Yes, it is cheating there should be no reason for him to look at porn if you are his girlfriend, wife of significant other why can't he look at you?… 阅读更多内容
Sucking cock everyday for 200 days for 25 Million
Same dude all the time.. NO ONE WOULD KNOW.. You're allowed to have sex with anyone you want during that time. But you will have to suck his cock everyday for 200 days..Imagine a hairy Homo Middle eastern prince. You also would have to fuck him anally..You don't need to receive. Would you do it?… 阅读更多内容
I get bored really quick when I have sex with same
but I get bored really quick when I have sex with same person repeatedly. Its not the positions, its the physical part of it. I could try 5,000,000 different positions, but Id still get bored because its the same cock that Im ridding. you get what Im saying?… 阅读更多内容