Euphemisms For Female Masturbation

- 3 point shot · a night in with the girls · auditioning the finger puppets · beating around the bush · brushing the beaver · carpet bumping · checking for squirrels · clam bake for one · creamin' · coming into your own · dialing the rotary phone · dousing the digits · drilling for oil · engaging in safe sex · fanning the fur · feeding the bearded clam · fingerpainting · flickin' the bean · flit your clit · frap · gagging the clam · get a date with slick mittens · get to know yourself · going mining · groping the grotto · greasing your hips · grissle rub · gusset typing · hitchhiking south · l… 阅读更多内容

发表者 moshe40 5 年 前 2

Euphemisms for Male Masturbation

I found this list on the internet an enjoyed expanding my vocabulary Euphemisms for Male Masturbation You know them, you love them...but you don't know ALL of them. Here are some great ways of talking about masturbation without actually saying masturbation. Some are funny. Some are strange. But hey, aside from performing the act itself, reading this list is about the most entertaining thing you'll do today. Abusing the wicked stick Adjusting the antenna Aiding and abetting a known felon Applying the hand brake Arguing with Henry Longfellow Arm-wrestle with your one-eyed vessel Attack… 阅读更多内容

发表者 moshe40 6 年 前 4


BY Eugene & Anna Peters 1. A HEALTHIER IMMUNE SYSTEM. That’s right! Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania discovered that people who had sex weekly had higher levels of antibodies that fight germs and viruses. 2. LOWERED blood PRESSURE. Many studies have shown that regular sexual intercourse lowers systolic blood pressure. 3. LOWERED RISK OF HEART ATTACK. It has been proven that weekly sex has been shown to lower your risk of heart disease by half! 4. A LOWERING OF STRESS LEVELS. I’m sure many of you will have noticed this! Regular sex increases feel-good hormones and general… 阅读更多内容

发表者 moshe40 9 年 前 9

Creating a Quality Gallery

CREATING A QUALITY GALLERY 1. Avoid “Random” galleries. Too often the gallery becomes a scrap heap of odds and ends. If you want to highlight some of your favorite pictures, call it "My Personal Favorites" or some such title. 2. Take pride in your work. You are saying something about yourself when you post a gallery. People will judge you by your work. 3. Tie the pictures together around a theme. The title of the gallery should identify the theme. Be creative. 4. Use good quality pictures. A gallery is only as good as the quality of the pictures. Grain… 阅读更多内容

发表者 moshe40 12 年 前 17