Hello, this very experienced virtual whore (close to 30 years and likely 600 clients) is owned by DomMaster81. Making it's holes available to Others here on xHam and FetLife fulfills it's true purpose as a cum whore, existing for the pleasure of Others. If this whore has 30 minutes free to serve, it will NOT refuse any requests. Potential upcoming 30 minute time slots to service Others (subject to change, times are Central USA): ~ Tuesday 3/11 at 5:00p and 5:45p (possibly) Note, if Your scene requires extensive setup (or any set up really) that should be PM'ed in advance to keep the scene t… 阅读更多内容
DomMaster81's Slave Contract with nadia877
DomMaster81, herein referred to as "Master" is the sole Owner of nadia877, herein referred to as "slut" or "it," on XRMXX and FetLife, with RL actions performed by slut as required by Master. Slave registration for slut is on file at slavereg dot com, slave number 21-677-364-330. Ownership: Master holds clear and free title to slut and can share His property with Others as He chooses, or sell it outright if He desires. Other specific terms and conditions of slut's servitude are detailed below. Chat / Role Play with Others: slut is permitted to chat with others online, but an… 阅读更多内容
Daily Orgasm Report
In an effort to provide visibility into my home sexual activities, and to humiliate me by making something intimate and private about myself public, i will endeavor to update the information below every day or two (will be longer when away from home) with clinical details about my sexual activity with my Husband, and O/our orgasms. This info will continue to be kept up to date until DomMaster81 instructs me to stop. Tuesday 3/11/25: Blow Jobs: 3 Hubby Orgasms: 2... 1 swallowed by slut during after lunch blow job, 1 in slut's cunt during after dinner fuck slut Orgasms: 0 Monday 3/10/25: Blo… 阅读更多内容
Deadline 12/15/24: Apply to own nadia
Deadline 12/15/24: Submissive slut (nadia877) Seeks Online Owner at XRMXX and FetLife 2 Applicants So Far (see below for applications) During my October exile, please email Your submissions to me at nadia877 ~at~ hotmail dot com in addition to sending to me and DomMaster81 here. If You need to get a message to me, You may ask DomMaster81 to pass one along, which He may or may not do at His discretion. 9/14/24 UPDATE: If after reading the information below, You are interested in being considered to be the new Owner of nadia877 (herein referred to as nadia), please take the time to either… 阅读更多内容
Winter Orgasm Drought
Sometimes i feel like i am losing my "self" in my servitude, which i suppose is part of the deal. My online service to Master Danny requires that i give my Husband a minimum of 3 blowjobs daily, and dress around the house in a way that both permits and encourages "free use." O/our contract also stipulates that while i am to masturbate 3x daily, i am not permitted to bring myself to orgasm, depending instead on my Husband's cock, mouth and fingers for my orgasms. For the most part, this agreement has led to dramatically increased sexual activity and intimacy with my Husband which is wonderful… 阅读更多内容
Serving Those Who Served O/our Country
i had a very vivid dream last week, likely due to all of the Veteran's Day activities and news i was exposed to. With that said, after waking from the dream with wetness between my legs and many ideas about what i had 'experienced' in my dream, i am expanding on what i remember for this blog including elements of the dream along with creative elements that i imagine would become part of the ongoing arrangement, see below. -n It had been a perfect day on Haulover Beach and my Husband and i had been enjoying lounging au natural in the warm sunshine and frolicking naked in the ocean for several… 阅读更多内容
Suggested Tasks for Master Danny's Sluts
Master Danny (MasterDannyJumbo75, https://xhamster.com/users/masterdannyjumbo75 ) has instructed me to post this blog in the hopes of getting comments on the blog from the XRMXX Community detailing things You would like to see him task his slaves with doing. The tasks can be focused on my virtual service to Him, or they can be things my "sister" can do for Him in person, or they can be geared toward both of us. While Master Danny has no shortage of creative ideas for His sluts, He is excited to see fresh ideas from a variety of perspectives. All suggestions will be considered by Master, b… 阅读更多内容
RL Activities For Master Danny -Updated 7/23/22
Below i will detail directions i follow for Master (MasterDannyJumbo75, https://xhamster.com/users/masterdannyjumbo75 ). My most recent submissions will be at the top and older ones will be below. These are orders i follow for Master, in addition to the daily requirements detailed in my previous blog. Thank Y/you all for Y/your interest in my submission and Y/your comments on my blogs. 7/23/22: After Master was absent for about 100 days recently, during which time Master Doc assumed responsibility and control of me, Master has returned to XRMXX. W/we made a few tweaks to the contrac… 阅读更多内容
Contract with Master Danny - VOID
*** As of 3/12/2024 slut formally and publicly gives 30+ days notice of it's intention to terminate this agreement effective at the end of the day on 5/10/2024. This decision has not been arrived at without thoughtful consideration and is based on the fact that it has been over 6 months since Master Danny last communicated with slut on 9/2/2023. While contingencies had been put in place for Ownership of slut to transfer to others in the event of Master Danny's absence, these plans have unfortunately not worked out due to a variety of reasons outside of slut's control. Should Master Danny retur… 阅读更多内容
Other Favorite BDSM Videos
Here are some links to BDSM videos that would be in my public faves, but because they are not visible to people who are not friends with the poster, i am putting them here so my faves aren’t cluttered with videos that most can’t view. Periodically i will view my faves without being logged in and move videos to this list if they are not visible to all. :-) Darkload80’s Videos: https://xhamster.com/videos/hacker-captured-8985243 https://xhamster.com/videos/inbondage-abella-8985185 https://xhamster.com/videos/baptism-8953863 OtOMove’s Videos: http://xhamster.com/movies/5167725/99.html http://… 阅读更多内容
Now Entertaining Online BDSM Relationship Offers
5/11/19 Update: After quite some time getting to know a Dom here, i have given myself to Him virtually, serving Him as time allows. He is very understanding of my busy life, and i am very understanding of His. i look forward to serving Him, and sharing here if He allows and instructs me to. 1/10/18 Update: It is with great sadness that i will not be accepting any of the proposals i received. Before posting this blog, i decided that one of my (undisclosed) deciding criteria would be that any Dom/me that was interested in my submission to Them would already display Their interest in me in Their… 阅读更多内容
Serving Master (Online w/ RL Requirements)
Note, the blog below was written in 2017 while i was serving an online Master. The service to Him ended due to challenges with my RL being too busy for me to adequately fulfill His expectations and needs. i am leaving the blog up as a point of reference... i have been serving an online Master for the last couple months, when time permits. Many people have asked about the relationship, how it works, what my Husband thinks, etc., so i thought it would be best to write a blog about it. The most common question i receive is about my Husband, and His knowledge of my online Master. The short answ… 阅读更多内容
Shangrila Film Audition & Scenes
The post below shows logs of my audition and film scene(s) at Shangrila with the esteemed Jules Jordan Studios (a role play character only, no relation to the actual Jules Jordan). They are not for anyone that has a weak stomach, as i was put through the paces in an effort to test my limits. nadiaj’s Audition # 1 w/ Jules Jordan Studio nadiaj fidgets nervously on the couch and smiles up at You, "I am clear for 90 minutes for my audition Mr. Jordan, i am ready when You are." Jules Jordan steps over to the cameras and checks the focus, looking back to the TVs upon the wall to e… 阅读更多内容
My Adventures on Clothing Optional Beaches
People often ask me if i ever have sex on the beach or engage in obviously lewd behavior when i go to clothing optional beaches. Sorry to say, the answer is no. The beaches we go to in the USA are not permissive of sexual activity in public, and folks who ignore the rules actually put the very existence of the beaches as nude recreation spaces in jeopardy. Also, sand is about the worst thing i can imagine sliding in and out of my sensitive areas, LOL. With that said, i do like to have the occasional flirty moment on the beach, below is a short recount of one such day, let me know if you wo… 阅读更多内容
Still Seeking Tribute Pic From Couple
Update 12/21/15: Food for thought, another tribute fantasy i have is a couple making love and after he fills her with his cum the woman squatting over one of my pics, drooling his cum from her sex onto one of my pics. From 11/18/15: i have had a fantasy for a couple years now about receiving a tribute pic from a couple. In my mind a woman is stroking her lover’s cock as it paints one of my pictures with His cum. The photo can show just her hand, His cock and His cum on her hand and my image, or more if they prefer. i would want to include the image in my gallery of tributes, and can eith… 阅读更多内容
The Logic Behind My Desire For Fewer Friends
The Logic Behind My Desire For Fewer Friends: So like many women here (and probably many men) i get a fair amount of daily friend requests, most from folks that i don’t know. To recap what i already share in my FAQ Blog, i have included the text of “Q16: Why don’t you want to be my friend” at the bottom of this post. But to expand on the reasons i want fewer friends here, not more, consider the following math: 3,000 Friends: i get many friendship requests from folks with 3,000 friends or more. Let’s take just a moment to examine just how much time is available to them in… 阅读更多内容
Road Trip Fun With Hubby, May 2015
A couple weeks ago my husband and i decided to take a last minute road trip. We stayed close to home, visiting several friends within a 4 hour radius of our home, enjoying time with them and eating and drinking way too much! We stayed at four homes for one night each, and a fifth home for two nights. While it is great to stay with folks (more time to spend with them, no late night driving after too many drinks) rather than hotels, it certainly can put a damper on our sex life. Thin interior walls, families, and a lack of guest rooms combined to make Friday and Saturday night sexless nig… 阅读更多内容
My BDSM Kinks Checklists
nadia’s Comprehensive BDSM-Fetish-Kink Checklist (multiple lists and formats): Slave Punishment List (my ratings are in parenthesis after each, with 0 being something i will not do, and 5 being something that gets me dripping wet, RL (real life) is the first number, VR (online roleplay) is the second number): List of painful punishments: 1. Blindfold me, beat me with several instruments (whip, cane, belt, wooden spoon, paddle, hand) 10x with each instrument, i have to guess which instrument You used, if wrong start over. (2,4) 2. Put a ring or leash around my neck and… 阅读更多内容
Online Roleplay, What Excites Me
People often ask what excites me in my online roleplay at the two talkers i frequent, Crystal Palace and Shangrila, so i am writing this blog to describe scenarios that i find most exciting in virtual roleplay, most of which are a direct extension of real life fantasies of mine, but often more intense due to the safety of roleplaying online. ***UPDATE, 4/29/21: Due to time limitations, i very rarely make time for online roleplay in CP and my character got nuked on Shangrilla due to inactivity*** BDSM:First and foremost, i love roleplaying BDSM scenes. i enjoy BDSM for the sake of the… 阅读更多内容
nadia's Ill Advised Street Walk, Parts 1 - 3
nadia's Ill Advised Street Walk Part 1: *** This story is a work of fantasy fiction told within the confines of current events, written by nadia877 at the instruction of Maximos9 for His blog. It is NOT meant to be interpreted as true, or as something that should ever occur in reality, but in one’s mind, it can exist quite beautifully. *** In retrospect, i don't know what i was thinking, walking the streets of Ferguson Missouri that Monday night just hours after the grand jury had ruled that it would not indict the white police officer who had shot and killed the young black man.… 阅读更多内容