I AM SO EXCITED!!! This is a fantasy that has literally been years in the making... ever since I used to take the train to visit Grandma in Wyoming. The shortest version of the story is that I live in California and tomorrow we will get on a 3 day train ride to Washington DC for vacation... I plan on keeping him tied up ALL THREE DAYS for thousands of miles (don't worry, photos/videos to come). I have a sleepsack, a straitjacket (by Maxita) with matching "boot" that turns it into a sleepsack, lots of rope, lots of duct tape and one VERY small "sleeper cabin" that is private. :-) My… 阅读更多内容
Purple Drank on my Tits - Interracial Confession #
I haven't posted a confession is a while, but I have so many that have been sent to me. Here is one from a girl who just tried it for the first time: I am 23 now, and the first time I had sex was when I was 13 with a 39 year old man who couldnt drive because he had dui. I was called the biggest slut in high school and it was true. I was the biggest slut in university. I liked it, I was never ashamed. The guys I fucked were white and hispanic. I had never had a black guy. 2 weeks ago, i went out on a friday night with a bunch of girlfriends and a few of their boyfriend to a bar that w… 阅读更多内容
Deciding on what to use in a sex session using a d
SLAVE GAME SESSION Rules for selective enjoyment of slave in game session 1. Penile penetration of bum/pussy/mouth may be at any time at master’s discretion. 2. Slave not to orgasm without permission. 3. Slave to pee or not pee on command. 4. Breach of rules = pussy smacking (no of strokes at masters discretion) 5. Dice to be thrown by slave for each category before session starts. 6. Activities are not mutually exclusive and may overlap at master’s discretion 7. Clothing at Master’s discretion 8. Emergency get out/stop password for slave in pain only “Cabbages” 9. Pussy to be shav… 阅读更多内容
Our rules for BDSM in a loving relationship
OUR RULES FOR BDSM IN A LOVING RELATIONSHIP 1. You must enter into the bdsm relationship by mutual consent - it must be a loving agreement or it merely becomes domination and sadism. 2. You must both agree what it is you are going to get out of the bdsm relationship. You, the man, is going to have the thrill of doing what he wants to a woman (your wildest fantasies can now be played out). She must be rewarded by the thrill of the unknown, the relaxation of abnegating responsibility for the sex session, AND she must be rewarded with her orgasmic pleasure - she will also get pleasure from kn… 阅读更多内容