I answered an add in a underground type newspaper. It was from a guy looking for submissive guys. He said he welcomed guys who were new to the scene. I got turned on and decided to check it out. I called him and he invited me over that day. I went over to his house to meet him. We talked for a little while and he asked me all sorts of questions about my experiences and desires. I told him that I liked to suck cock and that I liked to take cum shots in my mouth. He asked about my undressing him and I said that would be a turn on. Then he said "well what about getting peed on?" I told him… 阅读更多内容
Turning Straight Men Gay for BBC
I was in a bar in the big city an hour from where I taught. One of my favorite eighties bands was playing and although my wife didn't want to come, I wasn't missing it for the world. I wasn't in the bar five minutes when I heard my name being called out, "Mr. James, Mr. James!" I turned around and saw two of my ex-students and former players from a couple of years ago coming towards me. "Mr. James, what are you doing here?" asked Matt, the quarterback on my old team. "Came to see Blonde Ambition," I said. "They were my favorite band when I was your age." "I hear they're pretty good,"… 阅读更多内容
CHAPTER ONE This is certainly not the best part of the big city. Sitting in the parking lot across the street from my destination, I see nothing but dull, worn, dirty brick. The street level windows are covered in metal caging. Graffiti is sprayed here and there. The building I am interested in is two stories high and at least a hundred years old. The ground level started life as a small manufacturer, with offices and living quarters on the floor above. The entire neighbourhood is made up of similar structures, interspersed with garbage strewn, potholed, parking lots. At one time, serious re… 阅读更多内容
The teacher
Pt 1 I noticed a new book store opened up on the way to my school. I looked a little older than I am, and figured I try getting in come Saturday. Going in, it looked like a normal used book store. In the corner at the back of the room there was a door with a sign over it, must be 21 or older to enter. Opening it, I seen magazines of all types on the shelves. Walking down the isle looking, I didn't notice him coming up behind me. When I heard my name, I turned around quickly. Mr Smith, my history teacher was standing in front of me. I was so nervous I started shaking. He said, I didn't know yo… 阅读更多内容
The Pastor’s Secret
He can’t have a wife and k**s , I knew him since forever going at the church with my family until I moved on my own and never got back there not into my parents belief at all I accidentally met him a year after I moved out he was in the subway back from a meeting of some sort we got out and walking toward the bus , he somewhat was going to the same parking lot outside the city we went all the way to the back following him to the bench ''you know I always liked you, you always were one of the good boy '' ''thanks'' ''how is it living without your parents?'' ''its ok , but I miss the fre… 阅读更多内容
"Nick, Donny's here again. Pay the boy, now," Shirley Cummings said. Nick Cummings, 27, was a tall, strongly rugged businessman. His wife was going away for the weekend to visit her mother. The newspaper boy, Donny, came up the walkway with a bundle of papers in his hand. "Hi, Mr. Cummings!" The boy said cheerily. Nick leaned out of the door and stared dreamily at the young man. Donny wore tight 501 Levi's and no shirt. Nick watched as the boy bent over to pick up a coin he'd dropped. Nick's heart fluttered nervously as he saw the boy's ass outlined in the blue denim. Nick could also see th… 阅读更多内容
CH. 01 Fuck Kyle. Fuck everything about him. Imagine promising a 10% raise to anyone willing to work the night shift, and not coming through with it? I can quit. That'll leave him in shambles knowing his precious facility will look like shit cause no one reracks their weights let alone throw away any water bottles or rags they've used. I can quit. But I don't want to. Sure the hours are shit, I hardly get the daytime to do anything aside from sleeping. There's just nothing interesting happening in my life right now for me to risk being unemployed. You see it'd be easy to clean during the… 阅读更多内容
A Free Drink
Danny lived in the apartments opposite when we first moved to northern France, with his mother and a dog. He was a small but cute kid, always wearing improbably large glasses and an improbably large maroon jacket and his hair sported an improbably large quiff. He rode around on a bike too small for even him unless his mates came calling in a black BMW. I guessed he was about 16 and I put him into the 'not available' category, even in my fantasies, on account of both his youth and his on/off soapy girlfriend. He and his mother moved after about a year, I had only ever exchanged pleasantries wi… 阅读更多内容
Encore une aventure
Alors voilà un ami m’à conseiller d’aller au hotstore je m’y suis présenté habiller en collant jupe et strings seulement les personnes qui accueil m’ont dit que il n’y avais pas de gay mai des femme qui aime les homme un peut soumis je dit je peut toujours voir et alors il me fait aller dans la salle et quand je rentre déjà certaine femme baiser entre elles et d’autre me regarde je me dirige vers les siège qua d une des femme me bloque et me pousse sur le matelas sur le côté de la pièce en quelques minute elle est sur moi et frotte sa chatte sur ma bouche elle me fait léchée tout et elle soulè… 阅读更多内容
petite experience imprevue
pour le boulot je suis aller cher un client faire une installation c'est une personne d'apparence féminine qui m'ouvre la porte et montre ou faire mon travail tout en discutent cette charmante personne me dit que elle me trouve mignon je dit merci et elle commence à m'expliquer ce qu'elle aime faire avec les gars comme moi et que elle aime aller dans un cul avec ses doigts et des jouet si le mec accepte de se laisser faire et la elle s'approche et me touche les fesse elle dit que mon cul lui plais et qu'elle m'attacherait bien pour jouer avec je dit que cela me plairais mai que j'ai du travail… 阅读更多内容
une petite pute en chaleur
comme toujours j'ai envie de queue en moi alors comme il fait froid je ne vais pas dans les bois mai comme l'envie monte très fort je me prépare le cul sous la douche et j'ai de plus en plus envie alors je vais chercher un gode et je joue sous la douche une fois fini je me connecte alors sur internet et je regarde ou je peut aller je fini par discuter avec un homme qui me confie que il a envi de baiser une salope alors je lui explique ce que j'aime faire et quelque minutes après il me donne sont adresse en me demandant si il invite quelqu'un d'autre si cela me dérange ou pas alors je répond qu… 阅读更多内容
rencontre au bois sur parking
bonjour a tous alors voila je suis aller sur un parking près de cher moi et j'était habiller avec un t-shirt noir et un short noir de sport avec rien en dessous une fois sur le parking je suis aller dans les bois et j'appercois un homme en me voyant il se caresse le sexe et je le suit car je suis la pour sucer une queue il avance et s'enfonce bien profond dans les bois on arrive a un endroit ou il fait calme et ou personne ne passe alors il sort sa queue déjà en érection et se touche tout en me regardant approcher alors une fois près de lui je pend sa queue en main et je le masturbe quelque mi… 阅读更多内容
balade au sauna
je suis aller au sauna et je doit dire que j'ai pas eu l'occasion de tout visité quand je suis entrer je me suis dirigé vers les toilette car j'avais besoin de me vider comme il faut et la pendant que je faisais ma vidange anal je regarde autour de moi j'entends un bruit a coter et je regarde vers le bas je peut voir les pied qui sont vers la parois de ma cabine alors je remonte la tête et la un trou Glory e t une queue qui passe sans hésiter je le masturbe puis je le suce il jouis en 5 minutes dans ma bouche je me nettoie le cul puis je sort et je me dirige vers les cabine de sauna j'entre da… 阅读更多内容
une vrai salope en manque
alors je suis aller me promener dans les magasin habiller avec une tenue de sport très collante pour les femme je n'ai pas mis de sous vêtement et je sentait les regards sur moi cela m'excitait beaucoup alors dans le centre commerciale ou j'était je cherche les toilettes et je sent toujours des regards je suis super exciter une fois que j'entre au toilette je vais dans la dernière cabine et j'entre j'ai a peine pousser la porte que un homme entre a sont tour dans les toilette et me regarde entrer dans la cabine je le regarde et je peut voir que sa main caresse son sexe je m'assied alors sur la… 阅读更多内容
enfin je me suis fait baiser de force
alors aujourd'hui j'avais envie de réaliser mon rêve me faire baiser de force alors j'ai mis un message sur certain site que j'allais au bois dans une tenue sexy une petite robe sexy sans rien d'autre et que j'allais pour me promener car j'en avais mare de me faire baiser par des mec qui me demande que je rêvais d'être f o r c e r mai que la comme je trouve personne je vais promener alors arriver sur place je commence a marcher et a me promener et au bout d'environ 25 minutes de marche a m'enfoncer dans les bois en suivant les chemins je tourne ver un petit sentier sombre et j'avance environ 2… 阅读更多内容
je suis vraiment salope
cette semaine je suis rentrer tard du travail et sur le chemin je me suis arrêter pour boire un verre et je regarde donc un bar ou je suis sur de pouvoir passer un bon moment alors j'y vais je bois quelque verre et puis je vais au toilette heureusement j'ai sur moi se qu'il faut et je commence a me faire un lavement quand je ressort je bois encore quelque verre je rassure tout le monde je bois au coca car je conduis et je suis prudent au bout de quelque heures j'observe les gens et je remarque un homme grand et beau qui me fixe puis quand il a vu que je le regardais il vient vers moi et me dem… 阅读更多内容
Mon cul de salope à encore été rempli
C’etait vendredi j’avais une envie de queue alors je suis sorti et j’ai juste porter un pull et des collant je suis aller au parking mai rien pour moi alors je regarde sur internet avec mon téléphone et je trouve un lieux qui s’appelle hotstore mai voilà j’ai pas d’argent sur moi j’ai rien pris sur moi je regarde autour de moi et je me colle contre le mur comme si je regardais la vitrine la un homme arrive et me dit tu entre pas vu comment tu est habillée je suppose que c’est pour jouer la dedans je dit j’aurais aimé mai j’ai pas touché mon salaire et donc je vais rentrer cher moi il dit atten… 阅读更多内容
j'ai encore bien pris
cette semaine j'ai eu envie après le travail alors je suis aller dans dans toilette me préparer le cul et je suis sorti avec un pull et en dessous rien que mes collant j'ai repris mon véhicule et je suis aller dans un parking je suis a peine sorti et je suis aller vers les bois discret que des pas arrive derrière moi je me suis don avancer jusqu'à un coin tranquille et la l'homme arrive et sort sa queue je le branle et il me demande de le sucer alors je commence et il durcis dans ma bouche il me caresse et quand il remarque mon collant il le baisse légèrement et commence a mouiller mon cul ave… 阅读更多内容
Fucking My Brother in Law ( by mr bi jingle )
My sister Karen is drop dead gorgeous, and she always got the hottest looking guys. Well when she met Jeff she fell head over heels in love. Jeff is (in my opinion) a Greek god come to life. He is 6'2" 190 and solid as a rock with piercing blue eyes and jet black hair. Karen and Jeff got married about 7 months ago. It was a killer bash at the reception. My dad went all out because he really liked Jeff (the whole family did) and it was his only daughter. This was my first time that I saw what Karen really liked about Jeff. In the men's room I was taking a piss as my new brother-in-law strol… 阅读更多内容
I Love Sucking White Cock (written by bottombull5)
Im a middle-aged black male and I've always been bisexual. When I was a young boy, I never went through that stage where you hate girls. I was disciplined in kindergarten for kissing a girl. Only a woman can take my heart or break it. When it comes to love only a woman will do, but sex is another thing. I'm a pervert, I like kinky sex with both men and women. A group is even better. It's always fun to be watched doing nasty things and cheered on. There is not much I have not tried, and I liked most of it, and there is one thing I really enjoy. I love to suck cock. Cock, dick, prick, shaft,… 阅读更多内容
The Married Spaniard likes Cock (written by wills)
After my day on the beach, I was sitting on the hotel terrace with a beer, people watching. Across in the pool area, a Spanish mother was tugging a young boy away from the water towards the hotel, which he was not happy about. Behind her, the husband, wearing just black swimming trunks , was pushing a toddler in a stroller. I tried not to make it too obvious that I was checking him out as they walked past me, but he was easy on the eye, not too tall, dark Spanish colouring, fit body and a smattering of dark hair on his chest and legs. I didn't think he'd noticed me looking, but after they w… 阅读更多内容
The Watchers on the Beach (written by willscot)
I knew he was watching me, as every time I glanced over, I could see the top of his head duck down behind the rocks. I'd chosen this end of the beach because it was rocky, with patches of sand in between and hidden from the main nudist beach, so a good place for some action. The Spanish guy had walked past about ten minutes ago and although he looked over in my direction, kept on walking. Now he was having a sneaky look from his hiding place, unaware that I had spotted him. Deciding to tease him a bit, I took suntan lotion out of my backpack and started to rub some on my chest, then slowl… 阅读更多内容
My experience being taught about sex( by oceanboy)
Growing up in the 90's was interesting to say the least. I lived in rural West Virginia and never really had much exposure to any kind of sex until I became a little more developed. It all started one day during the summer when I was down at a river near my house fishing, when I was surprised by these 2 guys that peddled up on me. They were I guess in their late 20's or early 30's and they were on mountain bikes. They stopped and got off their bikes and asked me what I was fishing for, while they sat down on the bank and started drinking water. I said I was fishing for trout and wasn't havi… 阅读更多内容
Comics that I liked
Two Hot Blondes Bred Out BY Pegasus https://bestporncomix.com/gallery/two-hot-blondes-bred-out-by-pegasus/ Slutty Moms- BlacknWhite https://bestporncomix.com/gallery/slutty-moms-blacknwhite/ Slutty Moms 2 – BlacknWhite https://bestporncomix.com/gallery/slutty-moms-2-blacknwhite/ Mrs. Keagan The Proposition 1 https://bestporncomix.com/gallery/mrs-keagan-1-2/ Mrs.Keagan – The Proposition 2 https://bestporncomix.com/gallery/mrs-keagan-proposition-2/ Mrs.Keagan – The Propositio… 阅读更多内容
Whiteboy And The Black Psychiatrist(jeromeskorpio)
Dustin sat anxiously in the waiting room for his first meeting with the psychiatrist. There was a free counseling center on campus, but the twenty-one year old senior needed to keep his "problem" a secret, even if that meant paying $200 a session. Dustin would have to drop out of school if gossip got around. He would never survive the humiliation. Dustin was a clean-cut with wholesome good looks. He didn't seem at all like someone with a problem only a shrink could solve. Longish dark blond locks dangled over his large green eyes. Dustin had a slight cleft in his chin, dimples in his cheek… 阅读更多内容
Road Side Assistance (written by Rimaday )
This is the story of an unfortunate chain of events that changed my life, without warning. My mother had been suffering from Alzheimer's for several years and I had been making the 90-minute trek to see her at least once per week for a few years now. Honestly as her condition worsened, I had been letting it slip to once per month. This was my first trip with a new car, and I had been oblivious to my gas being low. Suddenly the low fuel alarm ding called it to my attention. Of course, it happened in the worst possible spot as it was, several miles to the next exit and I was not sure there w… 阅读更多内容
Three Way With Ian And Raj (by UrbanDreamer )
Another story from the same author I met Ian at his place. He greeted me at the door wearing shorts and a tank top. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder a laid a big deep kiss on my mouth. He was a little sweating as he just got in from a run. Loved the smell of him. As we walked in the kitchen, there was Raj. Same height as Ian, 5’10”. East Indian looking. Dark skin, jet black hair. Clean shaven. Tight body but had hairy legs, arms and chest. Broad shoulder with nice biceps. He too was wearing shorts and a tank top. Guess the two of them went for a run. Raj extended his hand to shak… 阅读更多内容
Quick Blow Job (by UrbanDreamer)
Ho trovato questa storia su Internet, mi è piaciuta e ho deciso di pubblicarla su questo sito , ho persino indicato l'autore .(Spero che non si offenda con me) I went out to the bar to search for some cock to suck. I wanted to wrap my lips around a fat juicy cock. Across the bar I see this 5’10” red head dude. He had a short cropped beard, wearing a white crew neck t-shirt with the sleeves folded over sho show off those biceps. The shirt clung to his pecs, tuffs of red hair peeked out from around his neck. his arms were hairy. He was intriguing. Our eyes met and we both acknowledged e… 阅读更多内容
Plein la bouche
Une nuit j'avais envie de bouffé de la queue alors je me suis allé sur une aire d'autoroute fréquenté par des des hommes hétéro et gay c'était juste une aire d'autoroute avec seulement des WC qui servait de Gloryhole , je suis allé dans les toilettes et 2 minutes plus tard une première bite faisait sont apparition par le trou de la séparation j'ai toute suite pris cette bite en bouche je pompe cette bite longuement jusqu'au fond de ma gorge j'avalais facile cette queue d'environ 15cm j'entendais le mec poussait de petits gémissements il aimé que je lui avale entièrement sa queue quand j'ai sen… 阅读更多内容
Je me suis fait défoncer
Un après midi j'ai reçu une réponse à mon annonce dans la quelle je recherche un mec actif équipé d'une belle queue pour me défoncer sans retenu alors on a dialogué et il m'a envoyé des photos de sa queue avec les dimensions mes c'était pas la peine je voyais bien quelle était énorme ces la plus grosse bite que je voyais elle mesuré 22cm sur 7,5cm de large, alors je lui ai donné rdv chez moi le temps qu'il face le trajet je me suis préparée et je me suis lubrifié le cul avec un gros paquet de vaseline, ensuite il a frappé à la porte je lui ai ouvert et toute suite il m'a mis une claque sur les… 阅读更多内容