How do I describe the amount of... lust I was feeling? I was having sex with my girlfriends, normal sex, nothing worth writing about and I started craving for more. I can't be sustained with just regular old sex anymore. I stopped her and told her that I needed more. I hinted at a threesome. She agreed and I told her I could call someone up. I call the blonde and told her that my girlfriends wanted to have a threesome. She said yes and came over to my house. We took a few minutes gettingso my girlfriend could meet the blonde. Let me describe the scene. In front of me talking is my girlfriend a… 阅读更多内容
Even more new experiences!
So remember that blonde girl? I decided to try something new with her. Someone on this site suggested I should suck his cum out of someone's pussy. So, I got the blonde and drove her to my gf's b****** house. I gor her wet and horny on the way, rubbing her pussy while I drove. I got there and I told him to fuck her while I watched. He, for some reason, did not want to. I did what any sensiblr girl would do in a horny situation. I started making out with her, grabbing and spanking her skinny jean covered ass! He sure liked that, so to finally push it, I walked up to him and whispered in his ear… 阅读更多内容
Taking a break from my girlfriend.
Now I love my girlfriend. She is fucking amazing. She is one of the kinkiest girls I've ever met but it's not all about the sex sometimes. She has been a bit weird lately and we haven't fucked in a good week. This led me to do something bad. One day I went to the mall to buy girl thjngs. I'm wearing jeans, and a jacket. I get to a clothing store and I'm looking for clothes when this blonde approaches me. She looked to be around her 20's and she was wearing bright purple skinny jeans and a jacket. She had a beautiful face though and she had bangs that covered her forehead (which I am a complete… 阅读更多内容
Trying out new things
So one day I was having sex with my girlfriend as usual. I'm in between her legs eating her pussy out when something unexpected happened, her b****** came in the room. I tried to get off but my girlfriend grabbed hold of my head with her legs and the next thing I know, I'm getting penetrated by his dick! He starts fucking me hard right away and I tried to resist but it felt good so instead I continued to eat her pussy out. He kept fucking me and eventually came on my ass. He spanked my ass and said "hoped you enjoyed" and walked out! My girlfriend cleaned up his cum with a towel. Afterw… 阅读更多内容
Starting a blog!
I've decided to start a blog. I don't know why but I thought it would be fun. Well, i'll start off my first post by telling you guys about me that's not already on my profile. I'm lesbian, known since I could remember. I have a girlfriend at the moment and secretly have sex with someone else *;-) I'm a total slut. I have had a few good cocks inside me but I really stick to women. I love very kinky sex and luckily my girlfriend is extremely kinky! I'm sure I'll blog about it some other time. I love ass play. Getting licked, fingered, fucked in the ass is the quickest way to my heart and quick… 阅读更多内容