I did basic training in the Air Force at Lackland AFB near San Antonio Texas. Became good friends with a young man from that area. Whenever we had leave he would go home to visit. One weekend he invited me to go to his parents home to visit. I accepted and we caught a ride to a nice middle class home on the west side of San Antonio. He was the youngest of 4, he had 3 older sisters, all 3 were married. His mom and dad were very nice and gracious hosts. His mom was a very good looking Hispanic lady with dark brown hair, greenish eyes and a great body. She was 52, his dad 58. I was 20 at that tim… 阅读更多内容
Mom and daughter
Met a younger woman on craigslist a few years back and began a torrid love affair. We always met at her house. She had a 19 year old daughter living with her but we kept to the bedroom and I rarely even saw the daughter. But we were very noisy so I knew she could hear us. I was fucking the shit out of her one morning and the daughter walked in on us to ask where the car keys were. I had her pinned down on the her knees doggy fucking, had her hands pinned behind her back and the girl just walked right up to the bed like nothing was going on. I never missed a stroke, kept hammering away at her… 阅读更多内容
Friends Slut Wife
A friend sent me this video of his wife. She lives in Florida for years and now is a Texas resident. Id love to see Donna sucking this sluts pussy.… 阅读更多内容
My second visit to a swingers club (true)
This is a true account of my second trip to the swingers club. There are a couple of pictures that came out like shit and a short video that is too dark to see anything but you can hear me moaning and sucking dick. I’ll post those even though they are disappointing. ********************************************************************* I rushed home after work, showered and grabbed my outfit. I wore a black mini-skirt, a sheer black blouse, and red 4” heels. I was told not to wear a bra so my breasts were plainly visible through the blouse. As we walked out of the room, He turned to me… 阅读更多内容
I think a lot of us have that girl or guy in our heads, that we consider 'the one that got away'. Despite us ending and restarting our relationship a half dozen times over the course of two decades, Alyssa is, and always will be that one. In my mind at least. I suspect, with almost certainty, that fondness I feel for her is due in large part to her adventurous, and at times cruel, sexual tendencies. She didn't look the part of unmerciful mistress. In fact, she looked, and still does look, the very picture of innocence. Standing at five foot even and 90 pounds soaking wet, with baby blue eyes… 阅读更多内容
How I met Granny Carol XXX
https://xhamster.com/videos/80-year-old-granny-cleavage-10220588 The link above is of the lady I am talking about here. In the video above, she is 80 years old. I first met her when she was 45 and I was a lad of 25. I was starting out as an insurance agent collecting policy premiums. When I first called on her, she was wearing cut-off jeans with pantyhose on underneath which looked a little odd but extremely hot and almost kinky I thought. I had always had a yearning to have sex with an older woman and this lady caught my attention. She was recently divorced and had just moved into town and s… 阅读更多内容
Ausflug an einen bekannten Outdoor Treffplatz
Wir haben vor geraumer Zeit, ein Ausflug an einen einschlägig bekannten See, in einem Waldgebiet, in unserer Region gemacht. An diesem Ort trifft man sich gerne zum Outdoorsex. Hier treffen sich Paare und einiges an Männern , wo von viele Bi Herren sind. Wir haben schon viel darüber gehört gehabt und uns trieb die Neugier und auch die Lust dort hin... Das erste mal als wir dort waren, trafen wir hauptsächlich nur auf Männer. Wir gingen trotzdem ein wenig spazieren. Da es sehr warm war an diesem Tag, weiß ich noch das meine Frau, ein kurzes luftiges Kleidchen trug. Irgendwann begegnete uns e… 阅读更多内容
right or wrong
Saturday afternoon drinks at a tiki bar. sitting alone busy joint and only a few chairs open at the bar. I'm a 4 beer limit guy. starting my 3rd when this very very seasoned woman stumbled in. short short hair that hasn't been colored in a while. 5'3-5'4 110-120ish lbs. very tanned weathered face and skin. typical handful size saggy tits. looked like a tennis attire with sandals. she ordered and she leaned over and asked my name and before i could say a word she said I'm Julies. my name fits me because i have the jewels and put her hand on her pussy and gave it a squeeze. and just as fast as s… 阅读更多内容
Mein erstes Mal - Beinahe Komplett -
Die folgende Geschichte ist wahr und von mir nach bester Errinnerung aufgeschrieben, sicherlich habe ich einige Dinge vergessen oder ausgeschmückt, Worte wie Klitoris oder Nippel waren mir damals noch eher weniger bekannt, als ich so etwa dreizehn oder vierzehn war. Natürlich hatte ich schon Sex aber zu 95% mit mir selbst, ausser ein paarmal bei Doktorspielen mit einer Freundin aus der Nachbarschaft die etwas jünger als ich war. Dazu aber gern später mehr, es kam nie zum Orgasmus, trotzdem kann ich mich an beinahe jede Minute mit ihr und auch an den Austausch von Körperflüssigkeiten errinnern.… 阅读更多内容
Boss Bitch: Femdom Erotikgeschichte
Victoria verschränkt ihre Arme. »Sagen Sie mir, warum wollen Sie hier arbeiten?« Jason presst seine klammen Hände unter dem Tisch zusammen. Er hat monatelang von dieser Gelegenheit geträumt, und jetzt, wo er endlich hier ist und der Personalchefin seines favorisierten Softwareunternehmens gegenübersitzt, kann er nicht anders als blankes Entsetzen empfinden. »Frau Blackwell, ich habe schon immer den innovativen Ansatz der Firma bewundert. Und ich glaube, dass meine Fähigkeiten und meine Leidenschaft für Technologie mich zu einer Bereicherung für das Team machen würden«, antwortet er und hofft… 阅读更多内容
The Slow Seduction Of The Stunning MILF
Back in my 20s, I was blessed as a young adult with a long-standing semi-affair with a lovely married woman in her mid 40s, that was just so incredibly charged with excitement and arousal, that to this day I'm still immediately aroused to urgent erection whenever I think back on those sultry and arousing experiences. I say "semi-affair" in that we never actually "consummated" our encounters, they consisted of what I can best describe as daring and challenging teasing, and not always ending in orgasms, per se. As a working musician, I of course had the many and distinct opportunities to stand… 阅读更多内容
Spicing up
Min mand og jeg har ofte talt om at spice vores sexliv lidt op, eventuelt med deltagelse af en ekstra pige, en ekstra fyr eller et par. Det er tit noget vi har pirret hinanden med, altså små historier hvor vi deltager aktivt i akten sammen med andre. Min mand har en vildt fræk og ophidsende forestilling om at se mig blive udblokket af en kæmpestor, lang, tyk pik. En historie jeg med tiden har raffineret og forbedret adskillige gange. Min mand er ikke sen til at komme i gear normalt, men når jeg virkelig fortæller indlevende om mig, der bliver gennem kneppet af en kæmpestor, veludrustet tyr a… 阅读更多内容
Naughty encounter
My husband and I visited a local swinger club. It was a new experience and was very hot. There were people half naked and playing with each other. I was meeting a couple of people I have chatted with there. I didn't expect anything in particular, just a meet and greet. But this one guy,. Damn. We had talked some. But seeing him in person I couldn't control myself. A sexy song came on and he stood in front of the room and I took his cock in my mouth in front of everyone. I had never done anything so naughty or crazy. I sucked him until he came in my mouth. I heard people cheering and jeering. B… 阅读更多内容
I'm a very submissive woman
There is a lot of truth when they say we remember events in our lives that were traumatic. I know from own mother how old I was when I sat under the kitchen table playing with my doll, obscured by a low hanging table cloth. Mother came into the kitchen, very stone and drunk, with two of daddy's friends all over her. They were oblivious to my presence as they were bug eyed with sexual excitement, gabbing mother and planting kisses on her and she was allowing them liberties, and to the point where she bend double, holding onto the table, I saw her legs part and her underwear removed and watched… 阅读更多内容
Lunch time quickie
A little while ago I agreed to meet this Greek guy in my Lunch break when working in the Office. He wasn’t far away and was well up for a quickie. I was wearing a long black Satin Pleated skirt, Green satin blouse, with red undies and stockings and suspenders, topped off with my Office Heels. I left promptly at 1pm and got to his by 1.10pm, he answered the door and pulled me in he dragged my coat off me and dumped it on the floor along with my bag. We kissed passionately and next thing I was bent over the arm of his sofa with my knickers around my ankles. He slide a finger into my soaked pus… 阅读更多内容
Adult Theater Sexaholic
This is a collage of some of my kinkier visits involving my favorite pass time. As I walked into the room I noticed there was a hallway that went both ways. There was a wall extending perpendicularly from where I stood that separated the two ends of the room. At the far end each direction was a large movie screen, the one to my left was showing a gangbang flick and the one to my right was showing a somewhat kinkier flick. The hallway to the left was almost blocked with guys standing (some facing one another…gosh I wonder what they were doing) so deciding not to fight the crowd I turned right… 阅读更多内容
When did I start fantasising about sharing?
Tante sah mir zu und entschied sich für mehr
Der Wunsch kam ausgerechnet von meiner Stieftante Loni. Ich war gerade 16 und machte Ferien auf ihrem Bauernhof. Meist half ich ihr für 2 Wochen. Onkel Günter war vor 4 Jahren gestorben. Nach getaner Arbeit duschte ich mir den Schweiß runter. Als ich die Dusche im Bad verlassen wollte, erschien meine Tante im Bad, sie wollte ebenfalls duschen und hatte sich bereits ausgezogen. Wir beide sind nicht prüde Nacktheit zu zeigen. Seit ich denken kann, zeigten wir uns in der Familie im Badebereich nackt. Das sollte, so sagten es meine Eltern, von vornherein Spannungen abbauen und die Neugier dämpfen.… 阅读更多内容
Horny as fuck and need using!!
Wet, horny and need a good old fucking!! Want used and treated like a slut by a bunch of guys with big throbbing cocks ready to use and abussse me like the little slut I am. Make me take it!! Tell me what a little slut I am and what to do with myself ???????… 阅读更多内容
I found a video of my wife
Several years ago my wife Andrea planned a birthday party for me. She invited over forty people and fixed the house up really nice. On the day of the party Andrea came outside wearing a pair of skin tight spandex Capri pants and a matching spandex bra. The looked exactly like one coat of paint on her body. Every fold of her body could easily be seen, her smoothly shaved pussy lips were displayed for all to see. I pointed at her crotch and said baby that might get you fucked tonight. She looked down then tugged the waist of the tight pants up higher causing the thin material to pull tight in be… 阅读更多内容
Fredag och jobbat klart så jag tog en sväng hem till Svenne. Semester sa han och korkade upp whiskeyflaskan, gott var det och tänkte inte på något annat. En till virre och sedan hem. Brr sa det i fickan, ett svar på bc från ....., - Är du intresserad av att få besök stod det. - Ja det går bra svarade jag, när? - Om 15 minuter kom svaret. - Går det bra? - Ja det går bra. - Har du mössa så hon inget ser? Ja jag fixar det svarade jag samtidigt som jag tog en viagra. Piska och knulla hårt nu stod det i nästa sms. - Adress, namn på dörren? Jag skickade det efterfrågade. 15 minuter senare… 阅读更多内容
Jag låg och solade på stranden en av de sista varma dagarna i augusti när det plingade till i mobilen. - kan du vara ordningsman på en dogging ikväll? Stod det i ett sms från en slynas ägare. Jag har åtta gubbar som ska bli avsugna av slynan, skrev han. Men jag har ingen som kan hålla i det och vet ju några bra platser.Kan du? Så hör av dig. Klart jag var intresserad. Ja jag kan, skrev jag tillbaka.Ska jag välja plats? - Ja du får ordna plats och beskrivning så de hittar. - Jag skickade beskrivningen till en plats med lite skog och ca 75 meter från vägen. - Klockan 19 kommer första gubben. Skr… 阅读更多内容
Berichte einer Ehesklavin - Teil 1
Unsere erste Geschichte. Es ist nur Kopfkino, auch wenn einige Begebenheiten in der Erzählung auf tatsächlichen Ereignissen basieren. Die Namen und Personen sind frei erfunden. Die Handlungen sind nicht immer gesellschaftskonform, einiges ist für manche vielleicht abstoßend und manches wäre sicher ungesetzlich - aber wie gesagt, es ist nur Kopfkino. Viel Spaß beim Lesen (und sonstigen Tätigkeiten dabei). Teil 1 Mein Name ist Ariane. Ich bin 22, 1,70 groß, leicht mollig, aber nicht dick. Mein EheHerr sagt immer, an einer Frau muss auch was dran sein. Ich habe lange schwarze Haare, dunkelbraun… 阅读更多内容
a daddy and me
A Daddy with a huge Cock having Handjobs with me in a Hotel at French Riviera We met only 2 hours before at a nude beach and he asked me for sex. I was really shy but at the same time so horny.So i offered him to come to my hotel at night amd he can massage me. And thats how it went ;) his dick was the biggest i had in my hands so far. Bei einem Kurzurlaub an der Franz.Riviera hatte ich Bock auf nackt sein und habe auch zufällig einen verstecken FKK Stra… 阅读更多内容
My first CD encounter
I had just woke up at a rest area in SC. I was sitting in the front seat of my truck having some coffee when another truck pulled in beside. I looked over and saw this nice looking black crossdresser was getting out and walking into the restroom. She had a nice bright red tube top on with some very sexy tight fitting blue spandex shorts. Her ass was so nice and round and she got me hard instantly. I got out of my truck after positioning my hard on as best as possible. It was a long walk to the restroom so I watched as she had a very sexy walk and very very feminine. Her body was incredible, ve… 阅读更多内容
An Assignment From My Husband
Because I am submissive to my husband, he often assigns me tasks so that I can demonstrate obedience to him. He has instructed me to tell our viewers that I am a whore so that I am reminded of my place. I never forget what I am, but his instruction to me is that I verbalize it to our viewers. So...here I go ? I’m definitely a whore, slut, cum dump, and a hole to fuck. My primary function in life is to serve my husband by giving him what pleases him. At this stage in our lives, what pleases him is for me to be an easy fuck for any man he lends me to. It really doesn’t matter what time of day o… 阅读更多内容