Fake Profiles

Hey Gang-- I really hate to write this. But, I am getting beyond sick and tired of fakes posing as bi or hetero women and as couples. I have caught A LOT of them! I am SERIOUSLY considering authenticating myself here because I don't believe in bitching about something I myself am not willing to do. I am becoming "willing" damn fast! None of these poseurs are even close to being clever and I think it is rather sick to play games with people's heads to get off. Welcome to the Wild West that is the Internet!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 3 年 前 2

The "Look" I Love

I have seen the faces of tens of thousands of women in my lifetime. And in all that time I have found one particular "look" that never fails to grab my attention and hold it in an iron grip unlike any other. I can't really explain what that "look" is in words. But, in pictures? Definitely! Mind you, this is a "running list" of ladies that possess this "look". The "look" is manifested in their faces. Their bodies vary from lady to lady. To me, a woman's face is her most unique feature. Attraction starts right there for me. The List----(so far) Patti McGuire--Playboy Playmate for November of 1… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 3 年 前 27

Why Katie St. Ives Is My #1 Modern-Day Porn Star

There are a LOT of ladies out there that can make me reach for an extra fan or fire extinguisher for my computer. Some are friends here and some are in the Industry. But Katie?? NUCLEAR BOMB. Ain't no hope for me with her. She has been at the top of my list for eleven years now since she first pranced her hot little frame right into my sight back in 2009. She is still "doin' the do" and has not lost a step in all of that time. Check out her 35 minute video on the fucking machine! Seek it out. I dare you not to fall in love with her the way I did! There is no faking there and she says she squir… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 4 年 前 23

Laura Jayne Smith--"Call On Me" Girl

The tune "Call On Me" by Eric Prydz was released in 2004 with what must be one of the most notorious music videos ever. It was a launching pad for the international celebrity career of Australian fitness guru Deanne Berry who leads the aerobics class in the video. Eroticism in aerobics is not new. FAR from it! In fact, the "Call On Me" video was a take-off on the theme of the movie "Perfect" released in 1983. There, Jamie Lee Curtis is the class leader and John Travolta is the guy putting out the vibes of lust--which are reciprocated by Curtis. There are a bunch of babes in the "Call On Me"… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 5 年 前 2

Neil Peart--Drummer Extraordinaire of Rush

There are VERY special people that grace our planet from time to time. People in the right place at the right time with the talent to shine. Neil Peart was one of those people--IMHO. It is shocking to all of us out here that know of Neil that his passing was just announced! He was but 67 years of age and succumbed to brain cancer. Good God. It was Neil's drumming and ability with words that brought Rush into its own as a Progressive Rock band. Bassist/Keyboardist Geddy Lee and Guitarist Alex Lifeson handled the music. But, it was Neil's lyric poetry that lead the band into all of the differen… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 5 年 前 17

Inspiration--The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin

I am on a "world tour" in my galleries right now. I happen to be going through Scandinavia at this point and this tune keeps going through my mind as I make my way through the region. Germany and Scandinavia are the lands of my ancestors and when I look at the Germans and Scandinavians in my galleries, I see myself. Being a musician, I naturally find inspiration in song. This song is an ode to those ancestors. It was first performed in Iceland, which is the country that inspired it. --Please note that the "official" lyrics differ somewhat from what is actually performed by Robert Plant on the… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 5 年 前 8

Up In The Mornin' And Off To School (C Berry)

Hey Gang-- If you have read my profile, you know that one of my main missions when it comes to sex is to be sure that my lady gets off in a BIG way! I have taken the time over the years to learn about the ladies and how they are put together. Why? Because if you are going to be a good lover, you have to pay attention! The woman's body is a study. A real study. Am I lecturing? NO! HELL, NO! Not my place. Not my style. BUT, I DO like to share--as you can see by my content. Nope. What I want to share is how to make your partner completely SPENT when you two (or??) are done. To experience what… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前 7

Chelsea Rae--Off The Reservation...Off The Hook!

Hey Gang-- Gotta send you out into the Net landscape to search for one of the raunchier multiple creampie videos out there. Chelsea Rae made the video in question some time ago. But, some things don't get stale with time. I find multiple creampie videos to be that way for me. In this video we find Chelsea in the role of sub pig fuck-hole. Black leather studded collar with a leash attached, Master-to-Sub Pig dialogue, fucker to fuckee (is that a word??) commentary and voice-overs provided by Chelsea. All of that in addition to guy after guy entering the room and fucking Ms. Rae silly until th… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前 1

By Her Request--Exhibitionist Asahi Tanaka

Hey Gang-- Here is an exhibitionist lady from the US (but with pure Japanese looks) who said, "I like how you expose Women! Please post whatever you like from my galleries!" Well, isn't that nice? She appreciates what I try to do here at the "funhouse". Well, little lady, I am happy to oblige! Have a look at Asahi and I think you will agree she has some things going for her in the physical realm. She has an ass that won't quit, gumdrop-sized nipples that you could really sink your teeth into and-when her legs are closed--a plump little pussy that just begs for a good eating. And how many o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前 5

Different Strokes--In Multiple Languages

Hey gang-- A little bit more about me: Sex for me is about intimacy. Like a nice hot tub. Relaxing, enveloping, bubbly and WET! LOL! But seriously, folks, I am a lover. Everybody has their own "erotic buttons" that get them off. I will try to put stuff on my site that will have broad appeal. Well, a lot of us like broads, right? Ah hah hah. Ahem. Anyway, you might best describe me as a teddy bear (not in looks, but in sexual temperament) with the sex drive of a rabbit. Sex is also about fun and not being able to walk after I am done exorcising the horny bunny within--and in my lady. This is… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前 1


"History shows again and again how Nature points out the folly of Man." Excerpt from Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前 1

Ricky's Jukebox Pick #2--2 Minutes of Perfect

Hi Gang-- I have referred to the tune I Can't Explain by The Who previously. But, there are numerous versions of that tune out there. Different mixes abound. However, there is a version that stands head-and-shoulders above the rest that has only been released in the last few years. This is for a song that came out over here in the US in 1965! It endures. Anybody that considers themselves a Rock fan has got to have this one in their Hall-of-Fame list. Once again, for all you Led Zeppelin fans out there, that's Jimmy Page on the Rickenbacker electric 12-string guitar. Not The Who's gui… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前

Ricky's Blast From The Past Jukebox Pick #1

Hey Gang-- I haven't thought of (or played) this one in a long, long time: Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult. One of the first tunes I learned how to play when I was just starting out on the geetar. What a rockin' tune! It is also very funny--if you listen to the words! Check it out, gang! And....I might add....I hope none of you out there have blue oysters!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前

Strangers In The Night. Doo Doo Bee Doo Bee.....

Hi Gang-- A new video posted on my site! Check it out! A hot one from my files. Tell me what you think, everybody!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前

Lili--"Blackbee" on Xhamster Live!

I have said before that, once in a while, you find one of THOSE. "Those" are not necessarily all alike. Just like a steak can be magnificent, so can a well-made souffle, or cake. Well, Lili from Ukraine is one of THOSE. One of the ladies that have some kind of magic to them. She goes by the name of Blackbee in her chat room and I have seen her in action. I hadn't really looked over at the "live" leg of Xham. As luck would have it, she was one of the very first ladies I found there. She is subtle and alluring and makes sexua… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前

Right: "Make Mine Milk"--WRONG: Cody F

Hey Everybody-- The Ed Powers video with Cody Foster IS complete! Sorry! I knew I had a copy and something told me to review it 'cause I just may have fuuuuuucked it uuuuup! Duuuuh! Sure enough! Type in: mdd28: Ed Powers and Cody Foster. 'Should get you there--in more ways than one!! LOL!! Love and Props to All!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前

Ricky's Reviews And Recommendations #1

Hi gang-- Time to share again. I want to recommend two videos that have always been faves of yours truly. I must admit "Make Mine Milk 1978" is a bit of a disappointment on Xham because it purposely deletes one of the most UNBELIEVEABLE oral creampies I have ever seen. You can actually see where the video jumps where it is cut in the 20-22 minute-timed section. And I saw this movie many, many moons ago. However, the flick is still FREAKY HOT! It has just about everything you could ask for in a porn video. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. The second feature is Ed Powers' romp with Cody Foster. Just type… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前

A Big Favor To Ask

Hi Gang-- I can't say that I really, truly know my ass from a hole in the ground on how to navigate around this site yet. I figure I definitely could be missing something as to how to chain dialogue and stuff together into something coherent. It's kinda hit-and-miss right now. So, could you please put a little context into the responses you guys send to my notification and message boxes? Help the newbie out a little! K gang? I know you will. So many friendly, really cool people out there! Love and props to all!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前

Keep The Good Vibes And Love Coming!

Hey Gang-- I have had massive response to my content and I want to thank you ONE AND ALL!! Please send in suggestions and I will post what folks are after. If you have hot content you would like to share, I'll post that, too, if you like! I want my page to be a "funhouse" where we can all enjoy our favorite, sexy stuff!! Once again, THANK YOU! <3 <3 <3… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前


Hey, gang-- Just want to send love and props out to all who have complimented me on my galleries and who have friended me! Great! I promise I will post more galleries and videos soon! Be on the lookout! :) I PROMISE I will only post stuff that has AUTHENTICITY. No plain old-plain old,run-of-the-mill junk. This site is my "funhouse" and I aim to show everybody a good time! Keep the good vibes and comments coming! Right on!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RickyStrummer 6 年 前