When there is a change in cabin pressure...

If you have ever flown on a plane you may remember the part of the safety instructions that goes something like this. "If there is a change in cabin pressure oxygen masks will be released from the compartment above. Pull on one this will start the flow of oxygen to the mask. Place it over your nose and mouth and breathe normally. If you need to assist others remember to put on your own mask first before helping others." The first time I ever really thought about what they were saying I was a little shocked and thought "... wow that is so selfish." After greater reflection and conve… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mzprudencejuris 10 年 前 6

Strong enough to surrender?

Often I am impressed by the power of surrender and the level of strength it takes to do it. As I have been mentored by some very experienced Doms/Dommes I come to understand that the most critical aspect in the power exchange relationship is the psychological aspect. No matter what a Dom/Domme or sub states as their essential piece of the power exchange the mental aspect is essential. This is the basis for trust. Trust is the most important step to take. Think about it, if there is no trust between parties then how do they open enough to surrender? I believe each side of the "sla… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mzprudencejuris 10 年 前 14

Basic Thoughts on DD in FLR

I believe in the use of punishment rituals, including corporal punishment, to have a strong relationship and maintain household order and good discipline. I am very interested in domestic discipline (DD) as part of my view of traditional relationships in female led relationship (FLR). My experience with FLR began some 10 years ago when I dropped by to ask my neighbor Brenda a question about the shrubs on the property line. I went to the back door to ask about cutting the bushes we shared. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. As I started to leave I heard a loud voice. I waited thi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mzprudencejuris 10 年 前 17

Chastity Device (Cages): Orgasm control and more.

The relationship I have with My sub is not romantic and I do not expect to have all My needs met by one partner especially since the One I love, not My sub, lives so far away. I think it is ridiculous to impose the restriction of singular sexual loyalty on someone else. I require My sub to wear a cage not as a way to keep him loyal/honest, but as a way to keep him focused on his service to me. It is purely a signal to the sub that I, the Mistress, am in control and have the power to impose My will. If the sub attempts to remove the cage prior to My direction, or in a situation sub desires rel… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mzprudencejuris 10 年 前 23