Extreme fantasy

i want to go out for drinks with someone and have them roofie me with a really strong dose so it knocks me out entirely and have them find a group of really nasty complete strangers... like real derros that live far away and let them come and strip me off and throw all my clothes and things in a bin when they pick me up and take me to their house so i wake up naked with absolutely nothing and when i finally wake up ill have no idea who they are or where i am at all!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 7 月 前 9

Craziest dream ive ever woken up dripping wet from

i dreamt last night that i met up with a rough older dom from here and he made me kneel and he held up a rough prong training choker collar and told me he would like to sell it to me and claim ownership of me.. and when i asked how much for he told me EVERYTHING. my van and everything in it, my bank account, my clothes and jewellery.. EVERYTHING!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 1 年 前 10


I have had some really hot hook ups with some older men from this site! I have been trying to search profiles to reconnect with anyone i had met up with before but having no luck! if you read this and we have hooked up in the past reach out to me please!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 2 年 前 5

Crazy challenge fantasy/idea! :P

well first i should start by saying my phone was stolen last weekend and now i need to get myself a new one and thats what led me to come up with my insane challenge idea! :P first i thought i could run a fuck-a-thon with donations to get my new phone! then i came up with a more "hardcore hard mode" version of the challenge lol! :P the only acceptable donations are single coin donations per fuck/suck/whatever and i have to do it until i can buy an iphone pro max 1TB for $2,719 with air pods max added on for $899 also adding on the new 2tb ipad pro and accesories for $4,297 the apple watch her… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 2 年 前 27

Random trucker fantasy ;)

well i often get off to the idea of ending up at a truck stop naked on a collar and leash being passed around and ending up in random trucks never really knowing where i am or who im with or where im going or how long im going to be passed around from truck to truck at random stops all over the country for haha… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 2 年 前 4

Another fantasy of mine! :P

heya well really wanting to find 3-4 nasty and kinky older men to use me in anyway they want for a few days up to a week and for them to give me tasks/challenges the whole time that can be anything they think up while using me that i have to complete and for each task i refuse or fail ill owe them a whole month as their sex slave! ;D thats my fantasy!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 3 年 前 26

dirty slutty road trip idea :P

i have this dirty slutty idea of getting myself a cheap old van and putting a mattress in the back and going a road trip around australia leaving off with barely enough fuel and money get the next city/town and then offering my body to any men for a coin each (anywhere from 5c - $2) and having do that everywhere i go my way the next place and see how long it takes travel around aus then see if i want go for another round trip ;P… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 3 年 前 47


Ich bin wirklich auf der Suche nach einer Gruppe von 8 oder mehr wirklich bösen Männern, die 3 Tage lang Gangbang machen und alles tun, was sie wollen. Übernehmen Sie die totale Kontrolle und verwenden Sie so oft sie wollen, wie sie wollen. Sie würden anbieten, kurze Pausen zu machen, aber um erlaubt zu sein, hätte ich für sie, indem ich mich jedes Mal, wenn ich eine Pause brauche, für 2 Wochen als Sexsklavin anbiete! das ist meine fantasie! ; D. Ich denke auch, dass es für alle Männer heiß wäre, mir Aufgaben zu geben, die sie sich ausdenken, und wenn ich eine Aufgabe ablehne oder nicht schaf… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 4 年 前 4


im really looking for a group of 8 or more really nasty men gangbang for 3 days and do anything they want with take total control and use as many times as they wish in any way they wish.. they would offer let take short breaks throughout but in order be allowed i would have for them by offering myself as a sex slave for 2 weeks each time i need a break! thats my fantasy! ;D i also think it would be hot for all the men to give me tasks anything they think up that i have to complete and if i refuse or fail a task i have to pay for a break or double the payments for breaks or both! it will be up… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ozslut_hayley 4 年 前 15