu vida, y tú le llamarás destino”. Carl Jung.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Magicallywhich 1 年 前 7

A broken dream

Here I am waiting , sighing here , all that I have lost can it be mine again ? Here I am without hope, with innocent eyes, if I could rebuild everything I lost... stolen by the waves, I am broken against the wind, forgiving in silence and resigned in absentia. A distant dream is somewhere, could it be mine?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 年 前 6

A baby lying in his crib

Imagine an infant lying in its cradle and the window is open, and into the room comes something, marvelous, mysterious, glittering, shedding light of many colors, movement, sound, a transformative hierophany of integrated perception. The c***d is enthralled, and then the mother comes into the room and says to the c***d, "That's a bird, baby, that's a bird." Instantly the complex wave of the angel, peacock, iridescent, transformative mystery is collapsed into the word. All mystery is gone, the c***d learns this is a bird, this is a bird, and by the time we're five or six years old all the myste… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 2 年 前 1

In seclusion

I wish I was a glance of your reality white dreams have lost all their purityc see the dawn becoming so fragile (The rain of serene skies...) All is so quiet now is so silent In the weakness of light In the pale of hope White dreams have lost all purity For I won't be with you useless tears I cried for I can't be strong nor the wise chilled by the rain I wish I was a glance of your reality... at the dawn of your heaven I close my eyes...my eyes... and I see you leaving useless tears i cried see the dawn becoming so fragile all is so quiet now all is so silent let the frost hurt your eyes a rea… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 3 年 前

I want to lick her panties so baddd!!!

This post was deleted.
发表者 pnt_dd 6 年 前

solo yo

此帖仅对 Tannita 的好友可见
发表者 Tannita 4 年 前

Que es la vida?

Sueña el rey que es rey, y vive con este engaño mandando, disponiendo y gobernando; y este aplauso, que recibe prestado, en el viento escribe y en cenizas le convierte la muerte (¡desdicha fuerte!): ¡que hay quien intente reinar viendo que ha de despertar en el sueño de la muerte! Sueña el rico en su riqueza, que más cuidados le ofrece; sueña el pobre que padece su miseria y su pobreza; sueña el que a medrar empieza, sueña el que afana y pretende, sueña el que agravia y ofende, y en el mundo, en conclusión, todos sueñan lo que son, aunque ninguno lo entiende. Yo sueño que estoy aquí, destas… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Magicallywhich 2 年 前 11


Needles are piercing through my skin I'll tell you the feeling what it's like Is life just all about deception? Please don't be a part of a fairy tale, but you're so young to play with thy own will Should I trade the breath of my life for freedom? (In the rain) I'm calling you, dear (Find the way) Can't you see me standing right here? (Feel my pain) Life's bleeding from fear (Find its place) I will give it straight from my vein Needles are piercing through my skin I don't fear the fucking life This never meant I can't sit by They say as if it takes me somewhere Just let me swallow the fait… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Magicallywhich 2 年 前 3

Sea of sadness

Weakened by my despair I howl my sorrow In vain nothing could have cured my distress life has put me down i'm drowning in a sea of sadness In silence I've cried so long life has put me down i'm drowning in a sea of sadness… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 3 年 前

MASP. О кошках и драконах.

Я уже писала о том, почему в MASP девушек называют кошками и почему это такой женский тотем. Природные и естественные грация, пластика, сексуальность и красота этих животных и стали причиной выбора этого тотема. Но кошки еще и независимы, трудно дрессируемы и очень «взбалмошные и самостоятельные», в общем, кошки и женщины сестры-близнецы. Но есть и другая сторона медали. О женщине, шагающей по жизни «с широко расставленными ногами», говорят «ебливая, как кошка». И это главный мистический довод, почему именно кошка стала женским образом в MASP. Женщина выражение женского начала, энергия Вселенн… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Helga666 6 年 前 7

Por que bombas ???

por qué bombas? por qué no dialogo? hay sitio para todos por qué desesperas? por qué no disfrutas? la vida puede ser maravilhosa por qué destrozas? por qué no proteges? este mundo és tuyo porque no… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Magicallywhich 3 年 前 25

The cry of silence

Filled with sorrow... Bleak inner self touched by pride, devoured by solitude, still wrapped in time. I'm flowing with pain! Holding myself back in suspicion... and lingering in the dust... the dust of my abandoned remains. Killed with the dagger of life...! Such an exquisite pride in my suffering... alone, all alone with the emotional streams of my soul... So real, so pure... yet I'm left aside entangled in fear... without hope.I am truly left alone, but somehow... just somehow it feels like my loneliness is a victory over the self-delusion of joy... and happiness My heart beats faster, the a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 3 年 前

Silent Dances

My whole shivers as i feel my fever entwined by the wind the end of the road is near black winds, enclosing the valleys the white skies open and swallow their screams I once dreamed you could reach me In the ocean's waves now all i see is their silent dances I once dreamed we could be together In this dismal scenario but noone ever walked these shores In his mirages the loner hides his fears passively i watched the seasons pass the meadows getting dried like rusted over time,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mica_hermetica 3 年 前 1