This one is simple, what do YOU think is the sexiest song/video? What gets you going? This probably shows my age, but Fiona Apple's Criminal does it for me. She is a bit skinny, but very attractive and amazing eyes. And the lyrics...damn.… 阅读更多内容
A Question for the ladies #1
I should probably write this when I am less tired and more coherent, but here goes... I will start with a quick story to help illustrate my point. A few months ago I was traveling on business. I was staying in a fairly upscale hotel. The first morning I went down for breakfast. The hotel offered a nice complimentary hot breakfast with china and silverware. Most people were dressed in business casual, with the notable exception of a few University women's volleyball teams. Each women without fail was wearing her volleyball shorts and a random t-shirt or some other top. I am not sure why they a… 阅读更多内容
Celebrity crushes and animal magnetism
A questions to anyone who is interested and willing to respond. I am curious about celebrity crushes, but this is really just a polite/innocent way of saying 'celebrities' (or any person you do not know or engage with) who you would really like to fuck. A celebrity for whom you have a strong, a****l attraction to. Personally, I have experienced this type of strong a****l attraction before, but always to a person I was face to face with, or at very least in the same room. I don't know if the attraction can be attributed to pheromones, body language, or what, but I am talking about the really… 阅读更多内容