Story: Sunrise on The Top Floor (by Ela)

New story written by Ela on her blog. Fragment: .................... I decide to intensify the moment and take your cock in my mouth, with the lust and naturalness of a long-awaited hug. I try to memorize every intimate sensation…, to enjoy your taste…, to be a part of me. .................... Don't be shy, share and comment English version: Romanian version(original):阅读更多内容

发表者 alexelaxxx 4 年 前 5

Ela's Confessions: How I Became a Hotwife (2)

This is the second part from a series where Ela explains how it felt for her becoming a hotwife. Latest blog entry from Ela, you can read it here! Don't be shy, share and comment English version: Romanian version(original):阅读更多内容

发表者 alexelaxxx 4 年 前 2

S-a scarbit de sarulul a doua fete, si a urmat...

Pentru cei care urmaresc povestirile mele, revin cu ceva interesant. Cu ceva timp in urma, cand nu eram maritata, ne-am decis cu prietenii sa facem revelionul undeva unde sa nu fie multa lume si nebunie ca pe valea Prahovei. Cineva a venit cu ideea sa mergem la Covasna. Hotelul ne astepta fiind rezervat din timp. Eram doua cupluri si inca doi baieti, cu totii colegi de facultate, viitorii medici ai patriei. Drept dovada ca eu sunt singura care profesez in tara :) Hotelul se numea Bradul, cei care cunosc prin Covasna, stiu cu siguranta despre ce hotel este vorba. Un hotel dragut si curat. Seara… 阅读更多内容

发表者 blakline007 6 年 前 10