I'm sick to thee high teeth on here of body shaming. I have curves and I do go to the gym,but my belly isn't flat. Im not being made to feel less of a porn star or less of a woman because I'm not a size zero. I love my body and my clients or fans never complain but you always get the odd troll even though I've dropped 2 dress sizes since most of the videos that are on my profile. People should be kind to each other especially with what's going on in the world today Its not me that has the problem its the keyboard warriors. If you can't say something nice dont say nothing at all xx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 REDHOTRIO 3 年 前 69


Getting my boob job Saturday so have lots of content planned for when I'm healed!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 REDHOTRIO 3 年 前 5

New content

LOADS of new content coming this week! Xx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 REDHOTRIO 3 年 前 1


New to this site. I am going to be creating some sexy content that will make your toes curl! Perfect for anybody's wank bank xx… 阅读更多内容

发表者 REDHOTRIO 3 年 前 10