II'm absolutely gasping for a bit of hot she-dick! You know you're in a bad way when someone comes into your place of work and buys condoms from you and you get jealous LOL!! Also found myself "accidentally" brushing off my female co-workers a lot more this week, they're all married women and older than me but I was gagging to taste their pussys too!… 阅读更多内容
What would you do if you came home to this?
This is amazing!! I'm salivating!
10 steps with a shemale if you're a girl
1. Be naked letting her know it time to fuck! 2. A little dance for her to watch while strokes and gets hard, thinking about how good that pussy is going to be and what she's going to do to it!! 3. Rub the shit outta that cunt and make her come to you all erect and gagging to have you work on that she-cock!… 阅读更多内容