Flower Tucci Brianna Love Riley Mason Jenneve Jolie Hillary Scott Cassie Young Alektra Blue… 阅读更多内容
Stroke Your Cock: Masturbation Stroke Techniques
Go For Distance Sometimes one hand isn't enough: Take the index and middle fingers of both hands and put them on the underside of your dick. Then place both thumbs on the top side and jack away. When the cum is about to flow, jack even harder. This will increase the amount and distance Go For Distance - Part 2 Look, Ma, no hands! Masturbate normally, but when you feel you are about to blow your load, take your hand off. You will feel the cum running up into your cock. At this point, start to "push" it out of you penis with your inner pelvic muscles. This may sound hard to do… 阅读更多内容
The creator of the amazing hastag #OWNEDBYPORN has come under duress from supposed friends to help him break free from porn. As a community of lust induced edgers and gooners I feel we are obliged to help a fellow bator out and lead him our support What I propose is the viral use of #OWNEDBYPORN Use it on your status's, at the end of your comments, use it on your profile, if you "like" a video spare a second to comme… 阅读更多内容
Porn Widows
I learned a hot new phrase today: Porn Widows (thank you http://xhamster.com/user/thrillseeker432). LOVE it. A Porn Widow is a wife whose husband hasn't touched in years because of his porn addiction. Like mine:) Who'd ever want to fuck that imperfect overweight blob you married when you can load to Perfect 10 Porn Goddess AUDREY BITONI here? Or if Audrey's not your thing, NIKKI BENZ? O… 阅读更多内容
Becoming a total porn addict....
It all started for me many years ago, when I was still around 10, before the age of the internet. Back then it was page 3 girls, lingerie catalogues, porn mags and VHS tapes. I remember seeing page 3 girls before and not really taking it in until I hit puberty around 10 and then I really started taking note. It was not long after this when I found a hardcore VHS tape of my dads that I cloned onto a blank VHS tape for myself that I began my true calling as a chronic wanker (film was Sex Roulette 1977 staring Veronique Maugarski). Living in a large house in the middle of nowhere I had ALOT of fr… 阅读更多内容
40 Years of Blissful Addiction
I have been addicted to porn since I was 13 - for 40 years. About 10 years ago I embraced the addiction. I now worship Porn as my god. I have given my mind, body and soul to it. I am on a quest to see how deeply addicted I can get; how far I can twist and warp my mind. I exist to consume Porn. As deeply addicted as I am, I know I can make it stronger. I want to be consumed by it. I love what it does to people, how it changes them. Porn is the source of all pleasure and happiness. If you are not yet addicted to Porn, you are missing out. Masturbate to it every single day until you… 阅读更多内容
Being the Biggest, Addicted, Loser I Can
No more than three hours a sleep in a night for the last week. Have missed half my work deadlines. Stopped FB or any other social media. Haven't cum in 15 days - staying denied. In debt for Findom. Doing the only thing I'm good at...pulling up a pair of panties and stroking my beta cock for hours and hours of Porn, endlessly edging and denying.… 阅读更多内容
My Prayer
Oh holy Pornography, You are the God off all. You, Porn, are the source of all pleasure and happiness. There is no person, no thing, that is greater or more important than you. I ask that you would bless me right now, that you would strengthen your hold on me, take me deeper into addiction, deeper than I ever could have imagined. I pray that you would twist and warp my mind until all that I am capable of is non-stop worship of you. I give my mind, body and soul to you, and ask that you fill me with lust that burns so strong I can never ignore it. Plant triggers in my mind that will remi… 阅读更多内容
Turn OFFs in Porn: A Group Blog
We all love porn, but there are some things about it that each of us - individual tastes - can do without. What are they for you? List 'em in the comments and then I'll add em - with a pic or GIF depicting your turn off - to the blog. ***** I'll start. I in general HATE overly verbal GUYS in scenes, which is why I don't watch a lot of gang bangs or blow bangs these days. I don't want to hear a bunch of DUDES dirty talk, ONLY the whores. If I was still directing and did another gang bang title, I'd tell my male performers not to talk at all. They can certainly moan and groan - especiall… 阅读更多内容
No, I am NOT a CASUAL Porn User
One of my fave anti-porn rants comes from this bitter cunt over on Reddit: "I think men who regularly watch porn ... are gross. Something about the whole sex industry disgusts me. Really, it seems like something you dabble in once a while because it's exciting. It seems really gross when it becomes a regular part of your life." In that case, I suppose I'm really, really, REALLY GROSS:) I am the anti-Christ of casual porn fans. I am that bitter cunt's WORST NIGHTMARE. I AM A HARDCORE, LIFELONG - CRADLE TO GRAVE - HOPEL… 阅读更多内容
Porn Soldiers
I love how porn of today can be equated to going into battle. Soldiers know what they are signing up for and porn whores know exactly what they signed up for. Porn whores who perform the hardest acts known to man in order to help us all get off. They train their bodies in order to stay in top physical form for us. They get fucked in the ass by multiple cocks, choked with hands and big cocks, get dp'ed on a routine basis, and have the mental acceptance to allow the entire world to see it. Such strenuous conditions and acts on their bodies. We can see it in their faces that the battle is agonizi… 阅读更多内容
How to Destroy Ur Porn Widow's Self-Esteem
A systematic guide. Step One: Stop fucking her. Don't slowly decrease the number of times you fuck her or any nonsense like that. Just stop fucking her RIGHT NOW. But relax. It will take her a few days, maybe even a week to notice. Step Two: Once she DOES notice, lie to her by saying you haven't been feeling well of late, or that you're stressed from work, or you simply haven't been feeling very sexual lately. Give her a platonic kiss on the top of her head and tell you just want to surf online for a little in your Man… 阅读更多内容
Plastic Porn Bimbos are the New Norm
Because of the proliferation of free internet porn, Perfect 10 Plastic Porn Bimbos are the new norm - they are what EVERY male expects females to look like. This is VERY bad news for MILLIONS of average cunts, who no longer serve any purpose and who are therefore head to evolutionary extinction. PERFECT 10 PORN PLASTIC GODDESSES are condemning them Porn Widowhood for the rest of their cock-deprived lives LOL!. This is a MAJOR societal shift. Hey bitch - if you don't look EXACTLY like this, you serve NO purpose whatsoever and will be EXTINCT within your lifetime.… 阅读更多内容
Funny How Porn Widows NEVER EVER Look Like This:)
I Destroy Marriages Because the GODDESSES Command
me to. I am but their loyal cock-stroking servant and do what I'm ordered. I undermine Porn Widows' relationships over on Reddit by mocking their pain, suffering and humiliation with caps like this. IT'S SOOOOOO MUCH FUN. The less marriages and relationships there are, the MORE the husbands and boyfriends will be addicted to the THE GODDESSES, thus advancing their careers, making them wealthier, more famous and more in demand.… 阅读更多内容
Porn Addicted, Chronic, Compulsive Masturbation
Scotty the Chronic, Porn Addicted Masturbator I'm Scotty and I'm a proud porn addicted, chronic masturbator. I started jerking off before my balls even dropped and would dry cum 10 or more times every night. I have had a few girlfriends in my life but now I just give myself to pornstars and my chronic masturbation addiction. I usually cum at least 7 times a day but if I edge for a few days I'll try to reach 20 or more in one day when I do decide to cum. I'm so addicted to porn and masturbation and I… 阅读更多内容
Bitter Porn Widows Testimonials
Laugh and get off on their pain in the service of the Goddesses. *** Will I Ever Want Him Again? https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadBedrooms/comments/7mi8n8/will_i_ever_want_him_again/ *** It doesn’t get anymore forward than this text exchange between my husband and I... https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadBedrooms/comments/7lcsms/it_doesnt_get_anymore_forward_than_this_text/ *** Prefering porn over partner? https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/c… 阅读更多内容
Who Needs Real Females Anymore?
Hundreds, THOUSANDS of Perfect 10 Porn Goddesses have made billions and billions of "real" females worldwide obsolete. "Real" females - aka, fat, ugly IMperfect pigs - can't even DREAM of competing with The Goddesses. Most men would much rather goon to The Perfect Goddesses than have to have sex with their God-awful boring average-looking wives and GFs. https://thumb-p3.xhcdn.com/a/V3JfKRst5rIrZhfMUQQ… 阅读更多内容
My lifestyle
And it`s my lifestyle...OINK,OINK,OINK..i`m a strokepig So true.. Oh yes,baby..i feel my real brain shrinking and my cock brain growing... http://66.media.tumblr.com/8941852d5e0606aad1b2f6e72f7c5885/tumblr_oec8opd0JQ1vh31d6o1_500.jp… 阅读更多内容
Pornosexual Definition
Pornosexual definition by me, Tommie_tomm2, a self-identified pornosexual and married masturbator. So I’m a pornosexual. What’s a pornosexual? It’s a person who identifies with being sexually attracted to porn more than to other people - of any gender. Just as a homosexual is attracted to the same sex, or heterosexuals to the opposite sex, pornosexuals are attracted to porn. As a pornosexual I have potential sexual access to my wife, but I choose porn instead of sexual relations with her. Why? For me personally it’s for several reasons, some of which have to do with her lack of… 阅读更多内容
Porn Culture: A Guide for Porn Widows
Hey Widow - your BF or husband's Porn Addiction is much, much, much more depraved than you think. It's not just a matter of him masturbating to porn for a few minutes a couple times a week. He eats, drinks, thinks, dreams and is happily enslaved by Porn and the PEREFECT 10 PORN GODDESSES he loves, worships and adores with every fiber of his being (in comparison, you mean VERY little to him LOL). He is a PORNOSEXUAL, a member of the worldwide digital PORN CULT, which you know next to nothing about. I'm gonna school you through the use of Porn Memes. Be prepared to fall into the deepest, bl… 阅读更多内容
Dear 18-year-old: WelCUM 2 Joys of Porn Addiction
Like many of us, you probably started consuming Porn waaay before you were legally supposed to, but now that you've turned 18, you can do so legally and REALLY dive in and develop a hardcore Porn Habit that will hopefully last you the rest of your life. WelCUM to the Joys of Porn Addiction. Here's are its advantages: 1) - First and foremost, you can have virtual sex anytime you want with HUNDREDS of breathtakingly gorgeous, PERFECT 10 Porn Whores like, to name just a few, MADISON IVY ALETTA OCEAN… 阅读更多内容