To day was just another wet Saturday like the rest of the week but at least I had a day off :) I got bord sitting in the house so I desided to go out. I'd been off the bus about 10 min's & it started raining. really I thought. I getting drenched so I headed for shelter. So i went to the mother in law's. I know it would only take me 10mins too get into the dry n no one was gonna be in so I'd stick my wet stuff in her tumble to dry. I arrived at in-laws bungalow n let myself in as I had keys.. I striped off n put every thing in & set to dry. I was about 2 ft from the bathroom whe… 阅读更多内容
My mother in law
When I first moved in with my gf/ now my wife. I met what was to be my mother Inlaw. Who seemsed nice enough. She's slim 5"2 about 50ish n not to bad looking for her age. We got on quite well & all was ok. Till one night the gf told me her mum liked a drink or two n tended to binge drink till she passed out n had to be put to her bed. Well as time i.e. Days went by she seemed like she was staying off the drink. Well the gf had to go stay at her sisters flat n cos she didn't really know me asked if I could not come along??? I said I'd be fine at home n would find things to do. She… 阅读更多内容
Under sexed !?!?!?!
Hi I'm an under sexed man ?? I'm now what I think most call a bear ? 5'3 tall Pot belly \chubby fat. 6.5 cock big ball sack I love to shave my pubic hair off all the time I do let if grow but its a pain having it. I work But I just don't get go play a lot I got wed 07 n settled down n had a k**. Before meeting thee wife I lost my mother n was in a bad place Before 03 I was up to my mouth in pussys tits ass cocks it was all sex sex sex. I worked in security 9\5 b & q then home. Shower change of clothing n leave to goto work in a pub. Till downstairs opened up the nigh… 阅读更多内容
An unexpected pleasure in the woods
Imsackt back from a walk. I went in the public toilets for a pee. At first I looked in the cubicals. There was sum phone numbers & call for sucking n fucking. Another saying guy wants to suck you hard swallow your cum. I has a pee then stated slowly pulling my foreskin back n forth. Then an older guy walked in so I pretend I was just finishing peeing. I walked over wash my hands & looked in the mirror only to see the guy with his jeans lowerd so his bum was showing he was gently pulling on his cock. As I stood watching he spred his smooth hair free cheeks so I could see his hole. I was hard &… 阅读更多内容
Me and my cock
I'm a huge fan of public nudity. I've often got my cock out when out in the woods / park. Or even public toilets. I've sucked been sucked wanked n been wanked made many a man and woman cum. I enjoy both man & woman. It's been sum time since I've had contact sexualy with a man as I'm now married. I'd love some fun with a sexy guy soon. Fingers crossed.… 阅读更多内容