Across Japan a specialised team of tit doctors are emerging their duties to record and check on young women who are reaching the age of pubity,their specialised task brings them into contact with some of the most beautiful full breasted girls imaginable and they have full access to their bodies during examination,the check ups are often done in groups at institutions,schools and colleges,education of the girls early sex life with explicit material is offered by the doctors and hands on practises are not uncommon in the examination cubicles,some of the girls may not have even seen a real live p… 阅读更多内容
A wank appointment with Miss Hitomi
Miss Hitomi will be visiting the male fertility clinic next Thursday at 2 pm and you have been one of the invited to spend two hours with her,the appointment is as follows-Wank masturbation will be given to you personally by Miss Hitomi,this will consist of hand arousal and ball massage,full foreskin inspection,slippery hand wank with you favourite oil please bring this along with you on the day,breasts will be on display to you and she may offer a titty wank too,if so she will kneel down in front of you and offer up her breasts,pl… 阅读更多内容
Tits out for Friday Part 4
The Friday tits out exercise continued and always brought with it something different to enjoy,my wife explored her sexuality,the au par joined in and I got to fuck this gorgeous creature with my wifes blessing,we experimented as a threesome with me fucking her doggy while my wife massaged my balls from the back underneath between my legs she would often suck them as I jerked in and out,after I had finished she always insisted that I enter her straight away,exhausting but satisfying to say the least,with the au par bending forward to receive she was in an ideal position to grope her luscious t… 阅读更多内容
Tits out for Friday Part 3
I had never thought ever of my wife being of lesbian tendencies but tonight I was about to find out that she certainly was,when the au par had finished with me my wife called her over to sit by her side,I was directly in front in my own comfortable seat still recovering from being shagged by this nubile young lady,my wife was wearing nothing on top except a d**** with her tits hanging beautifully,her breasts were very different from the au pars in being more rounded with a tighter cleavage,I liked the nipples in particular which pointed upwards and were a sheer delight to suck on,without furth… 阅读更多内容
Tits out for Friday Part 2
The Au Par was riding my dick pumping it between her mellons as I lay back enjoying every moment of it,my wife was becoming to look very turned on by what she was seeing,her husband having his balls drained by a beautiful young lady and with her permission too,as my knob grew bigger it was obvious that soon something had to give,she then started on my balls pulling them downwards and into her tits then pushing them up grabbing them with her small soft hands,suddenly my wife left the room and then came back with a box of sex toys in her hand,she reached for a rubber cock ring and gave it to the… 阅读更多内容
Tits out for Friday.
My wife decided that Friday would be her 'Tits out' day,she says that women are doing this and allotting certain days to expose their beauties and its very healthy too for women,well who am I to argue ? well every friday she starts by hanging her breasts out over her bra and walking around with them bouncing around then later the bra comes off for the rest of the day care free and hanging free,a few weeks later the au par came back on the scene and my wife must have had a word with her because last friday guess what ? two pairs of tits hanging out as she strutted around with the feather duster… 阅读更多内容
Early morning pleasures
Early morning is the best time for sexual activities as the body is fully relaxed and the cock is hard and probably has a small glisten of pre cum on the helmet probably from a dirty dream,hard is not the word as my ramrod is at full mast pointing upwards as my hard fulls are full of cum waiting to be drained,as I move over my cock brushes against her bum and lets off a little jerk of the pleasures to come,I straddle her and push into her fanny from the back as she lets out a sigh of sheer pleasure,my cock rides to the hilt engorging her stretched cunt lips as they slide over my manhood,her wh… 阅读更多内容
Caning for pleasure
The headmaster proudly displayed his collection of canes in his office on the wall and was delighted when he had the opportunity to use them,a steady stream of young ladies were sent along to him by the female teachers who knew very well of his pleasure at seeing a red bottom at his disposal,in fact some of those female teachers had 'enjoyed' his canes too behind closed doors and knew the results of a caning would turn them on too,there were thin whippy canes,long straight smooth canes,knobbly stingy ones and even a birch kept for extreme cases of disobediance sitting in a jug of water,the wat… 阅读更多内容
Punishment time
The job of keeping harmony in the Harem was the task of the Tit Masters a dedicated and specially selected element who were responsible not only for making sure the girls fulfilled their tasks in providing unlimited sex for the Prince but also that they never over stepped their posiitions,they were also expected to maintain excellent looks and silken skinned sensual body appeal,girls would be inspected in order to maintain the expected standards and the passion,breasts were measured and massaged by young girls who applied copious oils that ensured a glistening erotic sight,nipples were encoura… 阅读更多内容
Instant needs are always granted for the Prince.
The Prince always got his sexual services in the morning but sometimes his needs were more urgent and he could not wait for his concubines to pleasure him,this morning a maid knocked on his door bringing some fresh strawberries and a glass of champagne to awaken his taste buds,but it was other tastes on his mind as she placed the tray by his bedside,her observed her curvaceous voluptuous arse thinly disguised under her silken slaves attire,her rounded ample tits hanging in her flimsy bra with little in the way of support,already on awakeing before she had entered the room he had become hard fr… 阅读更多内容
Morning set up for the day ahead
Woke up with erect hard cock again after dreaming about my times in an harem of willing girls,it seems that I serviced a few judging by the spunk dribbling around my nether regions,in fact they were lined up arse's in the air taking their turn from the master each one wishing to please more than the other,as I moved along the line a nubile goddess added fresh oil to my penis as she wound her nimble fingers around my shaft making it glisten ready for insertion,then with consideration she wiped my full balls with a soft towel,such is the duties of dealing with a pleasure army at your disposal,ea… 阅读更多内容