Her 25th birthday party…. Most people have gone, it’s past midnight, but Keith is lingering, so much so that he is the last to leave, except that he doesn’t. I’ve had too much to drink, slumped on an armchair and they must think I’m asleep because they are too close for comfort on the sofa. Whispering. Then not whispering, but kissing. I’ve seen her kiss a few men before, at parties, the wine affects her, so no need to panic. Except that this is not a standing-up kiss while dancing, it’s a long lingering kiss accompanied by the rustling of her dress as his hand disappears beneath the folds and… 阅读更多内容
How intimate would Sue get with her grandad lover?
How would it end with Maurice? I really had no idea, My thoughts were filled with images of my young wife lying with her legs open and her gorgeous ginger pussy exposed as he fingered her to orgasm...what sounds did she make, what thoughts were in her head, how excited was he, deprived of female company for so long but now with a leggy young beauty opening her legs for him? The following day was wet and windy, and we stayed home, I was trying to act normal but my thoughts were filled with erotic images and the certain knowledge that Sue would pay him another visit when night fell, in all hone… 阅读更多内容
Wife’s sexy adventure with grandad Maurice, part 2
I must admit that I couldn’t help thinking about how Maurice had felt Sue’s perfect little bum the day before and then got so excited just by kissing her that he came in his trousers, but then I thought, of course that could happen, he had been alone for many years, and there he was in the hallway of his own home with a stunning young redhead who was clearly attracted to him. It must have felt like a dream. On the first two occasions when they had just kissed Sue had been quite giggly about the game when talking about it afterwards, but after Maurice had cum against her leg she was more silent… 阅读更多内容
Birthday treat for grandad Arthur, 73... and me
He lifts my dress as we kiss in that quiet corner, pulling it up at the sides, over my hips, and I sense his excitement as he looks down to look at my white knickers in the half light. He seems uncertain as to what to do next. When was the last time you felt a pussy, I ask him in a whisper. Oooo, maybe 10 years ago, he says, smiling. He would have been in his 60s then, now he has just celebrated his 73rd birthday. But looking younger and fitter than his age. I open my legs, take his hand and place it between my thighs to show him that his long wait is over, and sense again his excitement as I… 阅读更多内容
I love sex, I adore men, does that make me a slut
If I have a problem with this site and others like it, it is the mean streak of misogyny which runs through it. You can see it plainly in the video titles and descriptions. Sex is about two people enjoying each other, or it should be anyway. When a man is fucking me, I don't think he's a slut. I can look in his eyes and fall in love with him for the pleasure he is giving me, at least for as long as it lasts. If I suck his cock and taste the very essence of him, I don't think he's a slut or a whore for allowing me to do it. So is he a slut and a whore when he tastes me and thrills me in doing s… 阅读更多内容
Pleasuring a stranger in the dark after he had fin
My chat with worthatry after I had described how I had been felt up and fingered slowly and beautifully at a 'dark' event in deepest London. I went there with one of my girl friends and she got fucked but I was more than happy with my little encounter: ''So I put my hand insde and felt a very damp patch on his pants so I knew he had been turned on.... i fumbled a little to bring him out and he took his trousers and pants down to his knees, leaving himself free. He had lots of pre cum which I spread all over him. I think he was cut, his head felt very slippery, he was hard from the moment I… 阅读更多内容
What my wife wrote to a friend
Hello Colin, that all sounds so horny and when you meet them I want you to tell me all about it, everything you can remember in every little detail. I wonder what Maria is like.. age, size, etc and if you will be the first man to touch her other than her husband. You must remember what a special moment it will be for her when you get to the point of touching her virgin pussy, i hope it is nice and moist for you. I say virgin because that's what a woman feels like when a new man starts to explore her most intimate places. I am sure you will make her cum, she will be gagging for it I'm sure but… 阅读更多内容
Susannah tells me about her 'fabulous' f
My heart beats faster when I am at the races with a hundred quid riding on a horse; I get a thrill from hitting a great golf shot and like all men I quiver when I see a beautiful woman. A fabulous sunset fills me with pleasure and when my favourite soccer team scores, I'm bursting with delight. But nothing is so agonisingly exciting as waiting for my wife to come home after a date. My first story describes how I discovered that Susannah had cheated on me after three years of marriage (I'm the lucky one, she is 20 years younger), and the mixture of feelings and emotions I endured. But by far t… 阅读更多内容
She opens her legs and sins
So my young wife 'sinned' for the first time about two years ago and I must confess I stilll get a hard-on thinking about it, every time! She is 20 years younger so I suppose it was inevitable, but it was still a huge surprise when it happened.. and I'll admit feelings of jealousy and a little anger before my primal instincts took over. I would never have known but for seeing a message on What's App from a former work colleague and it was obvious to me what happened. Eventually she owned up and over a period of time told me everything, on the grounds that only then could I forgive her. But m… 阅读更多内容