最后出现于 11 月 前
2639 天 在 XRMXX 上
2.4K 个人资料浏览次数
235 个订阅者
49 条评论
Egyptian hedonist man, like to have maximum sexual pleasure with no limits, we live only once so why waste it?
25 years old, straight, single
I am a Pharmacist, Photoshop Designer and Erotic Story Writer
I travel a lot and make new friends around the world, so i am open to meet anyone, anytime, anywhere but only serious people who doesn't waste my time on some worthless bullshits, i also like all kinds of women of any race and any age, also seeking to play and meet with kinky couples.
25 years old, straight, single
I am a Pharmacist, Photoshop Designer and Erotic Story Writer
I travel a lot and make new friends around the world, so i am open to meet anyone, anytime, anywhere but only serious people who doesn't waste my time on some worthless bullshits, i also like all kinds of women of any race and any age, also seeking to play and meet with kinky couples.
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الجنس العائلي انك تكون مارست او فكرت او بصيت على حد من محارمك انت مش مطلوب منك تجيب حد منهم لانهم اكيد ناس محترمين ملهمش في كده ربنا يخليهملك ويباركلك فيهم بس اكيد في فرق بين الاحترام وبين انك تكون فكرت او بصيت او اكثر
صح ولا أنا غلطانه ؟؟؟