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@MariondeSanters ... follow me on twitter
Hope you like my stories - that's the main reason for frequenting this site.
For copyright reasons (just too many of my stories have been stolen over the years) I publish some parts of my stories here, but you might always have access to updated and enhanced versions of these stories, even including pictures.
All these stories are available under my given homepage www.lulu.com/spotlight/marion_de_santers - also with a lot of decent preview.
http://www.amazon/-/e/B009BC6FL6 - is another option with a lot of preview and some 15 stories now.
Some of these stories or chapters will always be free to read and I hope you enjoy and provide some interesting feeback.
Well and sorry guys - not looking for a date and also not into [cam-related is a NO_GO] chats either, so better not ask...
I will rather check who tends to steal my stories and pretends to have written these him/herself
have a look at my kindle bookstore under
amazon/Marion-deSanters/e/B009BC6FL6 -
or under xinxii:
Hope you like my stories - that's the main reason for frequenting this site.
For copyright reasons (just too many of my stories have been stolen over the years) I publish some parts of my stories here, but you might always have access to updated and enhanced versions of these stories, even including pictures.
All these stories are available under my given homepage www.lulu.com/spotlight/marion_de_santers - also with a lot of decent preview.
http://www.amazon/-/e/B009BC6FL6 - is another option with a lot of preview and some 15 stories now.
Some of these stories or chapters will always be free to read and I hope you enjoy and provide some interesting feeback.
Well and sorry guys - not looking for a date and also not into [cam-related is a NO_GO] chats either, so better not ask...
I will rather check who tends to steal my stories and pretends to have written these him/herself
have a look at my kindle bookstore under
amazon/Marion-deSanters/e/B009BC6FL6 -
or under xinxii:
Da fehlt mir jetzt definitiv Hilfe!!!
Geiles Profil!
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Gerne bin ich dein Freund.
Fühle dich einfach wohl auf meinem