Mila. Another world. Part 9: Exams

With a large amount of knowledge, which Mila acquired in the classroom and from reading books in a huge school library, the girl began to understand more and more this world that had become almost her own, with its flaws and the advantages. Mila began to understand some previously unusual things and to receive explanations of everything that happened from the knowledge gained. This new world seemed to her almost ideal, there were no wars, unemployment or hunger, everyone was doing their own thing and benefiting society. And the role of a sperm receptacle, which the girl began to desire more a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 DanielBDavis 1 年 前

First experience as a high school CD slut

My senior year in high school 1989 was one of my favorite years of my life. I had my first car, first girlfriend, and first experience as a fully dressed cross dresser. During spring break in late March my freinds and I would hang out at a neighbor’s house a few doors down from my house..his name was Kevin. He was late 20’s had a hot wife and would buy us beer, and let us watch porn at his house Saturday afternoons and evenings while his wife worked (we always thought she was a stripper and he eventually told us all that she was). So basically we’d Hang out with him watch some porn on VHS tape… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lexxcream 5 年 前 85

"You have to swallow."

I met him online, in a chat room. What started out as a curious, erotic fantasy, quickly became so much more. It would lead to my first experience and a profound awaking. "Have you ever sucked cock before?" I felt a tingle run through me. His question, so forward and so to the point, made me admit that while I had not, I wanted to. "If you are here, in this chat room, you must be curious." "Yes" I said, the first time I had admitted it. It was the first time I had said it, or written it, to another. My cock twitched just at the admission. I jolt of electricity shot through me. I became so tur… 阅读更多内容

发表者 PaulMayer00 2 年 前 5

My Sexy & Seducing Aunt Lila

My interest in women's Lingerie came from my association with one of my divorced Aunts. It was Aunt Lila when I was quite young. She provided me with many opportunities to observe her black nylon clad legs, her garters, 5inch high heeled pumps, and delicious peeks at her creamy thighs, bulging over her black stockings. From the time when I was around 14 years old until adulthood, my Aunt Lila had me in a constant state of arousal. She had a cute face and though she was average in stature, she was big breasted, had a small waist and had great legs. She loved to run her fingers through my blo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 retcntryboy 2 年 前 42

La mia prima volta en femme

Le due di notte… sono seduta davanti al mio PC con la chat aperta, piena di richieste a sfondo porno. Sono lì per questo, il gioco è sapere che gli uomini si eccitano e che io sono vestita per loro… ma davvero non riesco a iniziare una conversazione, e la cosa non mi piace.; adoro infatti dedicarmi completamente a colui che mi solletica l’erotismo, toccando aspetti di sensualità che fanno immediata presa sul mio ego… fare la mammina sexy, esibirmi per gli amichetti del mio partner di chat, uscire a cena con lui in abiti mozzafiato, facendo eccitare gli uomini lì intorno, meglio quelli con don… 阅读更多内容

发表者 nadiadurante 4 年 前 10

First Time Sucking A Cock

My mother had a friend, who was like her, divorced she had a son a year older than me. His name was Tim. Whenever one of these women needed to have time alone, we'd be sent for a weekend or overnight at the other's house. Her son and I were friends because of their relationship. I was staying at their house for a couple days, I was 18. Tim and his mom lived in a very large old house in the city. It had 4 or 5 bedrooms, 3 floors. It was way too big for just two people, but she came from money, so they lived in this big old house. In his bedroom there were two closets, one was full of his stuff… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ninaloy22 4 年 前 42

My Aunt and Uncle Come to Town

Twice a year my aunt and uncle would come to town and visit. They'd stay in a big expensive hi-rise hotel downtown. My aunt and my mother would shop for two straight days and my uncle would attend business meetings, for those two days I would be home alone with my mom’s clothes and my favorite, her high heels. God, I loved her high heel stilettos. The day they'd arrived, mom and I would meet them for dinner at their hotel, it was a tradition. When I got to be 7 or 8 years old, after dinner, they would give me their key and I'd go up to their room, always on one of the highest floors and "wat… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ninaloy22 3 年 前 18