Laundry Lessons with Mommy

Your Mommy is preoccupied, leaving you to take care of your laundry alone. But today, I will show you a different kind of lesson in the laundry room. As you walk in, I am already there, naked and inviting. My chocolate body glistening under the soft light, tempting you to touch me. Your eyes linger on my curves as I toss the clothes into the machine. Unable to resist any longer, you press yourself against me and begin to grind against my bare skin. I try to redirect your attention, but you tell me that your arousal cannot be ignored any longer. And so, we both give in to our desires in the mid… 阅读更多内容

发表者 yourmommydomme 8 月 前 9


I stvarno posle par dana jednog popodneva na mobilni mi je stigla poruka: "Večeras ti i Tijana radite. U 8 ispred Tijanine kuće vas čeka moj vozač. Obuci neke tange i nemoj mnogo da se šminkaš. Žuti". Najozbiljnije sam shvatila zadatak i počela da se spremam. Na brzinu sam obukla belu dekoltiranu majicu, isti teksas šorc i naravno tange i krenula sam ka Tijani. Imale smo vremena ali bila sam nestrpljiva. Kada sam stigla kod nje pozvonila sam na vrata i ona mi je otvorila uz rečenicu: "Pa šta je mačko, imamo vremena, opušteno :)". Po dogovoru nismo se puno šminkale i izašle smo ispred njene kuć… 阅读更多内容

发表者 jelenaa98 1 年 前 2

Index of models' initials

It's a safe habit, when writing comments, to refers to models by their initials instead of their full name, lest the vid get identified and then deleted. But of course, sometimes it may be quite puzzling to find out who's talked about in the comments. So I've started to build an index of models' initials, thinking it might be useful. It's not complete (will it ever be?) and if you notice missing models, please notify in the comments, I'll update the page. About the duplicates. As you can see, there are many two-letters homonyms; perhaps we should work out a way to disambiguate them.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Au_Loressi 11 年 前 315

Shared 2nd time

Shared 2nd time After being shared with Joe and he left the next morning me and hubby cleaned up the kitchen and went to the living room, sat down and watched the news. I was thinking about my bald pussy and wanted to show hubby but decided to wait for the right time. After the news was over hubby leaned over and kissed me, and told me I made him so hot and that he was proud of me for going through with his wishes for me to be a shared wife. I then told him I would do anything to make him happy because I loved him so much. Then he asked me if I liked the experience, I said I loved it. He asked… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sexy_sindy 3 年 前 13


Cheating It all started when we were at our friends house we were friends with a couple that lived up the road. Hubby and the Jack (I will call him that) worked together. I think we had gone there to eat supper. After supper we were hanging around and another buddy called hubby and asked him to go hog hunting so he went. Jack is not a big hunter and did not go (he had a plan)! So hubby was gone and I stayed for a little while talking to Jack and Lisa when I got ready to go Jack walked out to feed the dogs. He told me to meet him at another friend’s house (I will call him David). Davi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sexy_sindy 4 年 前 9


After I had come back to work from being off for 2 weeks with my husband having Covid. Some of the ladies that I work with told me that there was a young gentleman in the office asking questions about me. They said that he was asking very personal questions. Like about my husband, k**s, etc. I asked them what they told him. They said that one of the ladies spilled all of the beans to this gentleman. About my husband’s serious medical emergency several years ago. My relationship, and struggles since then. So much for privacy in an office. But, it was no big deal. It wasn’t like most people didn… 阅读更多内容

发表者 yankee23454 4 年 前 66