I wish I still had my foreskin!

I was about 11 when I tried out for summer touch football, and they had a Dr. at the sign up doing physicals and one of the things he checked was for hernias, you know where they have you drop your drawers and stick a finger up your ball sack and have you turn your head and cough. Well, they sent a note home with me to give my parents and it seems I had a hernia on my left side. Born with it I found out later. They scheduled and appointment with the family Dr. and shore enough, needed to have surgery to get it fixed that summer. I had been masturbating for several years prior (see my post on… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mogrizz8 2 年 前 10

Discovering Mastrubation and My First Orgasm

At the ripe old age of 72 years, I think back to this true story in my life, of the very first time I masturbated on purpose and had my first orgasm 68 years ago. Yes that is right, I started very young. Seems only like yesterday and what happened that day changed my life forever. I remember that I was always dressed in a t-shirt, pair of under ware, bib overalls and shoes with no socks. I can remember always being scolded by my mother for having my hand down in my overalls fiddling with my pee-pee, as we called it, because it felt good to me. She would slap my hand and tell me to quit playin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mogrizz8 9 年 前 52

Exploring The Male Multiple Orgasm with Cum

Decades of masturbating always produced the same result. When I reached the most pleasurable part of masturbation, the climax and the ejaculation, I was done. I've always wished there was a way to extend this pleasure during masturbation, and the closest thing I found to extended pleasure was edging. I would edge for hours, getting right to the point of no return, then stop and go, stop and go. Very pleasurable to do, but still lacking the pleasure of the climax and cum that I so loved to do. In my mid 50's my wife was away for several days, I don't even remember what for, but I was lookin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mogrizz8 9 年 前 36