Thanks for reading what I'm going to share here. What I may offer here might be a bit off-base for some. I'm okay with that. I'm going to offer some qualifiers here on the front end, and then get into more after that. First of all, I am a straight man. I generally like cis-gals first, but I do have a strong attraction to full-time TG gals, and I've dated several, but only a few have been more than just dates I have very little interest in CD/TV gals: I'll not bore you with the details nor offer reasons that may offend. On point with the topic, I see a lot in porn that makes me question. I do… 阅读更多内容
Racial Profiling and Penis Size
I've seen a lot on here, other sites, and other social networking sites regarding fetish related matters. There seems to be a lot of racial profiling when it comes to penis size. First of all, racial profiling is a scourge in America for so many matters. We see a lot of this in matters when it comes to crime (or alleged) crime related matters. We see this is work related matters about people who can't find work vs. those who can. These matters are front page issues on the daily rags we read, whether they're something we buy at a news stand or choose to mull over via their web sites. Yet here… 阅读更多内容
Sex Bucket List Accomplishments vs. Desires
I think we all have things we want to have happen with our sexual proclivities, regardless of what we ideifiy as gender or who we are as people. We all have desires we want to explore, and as far as i'm concerned, that's okay. So here's a bit about what I've already explored, and a bit about what I want to discover, or perhaps rediscover. It's pretty personal, and might be a tad revealing. I hope it's not discouraging or may dissuade another from befriending me here. I'm just being honest. "Accomplishments" (And I don't mean this as something like it's something I've done and don't want to e… 阅读更多内容