A post to my XH patron

Today I was really moved as I got a wonderful gift from a very special person. A man who has been a very nice friend here at XH. A brazilian special friend who I fondly named my "patron" in this site. Here you have: lazerolo My dear friend, thx so much for your beautiful lovely gifts. I really enjoyed them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAQ4sJZ5IsU Lazar, Obrigada meu anjo! Have a great weekend! Best wishes from The Queen!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Rainha_dos_Negros 13 年 前 2

Long Distance Portuguese-Brazilian Class On Sex

cock, dick = pau, rola (pronounciation= pow, rola = rolla) pussy = buceta (booceta), xana (shana) ass = bunda (boondah) asshole = cuzinho (coozeeño or cwziño, coozin) tits - peitos (paitos) tighs = coxas (coshas) Next lesson I'll write/ translate some hot expressions I want you afro-guys to practice with me, ok? I'm gonna be very demanding! lol… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Rainha_dos_Negros 13 年 前 2


Dear XHamster's friends, I just want to thank you for your massive response to my profile. Cheers!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Rainha_dos_Negros 13 年 前

My personal blog (blogspot)

Forthcoming posts in my blog (paranegrosemulatos.blogspot.com): 1) Penultimate pics post (part VII) on topic "Tarde no Drive-In" (Afternoon at the Drive-In), tag NEGRODELÍCIA. Picture illustration bellow. 2) Final part story (Visita Íntima) as I fantasize a sex visit in a prision. Sorry but all written in portuguese. Try to using google translator if you wish. 3) An unpublished clip with PIMPLOKO (tag) + LOTS OF INTERRACIAL STUFF FOR YOUR DELIGHT! KISSES MY FRIENDS! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-T2vjGv6ppfI/Tf07qIoW5JI/AAAAAAAAJC8/3vp_TrGSucA/s1600阅读更多内容

发表者 Rainha_dos_Negros 13 年 前 2

OFF TOPIC: Black music rocks!

I love all types of black music: hip hop, blues, soul, rythm blues, funk, jazz, acid jazz, reggae, afrikan (Akendengue, music from S. Africa, Senegal, africa jazz, Fela Kuti from Nigeria), rap, brazilian samba from Bahia and lots more. Black music is an unique enormous contribution for the human being culture throughout its history. From the bennings in Mama Africa till the rap social-political-musical revolution. I wish I could post here I some samples by fantastic DJ Shadow on YouTube but it's not within the rules. So go to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Rainha_dos_Negros 13 年 前 2


PARANEGROSEMULATOS is in fact 4 words altogether in one = para negros e mulatos and it means FOR BLACKS AND MIXED (in english it would be like FORBLACKSANDMIXED. Because in Brazil there is a lot of afro-brazilians and afro-mixed. That word (I invented, lol) is my nickname in Brazil's Sexlog community. So I do not intend to change the watermark for Rainha dos Negros, as written in my XHamster' status 'cos I'd have to do in all my pics. And I have a lot of them, lol. That's the word which appears in my watermark. Many people may not like the fact I use watermark in m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Rainha_dos_Negros 13 年 前 1

First Brazil, now the world!

I am very glad with the massive response I am getting here amongst XHAMSTER's users. As I wrote in my profile I would never imagine that my interracial adventures would be so welcome. I am a simple person, mother of 3 c***dren with a very commun way of life. But since I decided to put into practice my sexual fantasies I cannot stop anymore. A became a black man's slave although I was nicknamed The Queen of the Black Men in Brazil.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Rainha_dos_Negros 13 年 前 1