Some time ago, I decided to end all of my suffering, loneliness, and pain. I picked out .357 solutions. On the day of...honestly, in the QUARTER HOUR OF...someone intervened. No, not God or any of that mess. It was a former student. He knocked on my door within 15 minutes before i...applied those 357 solutions to my temple. He represented a club, of sorts. They were having a membership drive right here in my sleepy little town. Not being one to ignore a sign, I signed up. And I wrote a check to cover what they hoped to raise with their drive. These people started to explain that they had a bad… 阅读更多内容
I am about done.
The rehab ive been forcing myself thru for years and years isn't helping. A lesser woman would have found a pharmaceutical exit a lot sooner than this. I cant sleep, work, fuck, walk, drive, do things with the youngins when they come visit...once a year. My fetishes and fantasies are now just that. I would sell my soul to the devil himself if i could wrap my legs around the head of a beautiful young lady just one more time. But my legs are gone. As are my tits. Stress is stealing my hair. Every day, i find a handful of what was once my beautiful long red locks. The husband i had ; who, btw, ha… 阅读更多内容
I believe what I believe. Period. I live my own life, and do not spend too much time worrying about others doings. Its not that I feel superior. Its that I dont care. I cannot stress this enough. Simply put, I just do not care. Stub your toe, break up, get a promotion at work, smack the powerball for $1B. It does not impact my life. I do not seek praise form others. I do not wish harm or misfortune to others. I do not apologize twice. There is one lady on here (screen name withheld because...who cares, really) whom I offended. Not directly, but she took issue with a stance; or two; of mine. Le… 阅读更多内容
Opinions. Everybody has one. Freedom. Everybody SHOULD have it. The rules of sexuality are simple. 1. Stay away from the k**s. 2. Everyone in the room says "yes". Thats it. If something is unattractive to you, dont watch it. If its, i dont know, a recommended video, rate it low and leave a non judgemental comment about it. Maybe stuff like that will not be recommended any more. But, no matter what, dont dare speak out because we are all so fragile that the slightest bit of criticism will fracture our egos. I didnt know pornographers had such delicate sensibilities.… 阅读更多内容
get off my ass about my preferences
This is simple. I dont enjoy watching black men fucking white women. Dont ask me why. I just dont. Black women with white men set erotic scenes, and i know thats a double standard. It isnt personal. Nothing against anyone in particular, or in a group. I dont like seeing black cocks fucking white women. Thats all. Sorry if this isnt acceptable. And i know this is a blog post, and not a story.… 阅读更多内容