Just to get one thing straight. I am not trying to be rude, crude or inhumane, BUT, if my patriotic gallery bothers you, stay the fuck off my page. This is me and who i am. Don't and won't give me or my country up for narry a split tail or swinging dick out there. Have a good ole day!!!… 阅读更多内容
Locked content is a pain in the ass!!!
Good morning fellow perves. I really don't understand why all you people go to the trouble of uploading content and them putting. Lock on it, this is a sharing porn, fuck sight, if you dont/won't people to see you don't fucking post it. Also dont understand why people lock profiles for friends only, how in the hell are we as perverts supposed to see if we would like to have you as a friend if we cannot see your content, if you only want your friends to see your dicks and pussies, go next door and show your friends.… 阅读更多内容