I made alone holiday in a " Robinson Club " in Morocco. I stayed there 2 weeks. In a restaurant i made the acquaintance of a handsome young man. We often met us in cafes and bars. He said he knows a super, lonely beach. Next day we visited this beach. We smoke joins and he started with his hands over my body. I became horny and wanted to have sex with him. What i didn't know, that his friends came too. Suddenly there were more as 10. I was naked and extrem horny. It was me equal. They stood round us and their fingers touched my body,tits and cunt. I was horny !!! They made gangbang with me. I… 阅读更多内容
Our photos global
we are Birgit and Nick, a couple. Both hetero and bi. We like it to show are photos round the world. Download our pics for your archive or your galerie ! Show our photos your friends too and also you may upload the pics on other pornsites under our or your name. We like it and become horny to see us there.… 阅读更多内容
My acupuncture in Sri Lanka
In march 2019 i made holidays in Sri Lanka. I had an address from a good masseur. He was a trans gay with deft fingers and he was good in sucking. We both was naked. He turned and stretched my cock and balls with his hands and potourri toys. Awesome. My first orgasme came soon and he took it himself. I got 3 orgasme. From this gay i got an address from an acupuncturist. I visited him. He also was a gay. I did not know,that acupuncture is good for the cock too. We stipulated 2 needles for a test. He fixt my hands and legs and startet.I was a little afraid but it was ok. Than he started the ful… 阅读更多内容