Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because it's the one time of the year anyone can dress as slutty as they want and no one says a thing. Also Halloween parties are pretty fun and I love to dress up. And that's just where I was, a Halloween party. It was at a friend's place and there were quite a few people there dancing, drinking, and having a good time. I knew a lot of people there. Coworkers, old friends, old sex pals... It wasn't big but it was fun. I was dressed up as a harlequin. I had a very tight black and red corset on and a black and red tutu on. My big ass was kind… 阅读更多内容
Apology sex
So, I have a coworker, we'll call him Jean and I pissed him off real badly the other day. I'm sure you don't care about details much but I may have accidentally got him in trouble with the boss. Yeah... I felt really bad. So I apologized to him and he accepted my apology but he didn't seem all the pleased about it. So I figured I'd make it up to him. Big time. I asked him for a ride home one night. We got off work and as we drove home I apologized again and he told me it was okay but I didn't want to leave it at that. I reached for his lap and he jerked in his seat, stunned. I rubb… 阅读更多内容
Vacation Part 1
I went away on vacation for a week to Florida. Figured I'd go to the beach and just have some me time and by me time I mean sex time. I had quite a bit of fun over there. Let me start with the first day. I went to the beach the first day. I had my bikini on and a bikini skirt to cover a bit. No shirt on though. The bikini was a bit revealing in the breast area but it was ok. I had arrived at the beach and I could already see guys and girls staring at me glancing at me or checking me out as I passed by. Being so sexy can be a bit hard. I placed my towel and umbrella on the sand and put sunscree… 阅读更多内容
Three Cocks and a Determine Slut 2 continued
So they all came inside me. Cum in my pussy, ass, and mouth. Looked like they were done. "You guys done already? I still need more. Come on the virgin uncut dick came twice already." That got them up. Chad and Ron were stroking their cocks trying to get hard again. I licked Jeff's cock dry. "You can come over anytime" I wispered to him. I felt hands on my ass and I realized it was Chad ready again "ok ron you get her ass. I want her mouth. Jeffrey stick your dick in her pussy. He lookedat me and I said "please d***y?" He stood up and got underneath me. I straddled his cock. And I slid my pussy… 阅读更多内容
Three Cocks and a Determined Slut
So I haven't blogged in a while. I've been busy. Not much sex has happened... until now. Oh was this a new fun experience for me. I've had one cock, two cocks, but not three at once. Okay let me go back. So I went to the mall as usual and I am shopping at a video game store (yes I play video games, shocker I know) Three guys are hitting on me talking to me about video games. Okay. They were attractive. "Why don't I get your number?" "No I want it" so I said "I don't care. I'd fuck all of you" That definitely got their attention. I gave them all my number and told them I'd follow them to one of… 阅读更多内容
Bicurious Virgin and a Horny Bisexual
What's her name? Sarah. Why is she special? I'm her first girlfriend ever. Nit only that, her first ever fuck period. I'll skip all the meeting and get right to where we have sex because I know thats what you guys want to hear. "I've never been with a girl. I've never even had sex!" She told me. I asked why and she said she was always scared to. I'm sure many have tried to make their way in. Sarah is a beautiful white blonde. Skinny with a cute little butt, nit too big but not flat either. She has small breasts large B cups I say. But she is so adorable with her green eyes! I like it this way,… 阅读更多内容
No pussy? I'll settle for cock then.
For a lesbian I haven't had too much pussy lately. Why? I don't have a pussy to fuck. Katie and I broke up :-( and the blonde found a new whore to fuck. So now what do I do? I'm a horny girl that needs to be fucked. Until I can find a new girl to enjoy, I'll settle for dick. Who's dick? Richard's dick. He's stll vrry unexperienced. He came over last night. He came 4 times but only lasted 2 minutes each round. I've beenon the hunt for virgins though! I really want to experience that feeling of being someone's first again. I need a good fucking now!! I have my eye on a young looking blonde that… 阅读更多内容
Yay party
I felt like the end of my last blog wasnt fleshed out enough so I'll tell the rest here before I get into the strap on fun. So I left him on his bed laying down, cum dripping from his cock, satisfied. I put my clothes back on and he watched me use his mirror to fix my hair. His cock was now flacid. I walked over and kissed him and returned to the party. No one suspected anything. I sat down and he came minutes later and when he asked about why he took so long he replied "I was cleaning something" his cock probably. An hour went by with awkward glances abd I decided to leave. Turns out one of t… 阅读更多内容
Furiously Fucked by a virgin
There's always been a fantasy of mine to fuck a virgin. I want to take someone's virginity. My slutty life has been able to grant me that fantasy into a reality. Parties aren't my thing. It was a birthday party and I was invited to go so I had nothing better to do at thr time. As always I show up vrry nicely dressed but a birthdayf party isnt something to be over dressed for so I went in tight new jeans and stuff. Nothing special. I'm mingling with my friends catching up and stuff when I notice a young man staring at me. I try not to pay too much attention to it. I do ask about him. He's someo… 阅读更多内容
double penetration continued
So I came and was forced tl lick my cum off their respective cocks. Asi bent over to suck the strappy jevin enters my ass again. This time he's going very rough. He's thrusting vigorously! I could hear his balls slap against my pussy. He thrusted hips forcing his stiff cock all the way in my ass. My body responed by grinding my hips agaibst his penis. "You're asshole is never any less tighter" he tells me. "Even after the fucking I do" in response I squeeze my ass and clench my hole. This turns him on morr and he thrusts fast again. Spanking me, making my ass red. Meanwhile, I'm sucking the s… 阅读更多内容
Gettong double penetrated
Lately I'vr begun to think that I'm just being used as a toy by Kevin and Katie to inact their sexual fantasies on. They can't fuck so they fuck through me. Am I complaining though? Absolutely not! As long as I get to cum, I'm happy. Which leads me to the next fantasy they had. And so do I. It was late at night and Katie and I were having a lovely time. We've evolved to a point where wearing the minimum amount of clothing or the most provocative clothing is acceptable around each other. In fact it's the only thing we do around each other "look extra sexy" So there we are watching T.V. enjo… 阅读更多内容
Milf hunting
So my blonde introduced me to her mother the other day. Goes by the name Julie. God she looks so good. Beautiful blonde hair, nice large tits, nice firm ass. She's always wearing stockings and an office skirt. They are always so tight on her it makes her ass looks so good. I really want to fuck her! I reallly want a milf! Idk how I'm going to get her. I'll just have to flaunt my ass around a little and hope for the best. Wish me luck!… 阅读更多内容
Spontaneous sex.
Well, Kate and I wanted to go see a movie. Kevin wanted to come to. Ever since the threesome he and Kate have been much closer. We allowed him to come. Well the movie made us horny. Or at least there was a sex scene and Kate touched me which made me touch her and Kev saw and got a boner so me in the middle reached in and stroked his cock while we watched the movie. Well the movie ended and we got into the car and started driving home. During the drive, Kate says "Ok that movie made us horny, look at you Kev you're hard!" "I know." I jokingly suggested "let's just fuck now then!" Kate agreed an… 阅读更多内容
Strap on and a penis.
Oh god. How does this get explained. Okay if you've been following my blog you know my girlfriend Katie and Kevin have a close relationship. You'd know what Kevin is to Katie. So with that, I will proceed to tell another one of my sexual adventures. I start again by visting my girlfriend who unfortunately has Kevin over.. fortunately depending on how you look at it. Well we're having a good time. Sitting talking, drinking. Now I'd like to point out that I'm not wearing yoga pants but a skirt. Short black leather skirt with thigh high leggins underneath. I thought Katie and I would be alone and… 阅读更多内容
Brenda's fun!
Apparently Brenda is bi as I learned today. I never have to call anyone for sex, they call me! So of course Brenda calls me "Girl whatchu doing? Come over here! I've been missing dat pussy." And off I go on another slutty adventure. I don't regret what I do. Sex is great and life is short so might as well just keep fucking. When I arrive she opens the door naked, "hey baby I got a surprise for you. Ever taken a black dick before? Today we having a cock for lunch" I have never taken a black dick before so this should be fun. "Come here baby" she started taking off my clothes and told me to go s… 阅读更多内容
Why not?
How much of a slut am I. Let's see; Kevin, Katie, Brenda, Blonde (Ashley). Why not add one more right? Well... I guess one kore has been added. Lately I've been getting a long well with kbe of my coworkers. A 41 year old named Juliet. Let me describe her for you: she's a brunette with a skinny pretty face and green eyes. Perfect hourglass waste which is showed with her office skirts. She wears very tight office skirts with thigh high leggings. Her butt is nice and round and her boobs are C but are beginning to sag. But she is extremely attractive. Anyway, she is going through a divorce ian… 阅读更多内容
Back to the D
It's really getting hard keeping up with so many lovers. The struggle of being a slut. 3 pussies and a rare dick. For example, I was fucking Brenda again and I get a call from the blonde that she wants to do something and on the way over Kate wants to go out. Maybe being a slut isn't so great sometimes. Anyway today I'll write about a recent experience with my girlfriend's b******. He came back. We'll call him Kevin. He came back and started living in a seperate apartment. One night, I was home alone and he calls me, drunk. "What's up girl? I'm really missing that ass of yours. Want to co… 阅读更多内容
First time
My first time happened 6 years ago with my best friend, Mary. I loved Mary. She had long black straight hair with bangs and huge adorsble dimples with a very cute body. I invited her over and she came dressed in a white sundress looking so cuute! We went to my room and the conversation turned to sex and lesbians. I told her I had no problems kissing women and she told ne she didn't know but wanted to try it one day. I confessed there that I was a lesbian. She wasn't shocked. She said , " I always knew the way you never look at guys but you're always checking me out. I'd be lying if I said I ne… 阅读更多内容
Special Change
This happened on Saturday. It's Saturday night and I want to go clubbing. I'm feeling very adventurous today but I do hate wearing skirts soI wore leggings. I called Kate but she didn't want to go. She was coming down with something apparently and the other hates clubs. I decided to go by myself. I'm a big girl. So I'm dancing with plenty guys and girls but there is one gitl in perticular that keeps staring at me. Can you tell where this is going. I tried to ignore her but I couldn't help but look. She was a tall black girl with long black hair. Some of it was dreads. The night ended so I star… 阅读更多内容
So she's carresing me ass like she's never seen it before. And then she begins to lick my pussy. She went very slowly, one lick every 5 seconds but she was hitting every spot and I did not want her to go faster. She could feel tbat I liked it so she kept the same pace. Slowly but surely wins the race. Kate is enjoying my licking too as always. I know exactly where it makes her cum. I could feel her hips involuntarily grinding on my face and she began to squirm and I thought she would cum but she got up right before and said, "Alright move that's my girlfriend's pussy. It's mine to eat." So the… 阅读更多内容