He's Married!

He’s…… Married.... He's married…. I keep telling myself as I fumble for my keys to open the door. We started talking at the bar, id only nipped in after a long day at work and ended up being let down by my friend. He'd only just gone in after an argument with his wife. Neither of us planned to go home with someone else! Finally pushing the door open, he is right behind me, pushing me in by my butt, holding both ass cheeks in his hand. I turn to him, pushing him against the closed door. A moment of quiet as we stare into each other’s eyes. We both know it’s wrong, so so wrong, but in this momen… 阅读更多内容

发表者 realsarah 3 年 前 35

A Pre-Work Work Out....

A Pre-Work Work Out.... "BeepBeep.... BeepBeep.... BeepBeep.... BeepBeep...." "Ugh, not that time already!" 9:30am every morning my alarm rudly decides to wake me up, beeping till i can muster up the energy to swipe it off, or snooze it atleast! Lifting my head from my duck down pillows, my eyes adjusting to the morning light streaming in through my net curtains, reaching over to the far bedside table, swiping my alarm off. Hearing birds tweeting happily in the frost topped treas is always nice! The blue sky even better! Pushing the duvet cover down off my chest, letting the cool light stre… 阅读更多内容

发表者 realsarah 4 年 前 18

It was only meant to be a coffee.... Pt.1

"Hey, are you nearly here?" "Yeah, just walking down the road now, i can see the coffee shop sign, i wont be a sec." Said Dani. "Okay, woll dont be long! bye, bye bye bye." I replied I was waiting near the window at one of the tall tables and sat on a comfy bar stool, sipping coffee and waiting for Dani. We had never met before, id had a little crush on her for ages! I wont go into the back story of how we met, but it had been a few years of talking more and more till i finnally plucked up the courage to ask her to meet me. I was in her neck of the woods with work, so thought id ask on the off… 阅读更多内容

发表者 realsarah 4 年 前 5

Sarah's venture to the dark side

Sarahs Venture To The Dark Side. Wednesday - "Looking good today sarah" I hear from across my desk. "Thankyou Rob, you too, i like the pants" I say with a smirk and a gentle wink of my eye. Me and rob had been flirting innocently for a few weeks, the chemestry between us is palpable, every morning when he comes in he says im looking good and that i smell nice. I always return the compliment, but he does genuinly always smell good, infact, edible. He is always impecably dressed and always such a kind soul. Dare i say i make more of an effort when i go to work this last few weeks? Dare i say i f… 阅读更多内容

发表者 realsarah 4 年 前 16

Another Survey!

What's your bra size? Im a 34DD, no they arent real, i got them enhanced when i was 22 :) Are you shaved? I always try and have a wax whn i can, if not, i shave every night in the shower :) For your, and my greater pleasure ;) Describe your butt? Hmmm, well, i go to the gym a lot, so id describe it at toned, and tanned! How often do you masturbate? If you read my other survery, youll know i masturbate 4/5 times a day :) And how do you masturbate? 90% Of the time i use my fingers, but i do have that 'go to' toy that i love! What sexual preferences do you have? I dont really, i just… 阅读更多内容

发表者 realsarah 7 年 前 23

General Survey! :-)

Are you male or female? Female Age? 24 At what age did you start masturbating? early 12 If im being honest How many times a week do you masturbate? I t depends on the week, but circa, 15+ How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? I always aim for 2 :) Where do you masturbate: In bed? Mostly In the shower? Yes In the bath? Not a massive fan :$ Outdoors? As above At work? Only when im really needy! Every room in the house? Yup In a car while traveling along the interstate? Never What do you fantasize about when you play: A significant other? If i had on… 阅读更多内容

发表者 realsarah 7 年 前 23