About #3 Presentation

That was my last presentation until then: WELCOME ON MY XHAMSTER PAGE! BBWs, Fat or Thick Women, Big BOOBS, Big Asses, Hentai! ASK, TALK, COMMENT, SHARE AND LAUGH! I also LOVE : Playin guitar, MUSIC (all sort : Metal, Hip-Hop, Stoner...), video games, movies/cinema, Litterature, and have many more Passions! Find them out on my "About me" Posts! http://fc07viantart.net/fs71/i/2011/172/2/c/ji阅读更多内容

发表者 OppaiBak 8 年 前

About me #2 (Down with the Sickness...)

Day n° 603.... Right after Upload Post "About me #1" I just wanted to be myself, i don't want to show something or to prove who i am to anyone. Am i REAL?! Have i to show, prove, or even exist in the stare of someone else to realize i'm existing?! Have i to restraint myself from what i really am?! A b**st?! A Demon?! An "ONI"?! An Evil lusting for Big B( . )( . )Bs, Big Butts, and Pretty Smiling Faces Moaning from Pleasure?! Are Pornography, Sex, d**gs, Lust, Pleasure, Rythm and Blues My Hells?.... Yes... they are... and i'm facin and walkin in them, 'cause i'm Proud and Happy with… 阅读更多内容

发表者 OppaiBak 11 年 前 2

About me #1! (A page is turnin...^^)

Day n° 603 on xhamster... That was my first "about me" presentation, i made my first step nearly two years, but i decided to be what i'm really am since quite a while, and to share my tastes and interest on this fuckin site! I have no facebook, no badoo, twiter or any of these "How do I look like?!" sites, people are to selfish and affraid of the truth, to admit that THEY are the Perverted Minds. And they call it "Social Networks"?!..... I'd prefer to keep it REAL and Stay MYSELF... SO!... Fuck it all! and let Post right here the first Links I Shared... Enjoy Fellas! ============… 阅读更多内容

发表者 OppaiBak 11 年 前 2

My Favorites Big B( . )( . )Bed PornStar! (not BBW

It's not a classement! Just to show my tastes! * Diamond Kitty (she have pierce her nipples! love it! :p : * Eloa Lombard : * Ava Addams : http://www.lemmecheck.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/ava-addams-023012-09.jpg/ * Anna Carlene… 阅读更多内容

发表者 OppaiBak 11 年 前 5

Chiks in PINK! =) (must complete!^^)

I Don't know why, i love sexy outfits, but Chiks In Pink make me feel really Horny! And You?! =) http://promo.plumperpass.com/content/fgh/pp/single/kirstynhalborgbg5_阅读更多内容

发表者 OppaiBak 11 年 前 1