International days are growing popular. Some of them are meant to commemorate an event, other ones to pay a tribute, other ones to celebrate an activity... Every year, many specific days are created accordingly. I firmly believe that an International Snowbunnies' Day should be established with a view to celebrating the love and sexual passion between our adorable white sisters and the strong, potent black males who pleasure them in a way no-one else can. Needless to say any day is suitable for those interracial couples to share great moments together. However, it would add some spice to have… 阅读更多内容
*Almost* Made It!
Hey y'all! I haven't posted since last fall, although I have been keeping some of yall updated privately. I've been super-busy with a very full dance card, even after my "regular" Semaj moved away! The good thing about my scenario is that its usually pretty darn easy to find willing volunteers (ie black guys) to be my hook-up buddies! In fact, my January was a little wild...a few local "regulars" (Tubby, from the airport, and X, from the local black college) in addition to a couple new ones, as well as a New Years Eve-eve one nighter back home, and oh, I *did* finally hook up with Ke… 阅读更多内容