How to Correct a Pistol Malfunction in a Stress Shoot. Technique First, this technique is ONLY employed during a stress shoot situation...meaning in a furball. If this was done on a police range, the recruit would be removed from the line after the second time. The reason is that since police ranges get thousands of rounds brought in five gallon buckets, usually it's about 3k a bucket and we go through at least five of them per recruit class. So, out of 15k rounds, there will be a round that wasn't made correctly. To ensure student safety, we teach them about squibs and misfires. There's… 阅读更多内容
Shot Placement in Stress Shooting
Shot Placement in Stress Shooting Target is target. One tries their best to get that bullet into that target 25 yards away or however far you plan to place the target. Simple right? Combat. I'm good but a little luck can go a very long way and I fully believe in the old saying that there are no winners in war/fights. Just survivors. I have survived all my engagements in the past with a few dings but I've been very lucky. Take this information with a grain of salt. It's more philosophical rather than tactics I believe. Can I consistently drill the same hole in a piece of paper o… 阅读更多内容
Cornering, Cutting the Pie and the Enigma of CQB.
Cornering, Cutting the Pie and the Enigma of CQB. CQB (Close Quarters Battle), it has a stigma of trained SF operators running around wasting everything like a Segal movie doesn't it? Horse puckey. Once you pick up a weapon, be it your hands, your knife, handgun or rifle and engage possible targets in a closed area like your home, it's CQB. What does it mean? It's a fancy way of saying, we're fighting close in a small area. There are no sniper vs. sniper battles here. Just you, your weapon, timing, skill and a little luck. These techniques will work with either handgun or r… 阅读更多内容
Reflexive and Instinctive Handgun Shooting
Reflexive and Instinctive Handgun Shooting Technique I know that we've all been taught to use our sights and we've all been told to rotate towards the target as well. Almost like a tank turret. We rotate our upper bodies around towards the target to get the shot. What if I told you that from 7 yards/meters, you don't need your sights and you don't need to expend time or energy towards the target? How is this done? Reflexive & Instinctive shooting. It is a fading art... As k**s we all saw it. In spaghetti westerns with Clint Eastwood or old westerns like High Noon, we never s… 阅读更多内容
The Fatal Funnel
The Fatal Funnel. The Gateway to the Void The Fatal Funnel Definitions, Techniques and Avoidance. Recently a policeman was wounded severely by answering a domestic v******e call. Many first responders have made the mistake of getting on their game face on too late and have succumbed to their complacency. Many of them stepped into the fatal funnel. What is it? A fatal funnel is any geographic area both man made or natural in which a person steps into that is defined as a entry or exit point or an area considered a high avenue of approach. During which an aggressor will pummel… 阅读更多内容
Weak Hand Engagement/Shooting
Weak Hand Engagement/Shooting DISCLAIMER: This is an interesting series of articles written by me about techniques and equipment in regards to fighting with a firearm. The content should not be considered actual training but rather good information like you'd find in any gun magazine. The content or comments should not reflect upon this forum or myself nor should the forum be held liable for the content provided. This is for information only. If you want to seek formal training yourself, seek a qualified instructor or trainer and check with your local law enforcement ju… 阅读更多内容
Positioning while Shooting
Positions Positioning, what does that mean? Exactly what it means. The positions a shooter uses to get lead on target. If one ever served in the Armed forces, you learned the rifle, machinegun and the pistol. With a rifle or MG, one hardly ever shoots standing up. Most of the training is done from the prone position or shooting standing supported up in a fighting position. In handgun, one never really trained to shoot it in a prone position. Why is that? Think about the disciplines; Law Enforcement rarely ever train to shoot prone. Besides, it does narrow your mobility. Most of all handg… 阅读更多内容
Muscle Memory & Training Guides
Muscle Memory Equals Repetitive Training! Muscle Memory - is defined as a physiological involuntary action by a person brought on by repetitive action and training to react to a event. It is by far one of my favorite subjects when I lecture and train recruits. I will give you an example on how we train muscle memory in recruits. In Police work when a person arrives and interacts with a subject they will assume a a non-aggressive stance, which would evolve to a aggressive fighting stance or if threatened with deadly force, they will also be ready to assume a shooting stance. This i… 阅读更多内容
The Lesson of the Flying Brick
Kinetic Energy Transfer, Shot Placement & Flying Bricks I like using this example because most folks get it and I call it the lesson of the flying brick. If you have a regular brick...and had the ability to throw it into a persons body at a thousand feet per second what would happen? Your target will be incapacitated and dead in a short while but will the target stop? Probably not. The brick would fly right through them splattering his guts out the other side and staining the wall behind them. Will it kill him? a few seconds. Will he stop? Maybe not. The human body is pretty res… 阅读更多内容
How to Instruct Different Types of Students
Teaching Firearms to Different Students How do you teach Firearms? How to Identify your Student? As a regular Joe Blow whom has taught firearms in the military, police and local militia armies in a few places over the world, I've come across some students that can be simply explained by The Pixie Dust Theory. The Pixie Dust Theory is something one of my instructors taught me when I was attending his Instructor's Course. He simply explained too me about 15 years ago that as an Instructor you will be the magical Pixie. You will spread your knowledge base around and you will notic… 阅读更多内容
My Top 10 Things that Annoy Me About Some Chicks a
My Top 10 Things that Annoy Me About Some Chicks and Why 10. Big Chicks and Tight Clothes - First, let me articulate clearly that this isn’t anything against larger women. It’s how some present themselves. Haven’t you ever seen a big/fat chick that just tries way too hard by wearing things that only enhances their fatness? Although I have heard of “big boned” women, have you ever really ever seen a skeleton that reflects that? There’s no example at the Mutter Museum that I know of. I know that some men love BBW’s and are confirmed “Chubby Chasers” but IM… 阅读更多内容
(Poetry) I Still Long For You
Your presence still haunts my neurotic thoughts and all my nocturnal dreams. Half a year has gone by since we’ve made love and I still hear your erotic screams. Your memory is seared in my mind as I remember your beautiful face. But now I stare at the side of the bed which is now an empty space. I was your Master and Servant, someone you thought you could tame. I watched you writhe in pleasured agony, and felt you as you came. I can feel your juices flowing down as l brought you closer to me. I can feel your body grinding slowly with unbridled energy. I hear your cries of passion a… 阅读更多内容