Addiction inspiration and home truths

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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前

What gooners think

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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前

Does your GF know about me?

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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前


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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前

The Journey

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发表者 Megabetaboy 7 年 前

Think we can all agree

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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前

After a weekend of porn worship

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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前

Porn Addict Dilema

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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前

We all recognise this

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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前

Story of Relapse

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发表者 Megabetaboy 6 年 前

Feminists at Work Suspect I’m a Porn Addict

I work in a very straight and narrow white-collar place. A number of middle-age “career women” – feminists undoubtedly – in positions of power there. They are very cold to me. They suspect I’m a degenerate porn addict and porn disgusts them. They know in their gut that I have no use for them whatsoever because they’re old, sagging and ugly and because I have a steady stream of glamorous, physically perfect hard-bodied young whores the ages of their… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sexistpigpornadict 10 年 前 12

Escalation in Porn

I started with porn at a rather young age of 8. I remember my mom used to get those JC Penney and Sears catalogs that would have pictures of women in nothing but their bras and panties. I used to sneak and look at them when no one was around then put them back in the place I got them from. It was the greatest! At 10, my dad got cable and a subscription to playboy TV which was unblocked! They had some decent shows on there at the time and being young, I would get hard at the smallest sight of tit or ass as I still do haha. Every time he would leave the room or head to work, the first thing… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Paulo324 10 年 前 22

Porn on Sunday

Why does jacking off on Sunday feel so good? I think it is because its our God given right to jackoff on a day of rest. To be able to jackoff to the nastiest porn anytime is the greatest but there's just something about doing it on Sundays! Maybe because jacking to porn is seen as so wrong and it feels that much better to blow a load while knowing there are people out there who are so firmly against porn. While they're at church, I'm blowing a load to the dirtiest porn around. I love it. Also I love jacking off while listening to preachers speak out against porn! Stroking to the hottest, na… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Paulo324 10 年 前 16

Wives DESTROYED by Husbands' Porn Addictions

I get very turned on while jacking to Porn reading accounts from wives bitter over their husbands' porn addictions. They all sound alike: Their husbands don't fuck them anymore, saving all their dick and cum for the physically perfect Porn Whores who they worship. The wives' self-esteem is CRUSHED - their insecurities multiplied a thousand-fold - as they break out in a cold sweat panic attack and realize they have been replaced by breathtakingly GORGEOUS virtual PORN GODDESS ROYALTY SUPERSTARS who they - common, average,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sexistpigpornadict 10 年 前 35

Religion in Porn

This is basically an extension of my previous post but focusing on one topic. Religion. Firstly, let me mention that I identify as a Christian and I love porn. I fucking love when the whores in porn bring God and Jesus into the equation. When they're screaming their brains out, they don't forget to bring God up no matter how dirty the scene is. When I'm watching whores getting drilled and pounded into oblivion in all holes and then they unexpectedly shout " Oh my God!", "Oh my fucking God!", or "Jesus Christ" it makes me hard as a fucking… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Paulo324 10 年 前 16

Whores Leaving Porn

We've all heard of porn whores who retire from porn too early. I'm sure some of your favorites have retired early as well. They often have their list of reasons and sometimes they leave no explanation at all. It just happens out of the blue. The question we always ask is why? Here is just a few reasons. When they "leave" porn, they never really leave porn as their videos and all their content is out in the world forever! The fact that I can still jerk off to Jayna Oso getting dped and eagerly taking jizz on her face makes me blow so fucking hard. Love The whores find love an… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Paulo324 10 年 前 19

Porn + Blasphemy = Hot as HELL.

My good Xham friend Paulo234 gave me the idea for this one with his recent blog Religion in Porn. Here's my spin on it. I LOVE PORN AND BLASPHEMY! Always have, always will. Hot as well, HELL. It's just sooooo wrong!:) But isn't DEMONICCUNT aka SATAN'S NUN look soooo fuckin hot here? (For more of Demoniccunt, check out my gallery devoted to her dark, dark beauty: Blasphemy is a time-honored tradition in porn from the "Golden Age" on up. I a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 sexistpigpornadict 10 年 前 47

I HATE Porn!!!!!!!!*

(*That got your attention, didn't it?:) Relax. This is a spoof) I’m crying, miserable and at my wit's end. My marriage is falling apart. I’m going to divorce my husband. And it's all because of Porn. When we first got married a few years ago, we had a great sex life. We were intimate five, six days a week.阅读更多内容

发表者 sexistpigpornadict 9 年 前 66

I need to be more addicted

I have been a compulsive masturbator since I was 7, addicted to porn since I was 13. I crave it even as I am watching it. Porn is the source of all pleasure and happiness. I worship it with every fiber of my being. I am miserable when my hand is not sliding up and down my cock, with porn feeding into my brain. I love having no control over it, the risks it pushes me to take to feed my addiction. I love porn more than I love my wife and family. My wife can never compete with porn, and my family can never bring me the happiness that porn does. I need to be more addicted though.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 live2masturbate 9 年 前 19

The glory of porn

Porn is life. Worshiping porn is why we exist. Give yourself to it utterly and completely - mind, body and soul. Open yourself to it and let it consume you. Never refuse its calling to you, let the urges control you, not the other way around. You will be rewarded with deeper and stronger cravings. The more addicted you become, the more joy and pleasure and happiness you will receive from it. The thrill of feeding your addiction brings more bliss than any person or thing could ever bring. If you are married, put porn before your wife. Put it before your mother, your fathe… 阅读更多内容

发表者 live2masturbate 9 年 前 17

Craving Porn

Every morning I think of porn Every noon I think of porn Every night I think of porn I must watch porn I must have porn I must stroke to porn I must blow to porn To crave porn is to know porn To crave porn is to love porn To crave porn is to worship porn I worship goddesses of porn with each and every stroke of me fucking my fist. Each load I blow to the porn goddesses solidifies my relationship with porn. Porn is so fucking amazing in its rawness. It reveals and shows everything. Whenever I see some girl dressed in skintight clothes or super skimpy clothes, I instantly think… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Paulo324 8 年 前 18


I have always loved porn. I grew up catholic so any talk about sex or any kind of nudity or pornography was forbidden. It started early. I had questions about sex and didn't have anyone to ask so I would hear my friends talk about dirty magazines and I knew I wanted to see one. I was around 9 or 10 and I was over at a friends house in his bedroom when he says he has a dirty magazine he found in the ditch. Me and my other friend ask to see it and that was it. I was hooked! I shakily thumbed through the pages seeing boobs and erect penises. I was in awe. I didn't know about cumming but my penis… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ilovejuggs 8 年 前 19


My teenage years were awesome. After I found my brothers porn stash I bated all the time. I couldn't help it. The dirty feeling I got from watching porn was all I wanted. When my brother went to bed I had to get my porn fix elsewhere, so late at night I would watch scrambled porn on spice channel and sometimes get the courage to actually order a movie from cable. I remember the feeling of calling the number to order a movie and my cock getting hard instantly. I would watch it and play with my cock for hours while everyone was asleep. I would get yelled at when the bill came but I didn't care.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ilovejuggs 8 年 前 15

The Masturbation Club

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发表者 ConstantlyCraving 7 年 前

Some confusion with my Porn Addiction

Recent thoughts on my Porn Addiction I have always been one to try and categorize people and myself into neat little boxes so I like labels for people and their behaviours. Until recently I have been a "closet" pornaholic and masturbator. This is something I have been keeping pent up inside of me since I was 10 (after discovering my first porn mag in my older brothers room and wanking furiously). I have only been "outed" a few times-- once by my wife a few years ago that caused our separation ----but that is a total different story for later!!! Since joining Xham a few days ago I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BETA_bator 7 年 前 29

A few words about PORN and LOVE!!! (-Moritz-)

I've grown up with PORN! What my father already loved about PORN, I'll continue proudly. I really, really have to thank my dad for making me and my brother familiar with the beauty of PORN at a young age, by being able to check his PORN treasures at any time. I've learned that PORN is never a temporary makeshift, PORN is a real passion! The GOLDEN AGE of PORN was my school and taught myself what PORN really means! So leave me alone with all the modern trash crap! I've learned to love PORN and honor it! PORN will always be my desire and my love and I'm damn proud of it! Withou… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Moritz 7 年 前 20

Are you able to tell someone is an addicted mastur

So, are you able to tell a person you meet in a bar or cross on the street or in the tub is a masturbator? What are the specific signs that reveal a man or a woman is a chronic addicted masturbator? Please feel free to share your opinion or stories! Maybe we'll be able to identify the profiles of addicted women and men!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cowboyfromhell12 10 年 前 8

Go deeper: Porn addiction and gooner habits

Hi everyone, these days I feel I am negleticting porn too much so I want get back on track. I'd like to work on my porn addiction as lately I went one week or even more without stroking so I am thinking to set up a minimum I could stroke even if I am not that horny. In order to achieve this goal I will do three hours edge sessions as often as possible, trying to avoid full orgasms, if I can't avoid cumming I will ruin it. In addition to this I will lick everything that leaks out from my dick, as licking precum is a form of communion with porn and a way to worship unattainable girls. When I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cowboyfromhell12 6 年 前 4