I was talking with this person and eventually we wanted to exchange picture's.... stupid me thinking she (he prolly) would send me a real picture unlike i did https://xhamster.com/user/JainaBelle If this person ever sent you a picture with a light blue bra and white shorts please let me know , she's using the picture of me i gave her...… 阅读更多内容
Roleplay Day ≧◡≦
Soooo i've been getting allot of messages (wich i did not expect) Well i expected some but this is just a crazy amount ≧◡≦ I had some free time but i won't always be able to reply this much , so i was thinking about having a kinda "Roleplay Day" where i would be able to reply the whole and RP with everybody that enjoys RP'ing! Nyaaaa~ Or i can just reply when i have some free time :v Let me know what you think pleaseee ≧◡≦ Love Neko-chan / Felicia-chan Nyaaaa~… 阅读更多内容