
I was in a different town to my own and decided to pop into a swingers club to speak to their reception as a little dare to myself on my way home. I had never been to one and I thought I would be sexually excited to see inside etc. I went in to meet the lady that ran it and she was lovely and asked me in for a drink and a look around so if I decided to visit in the future I would know what it was like. She told me it was to dress down and that I had to be in my underwear or naked but I asked if I could have one drink first so we did. I went into the bar area and there were a lot of men and 3 o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 roseyhammill 2 年 前 5

My panty fetish

I realised very young that I was bisexual. At an age where the word didn't exist in my vocabulary yet. The frustrating and exciting thing about it was being a young girl surrounded by other girls in every scenario. Sleep overs, communal showers, dressing rooms , school trips and sometimes sharing a bed. It wasnt long into my masturbating age that I spent the night at a sleepover with friends. We had the usual girly fun. Popcorn, pizza a dance around in our pjs to pop classics singing loudly. Followed by a scary snuggled up horror movie. As it got later the girls started to talk about boys an… 阅读更多内容

发表者 roseyhammill 7 年 前 39