Serving Master (Online w/ RL Requirements)
Note, the blog below was written in 2017 while i was serving an online Master. The service to Him ended due to challenges with my RL being too busy for me to adequately fulfill His expectations and needs. i am leaving the blog up as a point of reference... i have been serving an online Master for the last couple months, when time permits. Many people have asked about the relationship, how it works, what my Husband thinks, etc., so i thought it would be best to write a blog about it. The most common question i receive is about my Husband, and His knowledge of my online Master. The short answ… 阅读更多内容
Shangrila Film Audition & Scenes
The post below shows logs of my audition and film scene(s) at Shangrila with the esteemed Jules Jordan Studios (a role play character only, no relation to the actual Jules Jordan). They are not for anyone that has a weak stomach, as i was put through the paces in an effort to test my limits. nadiaj’s Audition # 1 w/ Jules Jordan Studio nadiaj fidgets nervously on the couch and smiles up at You, "I am clear for 90 minutes for my audition Mr. Jordan, i am ready when You are." Jules Jordan steps over to the cameras and checks the focus, looking back to the TVs upon the wall to e… 阅读更多内容
Trip to Vancouver
I planned a trip to Vancouver from Edmonton to see my blonde Pegger from my videos. While constructing a loose itinerary I realized that I should try to source out another Pegger. I found one who is a 47 year old Domme. I'll get to them later. I arrived at my hotel and unpacked and wandered around the area looking for a bite to eat. After a couple of beers and food I was back in my room for an early night or what I thought what was going to be an early night. I opened my iPad and logged into a gay hook-up site that I hadn't looked at for weeks. Playing with men is fairly new for m… 阅读更多内容
Kara I still want you! So, senior year of High School this gorgeous girl transfers in. I saw her wondering the halls totally lost and, being the wonderful person that I am I introduced myself to her and helped her find her classes. That afternoon I’m in the locker room changing for Gym class, and who should walk in but Miss Gorgeous! I walked over to her in just bra and panties and asked how she was doing. Looking at me from head to toes she replied she still felt hopelessly lost but she figured she’d be ok. With that she started stripping. It was all I could do not to stare at here gor… 阅读更多内容