I have been chatting to a friend here almost from my first days on the site. He used to write fascinating stories; very left field… Which was what first caught my attention. He was very pleased and proud to say that his wife was the inspiration, and I in turn was inspired by some of his advice. He was an elderly gentleman and had confided in me about some of their experiences together. He also told me about a serious illness that he had. I used to urge him to take it easy but you know what men of that age are like. His last message to me was over six months ago. He was too much of a gentleman… 阅读更多内容
An odd user name...
I was contacted by a user. I received a message and a friend request. Sillyson was his name. Sillyson had made friends and saved favourites, including one of mine and one of a friend. I was considering my response when I logged on to find in place the name ##154464856_664c17b4e0ecd and a note that the account had retired.I've seen that sort of number before. What does it mean?… 阅读更多内容
Response to a douche and new friend reticence.
Allow me to share something with the group, which may be of interest to potential friends. Up until the start of the year (2024), I had a friend on here. We chatted, role played, wrote intimate stories. I poured my heart into what I wrote, exploring fantasies and even memories. Some very intimate and some painful ones too. I shared deeply personal sexual activities. Then I caught him in a lie. A straight up bare faced lie. I called him out on the lie. He refused to admit it despite all the evidence. He tried love bombing and gaslighting me. So, like so many other women have done before me… 阅读更多内容
A family affair... Almost.
Chapter 1. Ok. To set the scene I should stress that this happened a long time ago; in the late 80s actually, and it was between consenting adults. I was 19 and had been in the WRNS for about a year. Jim was my step grandfather... stress the step! My grandmother had passed away three years before; Jim was her second husband. Younger than her and to describe him, I would have to use the word trim. Not that I had any experience of men; just some fumbling in a friend’s bedroom that had led to an ejaculation at my entrance, all over my labia and mound, followed by his quick exit and a short-lived… 阅读更多内容
Cock Rings. Is it a Dom or sub thing?
Hi all. I saw a couple of men walking down the beach in this video; https://xhamster.com/videos/nudes-walking-on-beach-bvr-3873571 I've seen others like it too, but at 3.53 to the end a man is wearing what looks like a metal ring round his cock and balls. My question is why? Is it a dom or sub thing, something else or is it just for decoration? There is one at 2.20 too. I had been told they maintained erections but as you can see, thsts not the case. 58 seconds into this one too https://xhamster.com/videos/cap-d-agde-walking-xednorton-4474696… 阅读更多内容
The coach trip - For a friend. Ch1
This is fiction. I'm writing it for a friend. Sadly, she left XHamster, and I sort of lost inspiration. Perhaps I'll write more one day. Or maybe just stick with true events.… 阅读更多内容
At the Beach - No sex.
I have been asked to recount my experience on the beach this summer. There is no sex in it; well not directly anyway. We were on holiday in Greece this summer. It was a beautifully hot week, all week. My husband has always wanted me to go topless on a beach, and up until recently I never had, but then on our last holiday I did, just for him. He was thrilled and I received the benefit later on. I'm outwardly quite reserved, and I do struggle to be 'overt'. As we all lay on our loungers on the beach in a relatively quiet part of the complexes beach; close enough to the bar, but far en… 阅读更多内容
My first time shaved in public and smoking.
I get asked this quite a lot in chat, and whilst its nice to recall the memory, it gets a bit of a pain after the fifth time that week! Bless you boys! I was a bit of a late developer. I was still almost flat chested when this all happened. I'd developed hair down there about six months before. My friend Stacy (name changed to protect the guilty lol)and decide we were going to try smoking for the first time, but were both paranoid that our parents would find out. Stacy had heard that eating an apple afterwards helped get rid of the breath. Back in the early 80's it was common to see people… 阅读更多内容