Mutter wird schwach

Die Tür zu Jans Zimmer geht auf und seine Mutter Hanne kommt verärgert rein. "Du liegst ja noch im Bett", sagt sie und öffnet die Gardinen. "Hattest du gestern nicht gesagt, heute Vormittag etwas im Garten tun zu wollen?" Mutter zieht dem Jungen die Bettdecke weg und ihn aus dem Bett. "Es ist doch mein erster Urlaubstag und der Garten läuft doch nicht weg." "Faules Stück", sagt Hanne und gibt ihrem Jungen einen heftigen Klapps auf den Hintern. Im nächsten Moment empört sie sich dann. "Ist das etwa eine Beule in deiner Shorts? Du bekommst einen Steifen weil ich dir einen Klapps gebe?" "Na ja...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 2 年 前 34

It happened between mother and son

His mother rubbed Peters bulge in his underpants until he got an orgasm. Now she smiles and pulls down the boys shorts and the wet underpants. He stands half naked in front of his mother then. All he is wearing is a t-shirt. The young cock is still hard and stands upside. Mother forgets about incext and grabs Peters cock. First, mom caresses it. Then she massages his eggs and strokes the cock. Her hand is moving tighter and faster. The boy breathes loud and heavy. Mom takes his left arm and goes with him to his bed. There Peter sits down and mother pushes him on his back. She pulls her dress… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 2 年 前 13

Mother can`t resist - Short story

"Peter, are you getting a hardon? Is that an erection I see in your shorts?" mother wants to know. "I am your mother and just holding you in my arms, caressing you a little bit." Her son looks ashamed to the ground. I can`t help it he says with a quiet voice. He already thinks his mother will get angry and punish him for that. But no! The woman slides a hand in the boys shorts. Wow, she thinks. That feels really great. It has been a very long time that she felt something like that. On one hand she thinks it`s wrong what she is about to do. On the other hand she can`t resist. Mother rubs the bu… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 2 年 前 2

Mom finds out the secret - Short story

Next day mom drives shopping and after that she stops by at her mothers place. Grandma is surprised but asks her daughter in. She is making some coffee and the women get to talk. Somehow it comes to the sex theme. Unfortunately grandmother uses some wrong words and says something about her and Peter. "What? Do I understand that right? You are having sex with my son, your grandson! That is so wrong, it is incext", Peters mother shouts out. "I... I am... believe me..." "Don`t try to find excuses", the mother says with an angry voice. "You seduced Peter and used him for your enjoyment." "But we… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 2 年 前 2

Granny is calling - Short story

A week after grandmother went home, the telephone is ringing. Mother answers it. Her mother, Peters grandmother, is on the phone. Both women talk for a while till granny asks if Peter could come over and help her around the house. Sure, his mother answers, and a few minutes later the two finish their talk. Mother goes to Peters room and tells him about the phone call. Next day the boy gets on his bike and drives to his grandmother. She is outside, already waiting for him. The woman asks Peter to come in and offers him something to drink. They are in the kitchen and both sit down and talk. Gran… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 2 年 前 2

Grandmother for a visit - Short story

It is weekend and grandmother is there for a visit. Peter, her grandson, is going in the bathroom. "Oh, I didn`t know you are in here", he says to his grandmother. She smiles and locks the door. Peter looks confused and wonders what that means. "During the last few weeks I noticed you looking at me this special way", granny says. She walks very close to her grandson and caresses him between his legs. "Oh, you are getting a bulge", she says amused. Peter doesn`t know what to say and gets a red face. "Don´t be shy", his grandmother says and rubs her hand on his bulge. She opens the zipper and ta… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 2 年 前 5

Mother and me went shopping

Mother needed a new skirt and she promised me a meal if I came along. After running around a while she finally saw a skirt she liked. It was in a small back street boutique. The skirt was made out of leather and about knee length. Mom went into the fitting room to try it on. She accidentally had not closed the curtain fully so I could watch her changing. Mother always had a great body. She was in her fourties then but looked so hot. She removed her old skirt and I gazed at her, pulling up the leather skirt over the lovely long legs. I admit I was getting aroused. Suddenly the curtain was pull… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 2 年 前 13

Die Mutter meiner Freundin

Es ist Freitag Morgen und meine Freundin vorhin gerade zur Arbeit gefahren. Ich habe bei ihr übernachtet (sie wohnt bei ihrer Mutter) und heute frei. Gerade stehe ich im Badezimmer und putze mir die Zähne. Da krault eine Hand meinen Nacken und streichelt mir über den Rücken. Ich bekomme eine Gänsehaut und einen Halbsteifen. Aber Moment! Petra, meine Freundin, kann es doch nicht sein. Die ist doch bereits weg. Bleibt nur noch... Ich drehe mich um und ihre Mutter, Sabine, steht vor mir. "Na, ausgeschlafen? Eine schöne Beule bekommst du da gerade." Völlig erschrocken will ich das Badezimmer verla… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 3 年 前 33

Mother and her new dress

It is Saturday morning and I`m sitting in the kitchen. My mother is coming in and asks if I like her new dress. I look up and see her standing there in a completly see through dress. Nothing, really nothing, under it. I have to take a deep breath and wonder what she is up to. "Yes, it is absolutely nice... and what I can see under it, is hot!" I don`t know why I said that, but it`s true. Mom smiles, comes closer and pulls the dress over her head. "Why don`t you touch what is so hot" she asks. I think I blushed and swallow dry. I slowly reach out my arms, caress her back, her shoulders and the… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 3 年 前 17

Mutter will mehr

Als Mutter mich in ihr Zimmer rief, dachte ich, sie wolle mir lediglich ihre neuen Strümpfe zeigen. Aber wenige Momente nachdem ich ihr Zimmer betreten hatte, hatte sie ihre Bluse geöffnet und die Beine um meinen Hals geschlungen. Sie zieht ihren Slip zur Seite und drückt meinen Kopf an ihre Pussy. "Leck mich" sagt Mutter. Mir bleibt nichts weiter übrig und ich tue es. Mutter bekommt einen Orgasmus und ihre Säfte ergiessen sich über mein Gesicht.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 4 年 前 34

Mother takes advantage

When mom called me in her room, I thought she just wanted to show me her new stockings. But a few moments after I had entered her room she had her blouse open and her legs wrapped around my neck. I was backwards on her bed and unable to resist. Mom teared away her pantie and pressed my face close on her pussy. "Lick me" she demanded. And all I could do was to do it. Not long and she had an orgasm. All her juices flow over my face and I noticed how relaxed she felt after that. My mother released me, looked firmly in my eyes and asked if I had enjoyed it. "Yes" was my short answer. Couldn`t say… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 4 年 前 6

Mutter bestraft mich

Letzten Sommer im August... Es war ein früher Freitag Abend. Ich war so geil, lag auf meinem Bett und wichste mir einen. Ich war kurz davor zu kommen. Plötzlich ging die Tür zu meinem Zimmer auf. Wahrscheinlich habe ich es nicht klopfen gehört. Meine Mutter stand da und sah mich an. "Was habe ich dir über das Masturbieren gesagt", fragte sie. Ich war geschockt, hörte sofort auf, mich zu wichsen. Mutter kam dicht an mein Bett und sagte, ich solle die Arme hoch nehmen und spreizen. Ohne zu fragen tat ich, was sie verlangte. Und ehe ich mich versah, waren meine Arme ans Bett gefesselt. Sie spreiz… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 5 年 前 31

Mother punished me

Last summer in August... It was an early friday evening. I was so horny, lying on my bed and masturbating. Almost ready to cum. Suddenly the door to my room opened. I guess I didn`t hear the knocking. My mother stood there and watched me. "What did I tell you about masturbating?" I was shocked, stopped stroking my cock at once. Mom came close to my bed and demanded me to spread my arms. Without asking I did what she said. And before I realized what happened they were tied to the bed. She spread my legs and tied them, too. There I was lying on my bed, naked and helpless, in front of my mother… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 5 年 前 17


Dear people, before you ask me for friendship you should have a close look at my profile. I`m not going to be friends with you if we don`t have similar interests (mature, taboo sex,...). Also if you have no videos or pictures I can have a look at... no friendship. Liebe Leute, bevor ihr mir einen Freundschaftsantrag schickt, seht euch mein Profil genau an. Ich nehme keine Freundschaft an wenn wir nicht ähnliche Interessen haben (reifere Frauen, Tabusex,...). Auch wenn es in eurem Profil keine Videos oder Bilder öffentlich zu sehen gibt... dann keine Freundschaft.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mr_spinalzo 8 年 前