alfa man
ALPHA MEN and beta bois Alpha males = Dominate, reign supreme, control, dictate, overshadow, overrule, subjugate, enslave, conquer, crush, force, enthrall, reduce, rule, subdue, tame, vanquish, enchant, defeat, badger, bludgeon, bully, coerce, cow, harass, frighten, intimidate, oppress, daunt, scare, terrify, terrorize, badger, enforce, horrify, and just plain shock or petrify us inferior loser beta bois. Being Alpha Males they are the upper class big cock superiors in every way. They being strong and all powerful are compelling with their influential authoritarian supreme control of complete… 阅读更多内容
Why Black Men and White Women Need Each Other
Why Black Men and White Women Need Each Other and What This Means for our Society. Have you ever wondered, I mean….REALLY wondered why black men and white women are seeking each other out in such record numbers these days? Is it the taboo, changing times, integrated neighborhoods, civil rights, or all of the above? Is the black man really better endowed, and therefore better in bed? Well….the answer is a combination of many things, however the most important reason I believe this is happening is that there remains an innate attraction between black men and white women that goes beyond any o… 阅读更多内容
black man and white woman
The white men of the Old South feared the black man’s primitive and powerful sexuality. They wanted to protect their women from it and from being tainted by the black man’s sexuality. However many southern white women did get involved sexually with black male slaves, and in doing so found that all the rumors about the black man’s powerful sexuality were true! The size, power, and potency of the black penis was much greater than that of the white men, and so the white men were jealous and feared their women would find more sexual satisfaction from these Negroes than from themselves. Many a whit… 阅读更多内容
Интересный рассказ ( black and white)
Зовут меня Татьяна Сергеевна, но где я живу отчество не нужно. Говорю об Америке. Ровно восемь лет назад мы с мужем переехали в Арканзас из одного российского города. Ему предложили высокооплачиваемую работу в узком направлении. Он у меня башкавитый, платили хорошо и нам удалось за год обзавестись собственным жилым домом, гаражом, двумя машинами, и отдать наших девочек в нормальную школу. Давайте опишу себя для удобства. Сейчас мне 41, фигура у меня сохранилась хорошей, грудь настоящая и ещё полная, правда немного свисшая вниз, размер третий, попка мягкая, мясистая и выпирающая бабскими полукр… 阅读更多内容
Black man have bigger cock white woman bigger puss
All these links and studies show that black women's vaginal canal's are smaller, the pelvic muscle strength is stronger than other races. The explanation being black women have more musculature in their PC muscles as well as their vaginal canal's being smaller due to that race naturally giving birth to babies with smaller heads than white or Asian women. Also the rates of incontinence is smallest in black women. There is definitely a racial difference and also genetic factors which determine the length of vagina. White women give birth to babies with larger heads "on average" so their hips a… 阅读更多内容
African Men are Bigger- blavk cock are biger
praise of being a Queen of Spades I DO NOT KNOW. Is it in the praise of the black men or is it in the praise of us, the White women who finally allow ourselves to enjoy sex for what sex is. Pure Pleasure. As a Mom who’s ‘down there’ needs require a bigger one than a girl of twenty, BBC is more than manmeat. To a woman who's new to the lifestyle,at first she will feel guilty and that’s natural. After all, for her whole life she lived in a cocoon of societal propriety where doing it with another man, especially a black man was a total taboo and it assured a place in hell. But, the new Queen wil… 阅读更多内容
Black seed
BLACK SEED and why Black men are superior. I almost forgot about black guys semen. There is something very different about Black seed. Yeah I call it Black seed because my first black daddy insisted that I call it this because it's not just cum. It's superior cum. First, it's thicker and stickier. If you've ever gotten a facial from a black daddy you'll know what I'm talking about. It has a gloppy consistency to it. Not that watery consistency that most white bois have. Second, then there's the amount of semen. Uh, I mean Black seed. Black men have a lot more semen then wh… 阅读更多内容
a white woman belongs to a black man
black man with white woman, power, erotica amazing sex, every black man dreams of a white woman, the most beautiful woman of all races of women. the white woman is the most beautiful in the world, she is sexy, she is white she is pure, soft, she is created for love for sex, black men have passion and amazing orgasms, incredibly powerful sex with a white woman, black man feels like a man with a white woman, she encourages the black man to give 200% of himself in sex, to enjoy and to can not resist love and sex with her. the bodies of a white woman and a black man are made to be together, it is… 阅读更多内容
black man and white woman are the new Adam and Eve
We are all aware of the great sexual attraction between a black man and a white woman, more and more white women are deciding, for a black man and a black woman for white women, it is simply too sexy, hot, erotic, to see everyone else together. we are all aware that the white woman is simply the most beautiful of all female races and has enormous potential for sex, for love, just like black men, the most powerful, most dominant of all other male races. so it is natural to be together. everyone wants to see a black man and a white woman together, how powerful, strong, sexy, erotic and exciting… 阅读更多内容
black man white woman
identifies the object, to deprive white men of white women, without which white c***dren will be impossible. Beyond that it emphasizes nature’s way: The natural overwhelming attraction of white women to strong confident black men. Finally, you have figured out one overwhelmingly important fact: The black penis is both the symbol and the instrument of power. Real power. Physical power. Racial power. Ultimately power and total domination. Just note the way white girls’ eyes light up in the presence of breathtaking black cocks…and the energy and enthusiasm with which these white girls respond.… 阅读更多内容
What I like
I am a 36 year old white girl that has a secret fetish fo black men!! So if ur not a sexy black man plz let me enjoy my taboo secret on here. I have a white boyfriend and I never been with a black man but it's my fantasy.… 阅读更多内容
First Evidence That Online Dating Is Changing the
From tumblr, { An Article from MIT, with a lot of interesting information…! here are some highlights for you all: “ The question that Ortega and Hergovich investigate is how this changes the racial diversity of society. “Understanding the evolution of interracial marriage is an important problem, for intermarriage is widely considered a measure of social distance in our societies,” they say. “ “… the researchers compare the results of their models to the observed rates of interracial marriage in the U.S. “ “…not least because interrac… 阅读更多内容
Beta male free gallery - help needed
I need to clean my favorite video gallery from all contents that show white guy cum inside a pussy. I already did a deep review, but I kindly ask you to comment here below with the video link in case you should find something wrong for my immediate deleting. Your help is more than welcome.… 阅读更多内容
Wanted: White (Wife) Whores: BBC Service.
Today's the day you get an introduction to a big black cock. Well, the size difference is about what's average for black men and white men. Don't look so surprised - your laptop search history tells us that you're more than knowledgable about just how big nigger dicks can be. Now, let's talk about how we are going to get you prepared for your very first big black cock cuckold worship session. Watching big nigger dicks bei… 阅读更多内容
White Sissies and the BNWO
An awesome repost from a friend, who wrote this about 5 years ago. Even more valid today, in 2021, than it was then. This need more exposure. Would love comments....----jwb ========================================================= how to be a good white Sissy in the New Black Order “White Men” don’t exist anymore “why dating white bois when you know that even them are going Black? ” can you answer an argument like this ? of course not bitches, because the fact that you are on my blog means that you are secretly ( or not ) into Black Men, oh yes we don”t know if we can actually keep sa… 阅读更多内容
first ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance of Black Sexual Superiority. Yes there will be some kicking and screaming by some. But people have to stop denying it. Hell it's 2021...haven't people seen enough evidence by now? That ship has sailed. Brothas got big fukkin dicks, they got swagger, and they can lay pipe like motherfuckers. any surprise them cute college girls and those MILFS and everyone is spreading those thighs? Then......EMBRACE it. Derive joy from your new-found freedom, now that you have accepted...... The final… 阅读更多内容
Why white men embrace our women getting blacked...
Why white men embrace our women getting blacked... This is one white guy’s take on the interracial phenomenon. Why the white mind is occupied by Big Black Cock in all it’s forms and fetishes. 20 years ago, no one would have guessed the terms “BBC”, “cuckold”, “mandingo”, “snowbunny” and all the rest would be common terms. There has been an awakening in the minds of all whites. We have collectively accepted the sexual dominance of the black male. I fully realize that this is an emotive subject and extreme views are held, both for and against. To my mind, you’re either trying to deny that domi… 阅读更多内容
Got Dick?
Not gay. Not attracted to men. Not even that bi. But I do like to suck dick now and then. Over the last 15 years or so when I started playin around, probably only about 10-12 men. Most of them one-timers from CL. And I do have an attraction to the BBC, I'd say half were black. Only one long-term regular. Black guy, married, mostly straight, like me - he just wanted his dick sucked every so often. So about once a month over two years we would meet up - usually at this secluded spot - he would pull out a perfect 7 inch rock hard cock and I would suck and jerk it till he jizzed down my thro… 阅读更多内容
Stupid Shit in Porn that Drives Me Nuts.
Video labels. 1. "So-and-so is DESTROYED by Big Black Cocks" WTF is that all about? Who gets off on seeing a pussy or ass "destroyed"? Well fucked? Yes. But "destroyed"? What kind of weird word choice is that? yet I see it over and over and over and over................. 2. "So-and-so VERSUS BBC"? WTF? People have sex, and the only parallel that anyone can think of is a sports analogy, like a WWF wrestling match? What's next?.... "Sex in a steel cage - loser leaves town"? C'mon, people......last I heard sex is not winner-take-all, like the Super Bowl. ..... LOL Sometimes… 阅读更多内容
A Social Theory - BBC
A Social Theory - BBC White pussy is exclusively for Black Cock! White boys are becoming cuckolds at record rates because of deep seeded interracial porn addiction developed during the digital age. Their entire basis of sexuality is continuously watching African men fuck young and fertile white women, and rarely if ever actively participating. Because of this repetitive portrayal driven by every form of media, the cuckold phenomenon will become even more pervasive for the generation that has come of age and become sexually aware growing up with unprecedented access to the new… 阅读更多内容
The Modern White Boys Agenda
Many modern white boys are pursuing an agenda that benefits black men and white women. This is a personal choice and does not include every person, but many are included. These white males have a somewhat feeling of guilt that coincides with a sexual desire to get their prettiest white women blacked. This most certainly gives the black guys an advantage for getting white pussy from the finest white girls, plus it helps these women receive the best sex they ever had. Sure it keeps the white boys from getting the pussy but that is not a problem for them because they get turned down for sex a lot… 阅读更多内容
Interracial nightmare fuel for whitebois
You can try my back-up uploads in streaming on… 阅读更多内容
Cuckold - Cuckolding: Nigger Dick Training - BBC:
Cuckold - Cuckolding: Nigger Dick Training - BBC: Big Black Cock (Wife/Wives) There's nothing about your penis that is capable of putting a smile on my face. The only thing you're good for sexually is tasting pussy after a superior ebony bull's cock has cum in it. You have to watch all of the fucking too - that way you can know exactly what it takes to make a real woman cum. I can't wait for you to be the hot slave to black cock you so desperately want to become. - A whit… 阅读更多内容