Pussy vs Cock?

I often get asked what I prefer most: pussy or cock? But there is no simple answer, all I can say is that there is no competition. I cannot pick one over the other. Each have their own uniqueness and qualities that transcend their primary functions, just as my attraction to each extends beyond the genitals. There will be phases when my urges are higher for one over the other but for us bisexuals and sexually fluid people that is normal. It does not negate our love for the other and it took me a long time to recognise this because society has conditioned us to believe that we can only be either… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Noor-Jaan 1 年 前 38

Tending To His Garden

*A fantasy involving a sexy man I know. One, if given a chance, I would most definitely make real.* Curled up in the armchair, I took a sip of my tea. The sunshine beamed through the large living room window and fell on my lap kissing me with its warmth. I could just spy my boyfriend, Ted, working in his garden, tending to his flowers and bushes. Repotting required him to lift heavy terracotta plant pots and bags of soil, as ever, I was impressed by his physique. Almost 70, he had the energy and endeavour of a man half his age. His regular hiking trips and active lifestyle certainly kept him… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Noor-Jaan 2 年 前 41


I think Robyn Ochs definition of bisexuality sums it up perfectly: “I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge that I have in myself the potential to be attracted–romantically and/or sexually–to people of more than one gender, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way, or to the same degree.” What a wonderful way to describe the beauty of bisexuality. It’s not a phase or a half-way house, I don’t need to pick a side, I’m already a full blown bisexual - I love both men and women. And I am heartened to see that the Bi-army is growing, not only on Xhamster but in the real word as well.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Noor-Jaan 2 年 前 45

I’m a Muslim, not a monster.

There’s always two sides of a coin. Most here have been class and some have been a pure pleasure to talk to. However, I want to say one thing to those who think it’s ok to imply all Muslims are terrorists or openly hold a line that Muslims are ‘trouble’, fuck right off. I’m no more trouble than all the other non-Muslims.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Noor-Jaan 3 年 前 39

Gay power-point 2

Continuing on from my first ‘Gay power-point’ post, this one is about my love for lesbian sex. I also love the female form and girl-on-girl action gives me the same double visual simulation - firing up my pussy - as it does with male gay sex. But watching it not only arouses me, it also holds a deeper meaning. For too long, I suppressed my feelings when it came to girls and thus used to quickly bypass lesbian videos because I didn’t want it to spark my pleasure powerhouse - I felt guilty. I watched straight porn and k**ded myself I was only interested in the men. When I finally threw away my i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Noor-Jaan 3 年 前 29

Gay power-point

I’m a part of that privileged group of women who get turned-on by gay male sex. Why? Well, I love men and two men getting it on together provides a double visual simulation to set my pussy on fire. Of course, not all gay sex is a turn-on, there are things that I like and things I don’t. But on the whole, a cock penetrating a man’s hole, pumping it good and filling it with hot cum is a feast for my eyes. A sexy man in a doggy position, arching his back - ready for a delicious cock to fuck him, is the height of erotica for me.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Noor-Jaan 3 年 前 101