Exhibitionist in Not

Er hatte mich in diesem Forum kontaktiert, um zu fragen ob ich ein paar Bilder im Wald von ihm machen würde. Ich wusste aus seinem Profil, dass er Exhibitionist ist. Er wusste aber nicht, dass ich ein dominanter Sadist bin. Ich sagte ihm also zu am Samstag um 14 Uhr ihn am Parkplatz am Wald zu treffen. Als ich ankam stand sein Kombi schon auf dem Parkplatz. Ich nahm meine Baumwolltüte, stieg aus und gab ihm Zeichen auszusteigen und herzukommen. Er war etwas kleiner als ich es von den Bildern auf einem Profil angenommen hatte. Das Profil sagt nichts darüber aus, ob er Hetero oder schwul ist. Er… 阅读更多内容

发表者 OWL_Gentle 4 年 前 8

Exhibionist in distress

He had contacted me on this forum to ask if I would take some pictures in the woods of him. I knew from his profile that he is an exhibitionist. But he did not know that I am a dominant sadist. So I told him on Saturday at 4 pm to meet him at the parking lot in the forest. When I arrived, his station wagon was already in the parking lot. I took my cotton bag, got out and gave him a sign to get out and come here. He was a little smaller than I had assumed from the pictures on a profile. The profile says nothing about whether he is straight or gay. He simply wanted to show himself naked and be p… 阅读更多内容

发表者 OWL_Gentle 4 年 前 1

Why love a Chastity?

I found this on tumbler, as I am not sure if the link will stay valid, I decided to copy these interesting article for you. Everyone can love chastity for different reasons, of course, just like any other kink. Here’s why I do : Chastity takes away a boy’s ability to use his dick. He can’t jerk off, he can’t penetrate anything, he can’t stimulate it, he can’t get hard. To me (and to a lot of people) the dick is the ultimate symbol of masculinity. So when a boy doesn’t have access to it the feel of masculinity alters. He’s no longer in control of his dick, it is now controlled by the keyholder… 阅读更多内容

发表者 OWL_Gentle 5 年 前 4