Well, I’m on my way back from my “trip”. The most important thing I learned is that I will never belittle, ridicule, berate, or insult MICU doctors for the rest of my career. In the Covid era, their job is much harder than mine. For my clinical colleagues, sometimes surgical intensivists say “our patients are the sickest in the hospital!” Until you take care of proned Covid patients, who need HD lines, on 18 of Levo with a MAPs of 50, 100% FiO2, PEEP 20, with a pCO2 of 70 and a pO2 of 40, with a chest x-ray that looks essentially opaque, you’re not taking care of the sickest patients in the h… 阅读更多内容
This shit will kill you ... more
As I’m 3000 miles away from home caring for the sickest patients I’ve ever encountered in my career, with a disease process that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Young, old and in between. Obese, normal weight, fathers, wives, brothers, sons. Nothing will heal these families and these statements are only making things horribly worse. Doctors and nurses can take the heat. But what these statements are doing to families is terrible. In my whole career I’ve never broken down over the tragedy I’ve seen. I did today. We must change our behavior. Most if not all of my friends are wearing masks bu… 阅读更多内容