I'm a wife, mother, schoolteacher and a whore who can't say "no" to men's needs- and also my own desires. To say I am sexually promiscuous, as my husband says, is an understatement. We live less than an hour from Atlantic City which affords us ample opportunities to spend an evening or weekend enjoying sex with guys hoping to get lucky at the gaming tables and ending up finding good fortune in their rooms between my widely opened legs. Summers are especially fun because of the horny, young guys who spend their vacation from school on the Jersey shore trying to get laid, but most of the time ge… 阅读更多内容
I'm an English teacher, that's why....
As you may already know, I'm a high school English teacher and a frustrated author. I find writing cathartic; in that it allows me an outlet to confess and expose the details of parts of my life I couldn't publish for public consumption. I find it sexually stimulating, as well. And as for my husband- he has access into my profile and has read all of my posts, which often resulted in being dragged into our bedroom and "punished". It also excites him having his bisexuality revealed publicly and with anonymity, although some who know him have private knowledge of that fact- some friends, business… 阅读更多内容