I know that it is a perennial question to ask but what is your preference? I ask this to the ladies as well as the gents as it is of equal interest. My preference is for the lady to be shaved smooth but a trimmed pussy is great too. That said, a hairy pussy on occasion is great too. As for me, I like to keep my dick shaved and my ballsac + the surroundings either shaven or at least trimmed. Makes for more sensual lovemaking in my opinion. So, what do you think??… 阅读更多内容
I cannot be alone
First off, I havent written a blog for so long (and never on this site) I apologise in advance if it turns out to be some odd rambling! I have been on Xhamster for a very long time now, but not as long as some. I am very fortunate in having some really good friends on here who are active participants, which is great for the support of this site. I also have plenty of friends who dont have any content what so ever. Now, I dont necessarily have a problem with that either but have recently specified that if a potential friend has nothing, not even a favourite, I wont accept them as a friend. I… 阅读更多内容