When I was a brand new sailor fresh out of boot camp, I used to go home every weekend from San Diego to a small town in California. By the time I had made the trip five or six times I had managed to set up steady dick sucking on both ends of the bus ride. I was only eighteen, but I already knew whatI liked in addition to pussy. Sucking stranger's dicks was hot and free, and I couldn't afford much more than dick at that time. Most of my money was going home to mama. After a few months of these bus rides I met a girl in my small town that I started fucking like crazy every time we hooked up, so… 阅读更多内容
Navy Gloryholes
I realize after writing so many stories about what I experienced as a young ravenous cocksucker that I have yet to detail my experiences in the many gloryholes that are closed to the general public. The ones on military bases. I started out my adult cocksucking career as an 18 year old sailor in San Diego. I never got a chance to suck any cock in boot camp, although we were all so fucking horny, but there was no privacy. After boot camp was another matter. I have written about my times in downtown San Diego, in the underground restroom at the plaza, and the all night movie theater just acr… 阅读更多内容
Vallejo ABS fun
When I was a 24 year-old sailor, they sent me to a school at Vallejo California, where I spent the next 12 weeks. Vallejo is a small town north of San Francisco. After a while I discovered the only ABS in town. It was enough. There was no internet or cell phones back then, and I would buy porno playing cards (good for jerking off in the bathroom) and magazines. Straight porno because that’s what I enjoyed looking at while I jacked off. I was straight in all ways but one. But then I would leave my bag up front and go back to the video section. That was the good stuff. All the free dick I could… 阅读更多内容
Short Encounter at the ABS
I was in my favorite Vegas ABS one night when a tall, thin, white-haired black man came strolling by. This ABS had only the top half of the door installed, and I made sure he had a good look at my hard white dick as he walked by. No luck. He went two stalls down to the end and stopped at a booth across the aisle from me. I looked under the door. The lucky bastard had his door completely open, and the black man stepped inside. Fuck it. I opened my door completely. At least I could watch the show. The fat white guy in the booth got down on his knees and fished out a BIG jet-black dick, surrou… 阅读更多内容
My big scary Samoan
My favorite restroom in my seven years in Hawaii was in Aloha Tower, on the second floor. A big, heavy creaking wooden door announced any arrivals, and a concrete and tile partition shielded anyone in the stalls from the view of whoever was coming in. Three sinks next to the entrance, three urinals just past the sinks. You could get a view of the urinals from the door. Four wonderful wooden stalls with no doors across from the urinals. Once I got over my initial shyness of sitting on a toilet with no door years ago, I found that it was a great way to hook up quickly with a stranger. I actually… 阅读更多内容
My Japanese Dad and his friends
I had the great fortune to run into one of the most amazing men while sitting in the end stall in a restroom at Aloha Tower in Honolulu. He didn’t look like much of anything special. A short, stocky middle-aged Japanese dad with glasses. Nothing special until he unzipped his pants. He was standing at the first urinal, watching me, as I sat in the last stall, shorts and tank top off and hanging on a hook, dick dangling between my legs. Naked except for my flip-flops. These doorless stalls were great for cruising. The whole men's room was made out of stone, with stone even for the stalls. In… 阅读更多内容
Seven Chinese Dicks in a row
I swear to God this really happened. This was at Aloha Tower, a spot in Honolulu on the bay where the cruise ships pull in. Several cruisy bathrooms. I was welcome in them all. Brown boys love me so much. And I love them so much. I had been cruising the Aloha Tower restrooms for at least a year and had gotten quite a following. Half the dicks I sucked were regulars. I prefer strange dick but I didn't know any of them which was just as good. We were just very friendly strangers. It saved time too, because as soon as they saw me their faces would light up and they would pull out their swelling… 阅读更多内容
How I got my start as a cocksucker
My parents were redneck crackers who moved from Illinois to California in the sixties. The area where my dad bought a house was in San Fernando, what you would call ‘the barrio’. Mostly Mexican. How they hated it. I was forbidden to play with the ‘dirty Mexicans’ right from the start. This was a serious threat as I would be beaten for an infraction. This had a lasting effect on me, but not the one my parents wanted. I was innocent, not corrupted by racism, and I saw nothing wrong with the cute brown Mexican boys in my neighborhood who grinned and talked so dirty. Or the cute brown girls eith… 阅读更多内容
All about the CUM- A few stories
1. Once I ran into a fat Japanese boy in a peep show in Las Vegas. He wore really thick glasses and had a buzz cut. A smooth hairless belly hung out of his T shirt, and he was wearing tight booty shorts. A HUGE bulge was nearly bursting out of his shorts. I could see he was still soft. OMG. He saw me sitting in my booth jerking my dick and his eyes popped. He rushed over to me and came inside, closing the door. I locked it. He peeled his red booty shorts down his fat thighs and a FAT Japanese dick popped out. It smelled young. I dove on it before it could get hard. I like to feel dic… 阅读更多内容
Long Beach Greyhound men's room fun
For a couple of years I was a young sailor stationed on a ship in Long Beach, California. I sucked a lot of dick in the men's room at the Greyhound bus Station. There were three stalls with doors, and one stall on the end with no door. This is where I always sat. I like guys to see me. I can cruise straights like a pro. And they are the ones I want. Their huge loads. The urinals were along the wall on my right, with a partition separating the last stall from the row of urinals. This stall was the only one out of view from the entrance, which gave me and whatever strange guy I was sucking tim… 阅读更多内容
Downtown L.A. Greyhound restroom fun
When I was a brand new sailor fresh out of boot camp, I used to go home every weekend from San Diego to a small town in California. By the time I had made the trip five or six times I had managed to set up steady dick sucking on both ends of the bus ride. I was only eighteen, but I already knew whatI liked in addition to pussy. Sucking stranger's dicks was hot and free, and I couldn't afford much more than dick at that time. Most of my money was going home to mama. After a few months of these bus rides I met a girl in my small town that I started fucking like crazy every time we hooked up, so… 阅读更多内容
San Francisco Greyhound bus station bbc whore
Quite a while ago, when Greyhound was how a lot of people got around, the downtown bus station was huge, and the underground restroom was also huge. And nasty. Don't get me wrong. It was very clean, but nasty things happened there. There were ten stalls, and ten urinals. The urinals nearly always had at least three or four long jet-black dicks dangling in front of them. Not pissing. Just dangling. The black men downtown found this a good place to take a piss and, if they felt like it, get a blowjob. They always felt like it. I never found a black man who didn't want a blowjob. Most of them w… 阅读更多内容
San Diego Movie Theater Restroom
There was a sleazy, all night movie theater in the Plaza, downtown San Diego in the seventies. Straight movies, not porn. Triple feature movies for a buck. A young sailor who got drunk on base because he was only 18 could buy a bottle of popper and hang out in the nasty theater restroom all night long. Much cheaper than a peepshow. The last bus ran at 2AM and the first at 6AM. Those were my best hours. It was upstairs and had two stalls with a gloryhole and two urinals in front of the stalls. No doors. My kind of place. I was sitting in the left hand stall which gave a better view of the tw… 阅读更多内容
Hawaiian Sucktales
When I was in the Navy, I was stationed for seven years in Hawaii. Fun times there. One of my favorite public restrooms was on the second floor of the Aloha Tower, right next to the exit where the cruise ship passengers debarked. The middle aged white tourists in shorts and Aloha shirts was a change of pace to all the local boys I sucked off the rest of the time. Fat and horny, they were surprised to find themselves getting sucked off by a young white guy camping out on his favorite toilet stall. This was the closest restroom to the cruise ship exit and all the guys had to piss. And when a guy… 阅读更多内容
On a Hot San Francisco night
I submitted this on Nifty many years ago. This is a recanting of a most unusual tearoom. When I was in my mid-thirties, one of my ships made a port visit to San Francisco. This was not my first port visit to Frisco, and I had been stationed here for a while when I was very young. So, I knew the town. I found a nondescript bar, nothing special about it on the surface. But it was full of men, men who appeared and disappeared, men I wanted to suck. After an hour and several beers, I complained to an older man sitting next to me that I could tell there was action in this bar but I couldn't figure… 阅读更多内容
Las Vegas Peepshow interracial party
Las Vegas Peepshow interracial party As with all my stories, the only deviation from the truth is caused by my memory. And maybe, just a little tweak to make it better for my readers. This sucktale takes place in a Las Vegas peep show. There are much grittier peep shows in Vegas than the ones down close to the strip where the tourists go. The locals head downtown to Main street. Some tourists in the know go to the crisscross of filthy streets where there are three or four bookstores. But usually the only white men were locals at lunch or off work. Most of my customers were st… 阅读更多内容
Tearoom Fun 2
Tearoom Fun 2 By Mushroom7 I was at the San Diego Plaza once again, in the early seventies. Downstairs in the large dingy underground restroom. I was in my heyday at the time. I was 18, very white skin, relatively hairless body. My cock was eight inches, cut with an oversized head and was hard most of the time. I had short hair and was obviously a sailor. My mouth was in high demand by the street people, so much so that I would sometimes draw crowds and have to pull a train. The best time to hook up with street people is after two in the morning. By that time the bars have closed, the buses… 阅读更多内容
Tearoom Fun 1
Tearoom Fun 1 By Mushroom7 This is a true story. I lounged on one of the ten toilets in the dark underground restroom in the 'plaza' in downtown San Diego-a large square area with grass and benches where people hung out waiting for the bus on all 4 corners. I was a couple of hours into one of my friday night marathon blowjob sessions, an 18-year old sailor too young to drink outside the base. This limited my entertainment options. I could get drunk on the base, which I always did, then venture out into downtown San Diego and watch one of the triple feature movies in the sleazy cinemas, suc… 阅读更多内容